SuitEd reviews


Member since: 18-03-2013Country: TurkeyCity: Istanbul Send PM


  • Miss Julia B reviews 14-04-2023
    Meeting dateDurationCityLooksServicesCommunication
    2023-04-01 120 Istanbul
    : 10.0
    : 10.0
    : 10.0
    Extra Ball
    With tongue
    Without condom
    Yes, spits it out
    Natural breasts
    Multiple times allowed
    Real picture
    Miss Julia B - escort review from Turkey Go to profile
    All photos are 100% real. She is a very warm and fun person to hang out with. Perfectly professional but also does everything to provide pleasure which she enjoys as well. Just leave yourself to her and watch in admiration.

    Definitely worth every penny.
  •   29-12-2022
    Meeting dateDurationCityLooksServicesCommunication
    2022-12-28 1 hour Istanbul
    : 10.0
    : 10.0
    : 10.0
    Extra Ball
    With tongue
    Without condom
    Silicone tits
    Multiple times allowed
    Real picture
     - escort review from Turkey
    Herkese selamlar.
    Benden önce de defalarca pozitif yorum almış, üstadlarca önerilmiş biri olsa da, yorum yapmadan geçemeyeceğim Julie için.

    Bu aralar biraz koşturmalı bir dönemde olduğum için bu şekilde stres atma aktivitelerimi de sıklaştırmam gerekti. Sitedeki mevcut ilanlar arasında pek ilgimi çeken ve garanti bir seçenek göremediğimden ajanslara mesaj attım. PRD çok hızlı ve geniş bir listeyle döndü; anlaşılan o ki sitede o esnada ilanı olmayan aktif isimler de çıkabiliyor.

    Bir fotoğraftaki kızımızı beğendiğimi soyledim; ajans da kızın Julie olduğunu belirtti. O an hatırladım aslında hep görmek isteyip fırsat bulamadığım Julie'den bahsedildiğini.
    Neyse efendim akşam saatlerinde Anadolu Yakası'ndaki otele giriş yaptım. Engel atlamak gerekmeden odaya çıkıldı. Kızımız bir içim su. Abartmıyorum, bugüne kadar buralardan denk geldiğim en güzel yüz olabilir. Vücut da çok sağlam. Geniş omuzlar, uzun boy... Gençliğini net gösteriyor Julie.

    Sempatik, sıcak, konuşkan ama işini aksatmayan disiplinli bir yaklaşımı var.
    Oda tertemiz, düzenli, çok titiz olduğu belli bu konuda ve bu da güven veriyor.
    BJ çok iyiydi. Hardcore bir tarzı var diyemem ama çok çok iyiydi.
    Dediğim gibi ufak tefek bir kız değil, boyu bosu yerinde. Pozisyon almada kolaylık sağlar, tecrübe sağlam.

    Genel olarak harika vakit geçirdim ve her ne kadar neredeyse hiç yapmasam da bunu, sanırım ilk fırsatta tekrar goreceğim Julie'yi.

    Ajans da hızlı ve net iletişim kuruyor. Eskilerden bildiğimiz performansını gosterdi.
  • NADIN ELIT reviews 23-12-2022
    Meeting dateDurationCityLooksServicesCommunication
    2022-12-22 60 Istanbul
    : 10.0
    : 10.0
    : 9.0
    Extra Ball
    With tongue
    Without condom
    In face
    Silicone tits
    Don't know
    Real picture
    NADIN ELIT  - escort review from Turkey Go to profile
    Cümleten selamlar...

    Uzun ve renkli yorumlarıyla hepimize ışık tutan usta müdavimlere selam ederek Nadin'e geçiyorum.
    Her şeyden önce fotoğraflar tamamen gerçek. Çok sağlam bir vücut, güzel bir yüz, tertemiz bir teni var. Her gördüğünde falso arayan biri olarak, Nadin'de hiçbir falso bulamadığımı belirtmek istiyorum.

    Otel merkezi, ödemesiz direkt odaya geçiliyor. Kız çok temiz ve titiz.
    BJ çok başarılı, kendini de veriyor mevzuya. Söylendiği gibi online stream mevzuları olan bir kız. İşi biliyor.

    Şu ara pek de seçenek olmadıgını düşünürsek çok yerinde bir tercih olur Nadin. Tekrar kesinlikle gidilir.
    Ajansın da hızlı yanıt verdiğini ve iyi çalıştığını söylemeliyim.
  • ozge reviews 28-07-2022
    Meeting dateDurationCityLooksServicesCommunication
    2022-07-27 30 Istanbul
    : 10.0
    : 10.0
    : 10.0
    Extra Ball
    Without tongue
    Without condom
    Silicone tits
    Don't know
    Real picture
    ozge - escort review from Turkey Go to profile
    Sık yorum yapan kullanıcıların sağladığı katkıdan faydalanan biri olarak, ben de bir yorumla çorbaya tuz katayım istedim. Normalde pek girmediğim bir top bu. Ne de olsa herkesin zevki farklı oluyor, o yüzden çok da "şöyle güzel, böyle iyi" gibi kişisel yorumlara dikkat etmiyorum. Genel olarak güvenilirlik daha önemli oluyor, çünkü onun kişisel bir tarafı yok, tamamen nesnel bir durum.

    Özge bu konuda iletişim kurduğunuz ilk andan itibaren fark yaratıyor. Hızlı cevap veriyor. Net konuşuyor. Bekletmiyor, yormuyor. İstanbul Anadolu Yakası'nda son derece merkezi bir bölgede, gayet yüksek kaliteli bir residance'a davet ediyor. Sorunsuz bir şekilde ulaşabiliyorsunuz.

    Fotoğraflar profesyonel çekim olunca endişelenebiliyoruz, oynama var mıdır diye. Elbette belli ölçüde herkeste oluyor ama Özge'ninkiler kendisini net şekilde yansıtıyor. Bana göre fotoğraflardan bile daha çekici, ufak tefek ve çok seksi bir kadın Özge. Memnuniyet açısından ne gerekirse yaptığını, talepleri dinlediğini ve uyguladığını da belirtmem gerekir.

    Kısa sürede ikinci bir görüşmeye beni ikna edecek bir sonuç elde ettik, ki huyumdur, hiçbir zaman 2. görüşme yapmam, çok az sayıda yabancı istisna haricinde.

    Son derece kaliteli bir tecrübe için çekinmeden, güvenle Özge ile görüşebilirsiniz.

    Not: CIM, Anal, Extra ball gibi durumlarımız bu buluşmada kısa sürede yaşanmadığı için belirtmedim. Sunulan servisler dahilinde olabilir, Özge'yle konuşmanızda fayda var.

  • Elinor reviews 27-01-2021
    Meeting dateDurationCityLooksServicesCommunication
    2021-01-27 60 min Istanbul
    : 10.0
    : 10.0
    : 10.0
    Extra Ball
    With tongue
    Without condom
    In face
    Natural breasts
    Multiple times allowed
    Real picture
    Elinor - escort review from Turkey Go to profile
    (English text below)

    Görüşmeden şu an döndüm. Uzun süredir yorum yazmıyordum kimseye. Fakat Elinor için yazmasam olmazdı. Burada ne belirttiyse fazlası var, eksiği yok. Asla pişman olmazsınız. Harika bir fizik, aşık olunacak bir yüzü var. Kapıdan girdiğiniz andan itibaren sizi rahatlatmak ve memnun etmek için elinden geleni yapıyor. İletişim (İngilizce) mükemmel. Servisler kusursuz. Normalde herkese 10 vermeyi sevmem. 10 vermeyince de tepki veren kızlar oluyor. O yüzden yorum yazmıyordum yıllardır. Elinor, eğer bir "10" varsa, bunu sonuna kadar hak ediyor. Tekrar gelmesini iple çekeceğim.

    I've just came back from our date with Elinor. I haven't been writing a review for a long long time but it just wouldn't be right not to write one for Elinor. Whatever she has written on her page here, they are all true. Nothing less and in fact, much more... You'll never regret a date with Elinor. A great body, a face to fall in love with. She does everything possible to get you relaxed and make you happy, the minute you walk into her room. Her English is perfect. Services are nothing short of quality. I haven't been writing reviews because I don't like handing out "10" points for everyone and then again, if you don't give 10s, girls may get a little angry... But if there is a "10" in this world... Elinor is that.

    I'd definitely see her again. Thanks El.
  • Cindy Crown reviews 24-05-2015
    Meeting dateDurationCityLooksServicesCommunication
    2015-05-24 30 min Istanbul
    : 10.0
    : 10.0
    : 10.0
    Extra Ball
    With tongue
    Without condom
    Silicone tits
    Don't know
    Real picture
    Cindy Crown - escort review from Turkey Go to profile
    One of the best, if not "the best" experience so far.
    Cindy is a real pro and I mean that as a good thing. It starts with communication on the phone before the setup and carries on until you leave the room. Her English is perfect and this makes sure that there are no misunderstandings.
    Cindy actively tries to make her guest happy and does not fake it or look overly enthusiastic about it, so it feels natural.
    She is a tall and very fit lady; has a beautiful face, perfect body.

    She is a quality woman and deserves respect. So you need to take care of very simple things before you meet Cindy.
    1. Be clean and hygenic.
    2. Communicate clearly.
    3. Act politely and nicely.
    4. And finally, as she puts it, "switch off your brain" once you enter the room.

    Show her respect and she will make you a happier man, even in 30 minutes.

    Thanks, Cindy
  • Elle reviews 14-07-2014
    Meeting dateDurationCityLooksServicesCommunication
    2014-07-11 1 hours Istanbul
    : 10.0
    : 10.0
    : 10.0
    Extra Ball
    With tongue
    Without condom
    Natural breasts
    Multiple times allowed
    10% fixed in Photoshop
    Elle - escort review from Turkey Go to profile
    Elle is definitely one of the top ladies I've encountered here.
    You can keep your expectations high and not be disappointed for a change. She looks exactly the same as in the photos and is a charming woman. She is extremely fit and has perfect, velvet skin. Elle is a friendly and talkative girl, you will have fun even if you can manage to hold yourself back and not touch her at all during your stay. She can provide a true girlfriend experience... A girlfriend who is great in bed and tries her best to make you happy. If we get more technical, she has very good BJ skills, likes doggy (and is very good at it as well), kisses intensively and follows your instructions on the bed.
    I was quite tired when I met her and went home as a happy guy. Thank you Elle, for making my day a better one ;)
  • Jessica reviews 09-05-2013
    Meeting dateDurationCityLooksServicesCommunication
    2013-05-08 2 hours Istanbul
    : 10.0
    : 10.0
    : 10.0
    Extra Ball
    With tongue
    Without condom
    Yes, swallows
    Silicone tits
    Multiple times allowed
    Real picture
    Jessica - escort review from Turkey Go to profile
    PS: I have chosen YES for anal sex because she asked me beforehand if I wanted to do it but I did not try it.
    PS2: Her silicone breasts couldn't be any more natural. She'll make you forget all you think you know about silicone breasts.

    I consider myself as a man who is gets along well with words. I can explain anything and anyone with words without any problem usually... But this time it's different because after my time with Jess, I'm lost for words... I don't think there is any way of explaining what happens when you meet Jess; you just have to experience it yourself. What I can do is tell a story of our 2 hours and you guys can just find anything essential for you within that story, ok?

    First of all we have shifted our planned meeting time due some unfortunate issues. Normally I would never wait and I'd cancel the program right away but Jess' messages were so nice and kind I ended up wanting to see her even more than before. She was in one of the brand hotels so going in and out was never a problem. When Jess opened the door for me she had this sexy lingerie combo on her. I can't say I was surprised. I was expecting this kind of beauty what with all the reviews here and stuff.You know that people say that she is much more beautiful than her pictures here and yes she is... But still, despite all these high expectations you just can't help shaking, you can't stop your heart beating so fast, you can't sit right because you are dizzy... What you do is you think "God I hope I'm not drooling!".

    Then comes the drink and she eases you down and then... You wonder what happens next right? Well, Jess "happens".
    Whatever she does in that room, within your time she does it by heart and she does everything she can to make you happy.
    I tell you, it's not easy to make me happy... But when Jess was done with her magic I had this broad smile on my face. The thing is, so did she :)

    Long story short, Jess is a professional in a good way. She is your best friend and girl friend and sex-partner all together in one stunningly beautiful package. She is like a pornstar, who still is at her peak and doesn't need cameras, light and a huge set to present her show. (Jess would know what I mean) :)

    So thank you very much again Jess. I can't wait to see you again soon to try some more of all these new stuff for me ;)

  • ERIKA-CDC reviews 21-04-2013
    Meeting dateDurationCityLooksServicesCommunication
    2013-04-21 60 min Istanbul
    : 8.0
    : 4.0
    : 7.0
    Extra Ball
    With tongue
    With condom
    Natural breasts
    Don't know
    30% fixed in Photoshop
    ERIKA-CDC - escort review from Turkey Go to profile
    First of all, Erica looks better in real life than her photos. She is a tall girl with a nice, sweet face and green eyes. She is not the slimmest girl in the world but she is also not fat. Her body proportions are almost perfect.

    Erica speaks enough English to get by. You can talk about anything and she would understand you, including your jokes and she can also respond. She was actually somewhat shy in our meeting, maybe because she is quite new in this type of business. Therefore you should initiate the "first contact" and you should lead her. She may not touch you before you start things off first, as it was the case with my session.

    There were a couple of problems in our meeting. First the time management was not good on her side. So the time was up before we even got started. It is also my fault, since I am not very experienced in this type of meeting I did not keep track of time as well, so not all the blame goes to Erica. Another issue was the OWO... I was told that OWO was allowed but she asked me to put a condom on even before my boxer was down. :) When I was trying to explain that I was told OWO was allowed, the room door opened and somebody (probably housekeeping) peeked in, saw that the room was occupied (thankfully didn't see us) and went away. This event of course pretty much killed all the libido I had and Erica also told me that time was up so I didn't say anything and started to put my clothes back on and went away...

    To conclude. She is a nice girl. Sweet and beautiful. But you need to keep the lashes and pull the trigger yourself. Don't wait for her to snuggle into you or bury you into the bed at the 10th minute of the meeting. If you are an experienced person in these meetings, go and see her. If not... Well then go and get some experience somewhere else since it's certainly needed in the room and Erica does not have it. :) I might go and see her once she or I get more experience in my pocket :)