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She had a clipboard with her and was making notes on a sheet of paper. She seemed to be examining the packing labels of several large boxes stacked at the doorway. Every so often a label would be near the floor and she’d have to lean over to read it. I got to see plenty of ass-cheek. She was wearing thong undies. Suddenly she stopped what she’d been doing and turned away from the door. I saw someone come partially into view and they seemed to engage in some brief conversation. Then she put down the clipboard and looked out the doorway. She glanced around and then scanned my building, but I guess she couldn’t see me because of the glare off the windows from the evening twilight. Finally the other person walked all the way into my view. It was one of the dock workers, a huge black guy. He’s got a bit of paunch around the middle, but otherwise he looked like he kept in shape. He walked right up to her and wrapped his big arms around her. She seemed to snuggle into his chest, but then she leaned away and looked around the warehouse again. I saw him smile and then she pushed him toward one of the large boxes. I now had a side view of them.
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He leaned down and they started kissing deeply. He was running his hands all over her body; up and down her back, over her ass, even up under her tiny black skirt. She had dropped one hand down to his crotch and was vigorously massaging what even I could see was a huge bulge. She deftly undid his pants and reached inside. He leaned his head back. Obviously whatever she was doing was having a great effect on him. It was having an effect on me too as I had to adjust the way I was sitting to remain comfortable. I thought about things as I watched her slowly drop to her knees and decided I would go ahead and take out my cock. Once she got to her knees she grabbed his jeans and yanked them to his ankles. She then reached up and yanked down his white boxer-briefs. What sprang free was more than either of us was ready for. His cock must’ve been 9 or 10 inches and she leaned away from it as it bobbed near her face. He smiled down at her and she grinned back up at him. She stuck out her tongue and licked up the underside before placing a kiss on the tip. I stroked myself slowly and adjusted my arm to steady my view of the action.Greece is known to be the land of the gods and goddesses. And they sure have lots of them still scattered all around the country. Goddesses in the persona of beautiful Athens Call Girls in Greece are always a delight to admire - much more if you can talk
She wrapped her lips around it and slid as much of it in her mouth as she could. She began bobbing quickly up and down his thick shaft. He leaned his head back and caressed her hair while she worked his cock. She had reached around and was squeezing his ass. Then she moved her hands around front. With one hand she grabbed the base of his tool. The other was tugging at his heavy balls. She was relentless. She was in a groove with her head bobbing up and down on this pole. Still massaging and tugging at his balls she started working her other hand up and down the part of his shaft that wouldn’t fit down her throat.call girl athens
He had dropped his hands to the box edge to steady himself and I could see his knees buckle a little. Then she picked up the pace a bit and I saw her cheeks hollow out some. She had a vacuum lock on his cock and I didn’t think she was going to let go for anything. He began thrusting into her face and she steadied herself so he could throatfuck her. Finally we entered the home stretch. I was stroking so fast I could’ve hurt myself. I watched as he thrust into her mouth a couple more times and then he dumped his load down her throat. I blasted my load all over the wall below the window. I think she swallowed it all. At least I didn’t see any drip on her shirt. She proceeded to clean up his cock, licking it up and down as it began to deflate. I cleaned up and stopped paying attention to them, but something caught my eye again and I had to stop what I was doing. I quickly grabbed the binoculars to see what was happening now. The black guy was nowhere in sight. He must’ve cleared out quick and she was leaning on one of the boxes reading a label on a higher box when someone else walked up to her.Greece Escorts Directory - Ellada Escort, Athens Escort, Thessaloniki Girls, Outcall, Incall, High Class Escort, EscortNews, Escort Agency, Escorts Service, Escort Elite, Ladies Tours, Hellas Escorts, Ellada Escorts, Escort Directory, Greece Girls, Greece
It was some Latino guy and he slapped her ass playfully. She glanced back at him and then leaned her head to one side. He must’ve been nibbling on her neck because she had closed her eyes and was leaning back into him some. They separated a bit and he pushed her until she was leaning all the way on the large box in front of her. He stood behind her and ran his hands over her ass. He unzipped her skirt at her hip and then helped her wiggle it off her hips and to the floor. The thong she was wearing was white and he was caressing her bare ass cheeks. He grabbed the thong and pulled it down as he dropped to his knees behind her. He buried his face between her ass cheeks and she seemed to be enjoying whatever he was doing with his tongue. He didn’t stay down there long. He stood up and undid his jeans. He shoved them and his boxers to his ankles. His cock sprang free. It looked to be about 6 or 7 inches, but it definitely wasn’t as long as the other guy’s. He took himself in hand and ran the tip up and down her crack.mila swedish harmony
Then I watched as he positioned himself and pushed inside her. She threw her head back and pushed herself back toward him. He grabbed her hips once he was all the way in. She turned her head and smiled back at him as he began pumping her. It was then that she noticed me. I guess the sun had gone down enough that now I was silhouetted by my office lights. I was about to pull the binoculars from my eyes when she smiled at me. She then closed her eyes and threw her head back again. I felt my cock spring back to life and decided to go for a second orgasm. It’d be tough, but something told me it’d be worth the effort. To steady herself, she reached forward with her hands and took hold of the edge of the box she was leaning on. He ran his hands up and down her back then caressed her ass again. He was sliding slowly in and out of her. She must’ve been very wet because I saw her juices dripping onto the warehouse floor. Turning her head again, she said something to her temporary lover.Athens escorts agency is different from other escort agencies in Greece or Athens because we can guarantee to our costumers
Sorry I’m not a lip reader, but he picked up the pace right after that. She again smiled at me and added a wink. I stood up so she could maybe see that I was stroking myself. I think she could see because her smile widened before she closed her eyes again and got back into her groove. This guy had hold of her hips and was pounding away at her pussy. I watched her ass ripple with every thrust he gave her. He slowly moved his hands up her body, caressing her. He massaged her tits through her shirt and bra and then moved his hands to her shoulders. Once he had her shoulders he began to really slam her hard. She was bouncing forward on the box despite his grip. She tightened her grip on the box and pushed back into his thrusts. I watched as he pulled back and pounded her violently. She arched her back and threw back her head. Her long blonde hair flew over her back and his arms. I blasted my second load all over the window, cumming at the same time she apparently did.Greece Escorts; Athens Greece Female Escorts; Lamia Greece Female Adult Entertainers; Thessaloniki Greece Female Escort; Heraklion Greece Women Escorts
He kept pumping her for all she was worth and she kept riding him, stretching out her orgasm. I watched this girl, spellbound. She turned her head and smiled big. I don’t know if it was for me or because she was in orgasmic bliss, but then she just lay down on the box. The guy moved his hands back to her hips and started to slow down. She said something and he quickly pulled out and shot his considerable load all over her ass cheeks. She reached back and got some of his spunk on one of her fingers. While looking at me she slowly licked the finger clean. This guy was gone just as fast as the other one and she was left to clean up. I continued to watch her as she cleaned herself up. After she finished she held up a hand to me. Then she grabbed the clipboard and flipped the paper over. She quickly wrote something down and then showed it to me. It was a phone number. Hmmm….escort female, escort female search, escort ads, escort job search, adoos, escort, adoos announcement, adoos lady, adoos escort ladies, escort girl, istanbul escort, London escort, London escort, escort ladies, escort lady, escort ladies Call Escort ads,
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