
me and my teachers


My Art teacher is very hot and just about every guy in the school wanted a piece, if not all of her. Her name is Miss Smith, Veronica Smith, and despite being almost thirty she looked 22. She has shoulder length blonde hair which looks amazing when its not tied up and she is around 5’7”. Some guys were bold and stupid to say the least, making rude gestures at her when she wasn’t looking, daring each other to ask her on a date and a number of other things which definitely weren’t going to happen.
You couldn’t blame anyone for wanting her and even I tried my best. My approach was more to suck up. Sit up the front, do chores for her, answer questions and pay attention etc, as well as being a good artist. She liked me but I was still a million miles off what I wanted. She was good friends with another teacher, a brunette drama teacher who had the most full bust I’ve ever seen. She would tease her students by wearing tight and slightly revealing tops and doing very … imaginative poses, as well as bending over every once in a while.
She was 25 and her and Miss Smith were good friends, just how good guys only dreamed of. Then one day I became the happiest guy in the school when I walked into Miss Smith’s art classroom after school to pick up my painting when I heard some very sexual noises. I told myself I must have been hearing things but upon peeking around the door I saw Miss Roberts, the drama teacher, spread out on a bench, her legs splayed apart and completely naked. Miss Smith was wearing only a sexy black bra and that was it. She also had a couple of fingers inside Miss Roberts’ soaking, shaved pussy and was pumping back and forth very hard. Her other hand was massaging her own breasts.

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I froze and instead of leaving I just stood at the doorway and watched. Miss Roberts finally came after what seemed like forever and she lay panting while Miss Smith licked her clean. I tried to leave but my body wasn’t letting me. Miss Roberts looked up and saw me standing watching her but I still couldn’t move. She gasped, then tapped Miss Smith on the shoulder. By then they had both seen me but luckily for me they wouldn’t want me leaving and telling the whole school about it. That was one up my sleeve so I tried to stay calm, composed and in control.
“It looks much better in real life” I ventured
They were both shocked and couldn’t think of anything to say.
“Sucks getting caught though doesn’t it”
This got them thinking before Miss Smith took control.
“You know you cant tell anyone about this. You’re too good to do that. ”
“But am I really going to leave empty handed?” I asked.
Miss Roberts looked scared about being told on as that would ruin her career. She grabbed her matching bra and panties and threw them at me in the hope I would leave satisfied. I took a long sniff and they smelled wonderful.

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“I’ll leave now and I won’t say anything but if it happens again I’ll need a bit more than clothing”
I grabbed my painting and put that and the underwear in my bag. When I got home I found somewhere to hide it and whenever I was alone I would pull them out and just smell them. They were so strong she must have cum in them before she took them off.
A number of weeks passed and Miss Smith was very anxious towards me making sure she didn’t do anything annoying or get me in trouble etc. just in case I did tell. I kept it a complete secret but I still wanted her, just like every other guy, but I had some leverage. I would walk past the art block as often as possible to try and catch them again but neither seemed to ever be there. Then one after noon I was lucky enough to see them both smiling, Miss Roberts leading Miss Smith by the hand in the direction of the Drama staff room.
When I got close I made sure to keep my distance and not get seen until they had started. After waiting around the corner for a few minutes I slowly sneaked around until I could just see inside the window. There was a piece of paper covering the majority of the small window in the door but there was a small gap at the bottom. I looked around to see if anyone was watching me, then once the coast was clear I peered in. Unfortunately they lacked imagination and they were doing the same thing only reversed roles and this time Miss Smith was wearing a sexy red bra while she got finger fucked.
I slowly and quietly turned the door handle but it wouldn’t turn. I thought it was just broken and needed a shove as many of the school doors do.

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   But I noticed a reflection of the handle in a mirror across the room and I could see it was locked. ‘Dam they’re learning’ I thought. So I pulled out my new camera phone I got for my Birthday a few days ago (which fortunately had very high resolution) and took a quick film and a couple of photo’s of their faces etc.
And no I’m not going to print a billion copies and spread them around the school. I don’t get what I want that way. Instead I printed a few different ones and slipped them inside my art assignment with a note written on the final one.
It said “I have a short film clip as well so now the ball is in your court. I suggest you both act very quickly to avoid any … incidents. And yes this is blackmail”
It was up front enough and now I just had to sit and wait. I gave them about a week but I only had to wait a day. Period 6 before school finished I had Art and Miss Smith dismissed the class except she told me to stay behind to go over my project.
“How could you do something like this!” she shouted in a whisper
“Very easily, you should be more careful. Where is Miss Roberts?”
“I'm here” a voice came from the door way.
So now it was just the three of us.

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   Now you two can run the show. ” I told them
They seemed somewhat prepared and led me down a corridor into the dark room, where you make photographic prints. They locked the door so no-one was getting in here nor were they going to see us. Miss Roberts turned the main light on after a minute of me already adjusting to the extreme darkness. They were both stark naked already and they told me to undress. Ahhhh, the joys of blackmail.
“Who first” asked Miss Smith
“I don’t mind, be as creative as you want”
With that Miss Smith knelt down and started sucking me off with her ass high in the air so Miss Roberts could access all areas from behind. We kept going like that for a while with Miss Smith moaning right onto my 6” from being fucked from behind. Then Miss Roberts stopped and Miss Smith stood up and slid me right into her and Miss Roberts sat down and watched us while she played with herself. The funny thing was they both seemed like they were enjoying it.
Whether they knew it or not, I lost my virginity right there and then and I blew my load, bigger than ever before as deep inside her as I could get. After 10 seconds or so after I’d finished I knelt down and started eating her out, exploring everywhere with my tongue. Flicking it back and forth over her lips, her clit and going deep inside to get some of her juices. She started to moan like crazy and I could hear Miss Roberts beside me reaching her own climax along with Miss Smith. It seemed like I was doing a good job so I kept going except with more rhythmic thrusts.

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This got her going even more and she started thrusting back at my face, and she grabbed a nearby bench top to steady herself.
“Oh God… im coming, oh, oh keep going… Ohhhhhhhhh”
And with that she came more than I’d ever imagined and I licked it up as hard and fast as I could. Miss Roberts came a few seconds after that and once I was done with Miss Smith, I moved over to her to clean her up. She massaged and pushed the back of my head into her leftovers while I licked clean her juices.
We all cleaned up and got dressed and I left without anyone saying a single word. Its nice to know we do that kind of thing at least every week not just because I might tell someone. Which I probably never will.
Thanks for reading – if you have any suggestions, comments or criticisms I’d be happy to hear them. Plz email me at.

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