Görüntüleme : 33874 (Bu ay: 102) Oluşturuldu 20-06-2022 (Değiştirildi: 24-09-2024)


Escorts Club Thessaloniki
Escort girl from Yunanistan -  Misley, her sexy photos, read reviews and comments, information
İnternet Kameraları Canlı Chat
Etnik kökenAvrupalı (beyaz)
Boy168 cm (5'6" ft)
Kilo51 kg (112.44 lb)
Göğüs tipiDoğal göğüsler
Kasık kılıTamamen tıraşlı
Dil: Rus  Russian Russian Russian Russian Russian
  İngiliz English English English
Kendi yerinde    Kendi yerinde: Hotel Odası
Sizin Yerinizde    Sizin Yerinizde: Otel ve Ev Ziyaretleri
Cinsel Yönelim: Heteroseksüel 
Buluştukları: Erkekler için müsait  Erkekler için müsait   


This is “Misley” the new Escort in Thessaloniki, from EscortClub, and a very special presence. A hot sensual lady, with wonderful slanted eyes, hot lips and an endless velvet body with nice breasts. A genuine female a woman who promises strong emotions. Have sex with this super sexy lady, cum in her mouth and enjoy the best sexual experience. Are you ready to test your strengths? 


Rates In-Call Eur:

4 hours: 550

Out-Call Eur:
1 hour: 140 + 20 (Taxi)

4 hours: 550

Extra Services:

  • Cum in face +20€
  • Cum in mouth +20€

Escorts Club Thessaloniki - Escorts & Call girls


SüreKendi yerindeSizin Yerinizde
30 dakika90 EUR
1 saat140 EUR160 EUR
1.5 saat210 EUR230 EUR
2 saat280 EUR280 EUR
3 saat410 EUR410 EUR
Sizin Yerinizde + Taksi
İletişim bilgisi
Ana şehir:Selanik 

İnceleme yaz View Misley reviews
  • ALEXANDROS33 21-06-2022
    Buluştuğu tarihSüreŞehirGörüntüsüServislerİletişim
    21-06-2022 60 Selanik
    : 10.0
    : 10.0
    : 10.0
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    10 ΕΠΕΙΔΗ ΔΕΝ ΥΠΑΡΧΕΙ 20 !!!!
    Με υποδέχτηκε με ένα σέξυ, όμορφο δαντελένιο λευκό κορμάκι.
    Από την πρώτη στιγμή σε κάνει να νιώσεις οικεία και ότι κάτι πολύ όμορφο θα συμβεί. Έψαξα να βρω κάποιο ψεγάδι αλλά ήταν αδύνατο να βρω κάτι. Είναι ακριβώς η κοπέλα των φωτό αλλά πολύ πιο όμορφη και πιο φυσική . Πανέμορφο πρόσωπο , μαλλιά καστανά μεταξένια , κορμί που όλα είναι σε τέλειες αναλογίες και πάρα πολύ σέξυ και ερωτικά !!! Πανέμορφο στήθος και απίστευτα πόδια!!! Η επιδερμίδα της βελούδινη !!!
    Δίνει ζεστά , υγρά , ερωτικά και αισθησιακά φιλιά και επικοινωνεί ερωτικά με τον πιο μαγικό τρόπο !!!
    Πανέξυπνη και επικοινωνιακή στο έπακρο . Αν κάποιος μιλάει καλά αγγλικά με την Μίσλευ (που το πραγματικό της όνομα είναι επίσης πολύ πιο όμορφο) θα επικοινωνήσει τέλεια!!! Μια καλλονή που με απογείωσε και μου χάρισε μοναδικές στιγμές!!!

    10 BECAUSE THERE IS NO 20 !!!!
    She welcomed me with a sexy, beautiful lace white bodysuit.
    From the first moment it makes you feel familiar and that something very beautiful will happen. I tried to find something that didn’t like on her body but it was impossible to find anything.
    Is exactly the same girl iof the photos but much more beautiful and more natural.
    Beautiful face, brown silky hair, body that everything is in perfect proportions and very sexy and erotic !!!
    Very beautiful breasts and incredible legs !!!
    Her skin is velvety !!!
    She Gives warm, wet, erotic and sensual kisses and communicates erotically in the most magical way !!! Extremely smart and communicative. If someone speaks good English with Misley (whose real name is also much more beautiful) they will communicate perfectly !!!
    A beauty that took me off and gave me unique moments !!!