Görüntüleme : 15309 (Bu ay: 10) Oluşturuldu 06-07-2016 (Değiştirildi: 21-08-2019)


Etnik kökenLatin
Dil: İngiliz 
Kendi yerinde    Kendi yerinde: Özel Ev / Daire
Sizin Yerinizde    Sizin Yerinizde: Otel ve Ev Ziyaretleri
Cinsel Yönelim: Heteroseksüel 
Buluştukları: Erkekler için müsait  Erkekler için müsait   
Hi my name is Isis. I have 18years, feminine and i love be a dominatrix. !! I'll give you incredible moments of intense pleasure, I love to see you enjoy as I do, let's move super good. I'm sure you never forget me. I am the perfect trans. 
I have 1,65cm and weight 58kg. My curves are always perfect and my dick hard as you like and open to do everything to please you without taboos. Call me and you will see. 
I am etremamente vicious, active and passive I give kisses, natural French. I receive as you see in the photos, so you will not have any bad surprise to me to see. I wait anxiously in my apartment or if you prefer I went to his hotel. 

İletişim bilgisi
Ana şehir:Atina 

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