The Handmaiden's Tail Chapter 2
Chapter 2: First Assignment
“Please don’t do this Sister Carol” Obedelia begged. “Please, not this place, not that man…” It was the first time she had spoken since the limousine had left the center. Sister Carol had been droning on about the forbidden activities for handmaidens. The sound from the young girl’s mouth startled the administrator. Sister Carol was not used to being answered.
“This is God’s will” Carol said, “and you have been bonded to Reverend Landry and his wife. You will perform your duties as an obedient child. Disobedience is a sin just like blasphemy or murder or fornication. If you commit sin, you will be punished either by God himself or one of his faithful servants. ”
Obedelia had not believed that begging would change anything. She no longer believed she could count on the people at the center to protect her. Since the rape, she had a new perspective. Sister Carol had not protected her, had not responded when she had cried out for help. Despite all the assurances and religious dogma, Sister Carol had had her brought to a private room and then released a man on her and waited outside while he raped her. Reverend Landry had decided that he wanted more of her and had accepted her as their handmaiden and the administrator had signed her over. Landry and his wife had not even come to the bonding ceremony.
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Obedelia had refused to agree to the posting, but Carol had signed the orders anyway.“The handmaiden is not a wife” Carol continued, “but still she must look to the priesthood for religious leadership. She must be obedient to the head of the house just as the church is obedient to Jesus. You are never to be alone with the man of the house. Dr. Landry will decide the activities of the household and his wife will convey his wishes. This will include the consummation ceremonies. He will instruct his wife to prepare for the sacrament and she will bring you to the place of prayer. Do you understand the proceedings of the sacrament?” Obedelia nodded without looking up. “Explain it to me. ” The young girl’s face reddened. She had heard others recite the catechism in the indoctrination classes, but had never had to speak the words herself.
“The joining of a handmaiden is a sacred act” she began. She could barely manage a whisper. “With the inspiration of the Spirit, the priesthood calls for the ceremony.
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When a wife is barren, she may offer her husband another vessel just as Sara brought Hagar to her husband, the prophet Abraham. With prayers and the reading of the Holy Word, God is asked to bless the union with fertility. Then the Handmaiden, lying on her back, joins hands with the wife who kneels beside her, thus showing her blessing of the union. They wait prayerfully while the man fills the sacred vessel and beseech God to honor their obedience with fruitfulness. ”Sister Carol smiled. The training had taken hold. “Look” she spoke frankly, “I know you got off to kind of a rocky start with Reverend Landry, but you can put all that behind you now. Men cannot control themselves, it’s the way they were created, but God will bring a blessing out of the sins that you participated in. You will be fine now that you are placed here. Righteousness has been restored. His wife will take care of you. She will never leave you alone with her husband, and you will have the honor of bringing them a child. ”
The limo pulled up in front of the large white house and Sister Carol motioned for Obedelia to get out. The two young twins Miriam and Angela, Sister Carol’s private assistants and protégées huddled in the corner of the big black car.
“Aren’t you coming in with me?” Obedelia asked, “Too introduce me.
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I have never met Mrs. Landry. ”“You will do fine” Carol forced a smile. “Go on now dear and blessed be the Fruit. ”
It was proper for the director to insure that the accommodations for the Handmaidens were appropriate. It was her responsibility to meet with both the husband and the wife and explain their responsibilities toward caring for the girls, but she was anxious to be leaving. The entire mess with Obedelia had been on the verge of turning disastrous since she had first met with Landry, but now it was coming together. His check had cleared the bank and the money was safely in her personal account. Talk of the breeding ceremony always aroused her. She could visualize the tall well built man lifting and spreading Obedelia’s legs. The young girl would squirm, probably cry, but in the end, he would impregnate her. The mental image sent a shiver though the administrator’s loins. She was anxious to put the twins to work.
Obedelia carried the small carpet bag of her possessions up the steps to the front door of the house. The shear size of the house was intimidating.
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At first, the memory of what had happened less than a week ago seemed to be something from her distant past. With each step, the memory of what the Reverend had done to her became clearer in her mind. By the time she reached the door she was trembling, almost crying. She wanted to run away, but she knew she would be brought back and it would be harder for her then. She reached for the door knocker.“What are you doing coming to the front door in that…?” the door flew open and a middle aged woman grabbed Obedelia’s arm and yanked her roughly through the door. “What do you think the neighbors will think? You think maybe they don’t know what that bright orange outfit means. You think I want everyone and there dog to know that we have opened our home to a… well, you know. ”
“I’m sorry” Obedelia moved one step closer to crying. “Sister Carol could not come with me…”
“No” the woman replied more calmly. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t expect someone like you to know what it’s like to live in proper society. I’m sorry, I’m Magdalene Landry. ” Her voice had calmed down quickly. It showed she had a lot of experience turning shutting down verbal outbursts that she might regret later.
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“Come with me I will show you to your quarters. ”“This is Dr. Landry’s study” Magdalene explained as they passed a large set of double doors. “He may wish to meet with you privately, and in here from time to time. ”
“I am not permitted…” Obedelia’s was whispering and she cut off mid sentence when she realized that the Mistress was not listening.
They walked through the main rooms of the house to the back stairs. The front stairs off of the main entrance lead to the same second story, but it was clear that she was not expected to go up and down that way. At the top of the stairs Magdalene opened a door into a small room.
“This will be your room” Magdalene gestured for Obedelia to enter. “We have modified the house so you have direct access to the guest bathroom. ” Obedelia’s was only half paying attention. She was staring at the bed. It was a small twin bed affair, pushed against the center of one wall. What caught her imagination was the heavy wooden posts had been added at the corners in the center of the room. They were anchored to the floor and ceiling with heavy metal rings mounted several feet above the bed itself.
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“Yes” Magdalene answered the unasked question, “That’s where he’s going to fuck you. ”“Madam, I don’t know how to say this,” Obedelia began cautiously. “I need to tell you. Your husband raped me.
“He only raped you because you disobeyed him” Magdalene said. “I understand you were probably not prepared, but there will be no more of that now. My husband is a gentle man. I have never given him cause to be rough with me. A man can develop a taste for such things if he finds it necessary to discipline his women. That will not happen. You will do as you are told do we understand each other?”
“No” Obedelia almost sobbed.
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“We have to do this by the rules. The ceremony must be followed or I’m nothing but a whore. ” Magdalene just looked at her with pity for her complete ignorance.“That is exactly what you are” Magdalene said finally. “Specifically, you’re my husbands whore. He bought you from that center place. He will provide you with food, clothing, and shelter; all of the things that you need to live. Essentially he will pay all of your expenses and in exchange, you will bend over and spread you legs whenever he tells you to. He doesn’t love you. He never will. He’s going to fuck you because he enjoys using a woman’s cunt. You have sold your body. He will breed you and you will give us a child, and when we are done with you, you will go on to your next John. Then you will be fucked again by someone who doesn’t care about you. ”
Tears rolled down the side of Obedelia’s face.
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She couldn’t believe she was hearing this. The words broke her far more than being forced to bend over the conference table and used had.“My husband will be home early tonight” Magdalene continued. “I am sure he will want to use you. Take a shower and put on one of the satin robes in the cabinet. I assume you know how to lie down for a man. ” She turned to go but paused at the door. “My husband likes bare pussies. Irma will be up to shave you directly. ”
Magdalene closed the door. Obedelia sagged against the wooden post at the end of the bed and slid down to the mattress. It was firm, almost hard. She just sat there, not sure what to do. She wanted to cry, to run, to hide under the bed. Nothing would change what was ahead for her.
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Most of all she was scared, too scared to cry. She was afraid of the pain, afraid of dieing, afraid of living. If she could think of a way to do it, she would have killed herself to escape the fear.“Girl what are you doing?” the large black woman came into the room carrying a tray. “You just sitting there; Landry, he going to be home any minute, and you not ready. ”
“I can’t” Obedelia said. “I just can’t do it. ”
“You ain’t got nothing to say about it” Irma continued. “You had a choice before you became one of those Handmaiden things, but you made that choice. You here now and you best get your ass off that bed and cleaned up and ready. ”
Irma was short, probably in here late fifties weighted maybe two fifty. With one hand she pulled Obedelia off the bed by one arm and propelled her toward the door at the end of the room.
“You get your ass in that shower and be quick about it” Irma said. “You be sure and wash your hole good. I got to shave your hair and I don’t like shaving dirty pussy.
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”Obedelia stripped in the bathroom. It was a small room with only the bare essentials; toilet, sink and shower. The shower nozzle was mounted on the end of a hose to allow her to focus the water up between her lips.
The water was cold, and it brought her out of her melancholy mood and it pushed her to finish quickly. She toweled off and pulled the shower curtain aside. Irma was waiting for her.
“Well, come on girl” Irma said looking at the young girl’s crotch. “Looks like this won’t take long. ” She half lead, half dragged Obedelia back to the bed and told her to get in position. Obedelia was reddening from embarrassment. At the center none of the girls was ever exposed. Modesty was taught and enforced. Irma treated the entire affair as if she were grooming the family dog.
Irma pulled on latex gloves and again told Obedelia to get into position and motioned for her to put her legs up against the wooden posts at the end of the bed. The young Handmaiden was not certain what to do but followed instruction.
The old woman was mercifully quick, rubbing the shaving lather into the thin pubic hair on the girls mound and over her lips. The safety razor moved quickly and in less than a minute Obedelia’s bottom looked like it had when she was six. Finally Irma pushed the girl’s legs forward and inspected the area between her cheeks. Her asshole was bare and did not need shaving. Her work finished Irma collected her things.
“I slipped you some olive oil from the kitchen” the old woman said pressing small vile into the young girl’s hand. “Master Landry can be a bit rough when he gets going. No sense you getting sore on the first day. ”
The entire event happened so fast and Irma approached the activity with such confidence that Obedelia did not protest. Protesting did not occur to her. It reminded her again about loosing her virginity. Her boyfriend had assured her it would be alright and he had spoken with such assurance that she had not thought to question it. It had been alright for him. He had mounted her, popped her cherry and then confessed to his mother that he had fucked his girl friend. The ladies of the church had called her a whore and she had been taken away, to “Protect” other young men from her tempting influences.
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If she had not been fertile she would have gone to the mines and probably be dead. Now she stood naked in front of the mirror she was mortified by what Irma had done to her. It was a level of exposure that mortified her. Tears filled her eyes at her loss of modesty. She threw the bottle of dark oil in the trash can beside the bed fantasizing that Magdalene or her husband might find it and she could tell them that Irma had given it to her. Lubricants during the ceremony were strictly forbidden.She dressed in her bright orange robes and paced around the room. She was too nervous to sit. In her mind she envisioned the ceremony that she had been taught was sacred. She switched off the lights in the room. It would be to dark to see anything soon. She would close her eyes and wait for it to be over. It didn’t matter that she hated Landry. He would impregnate her and then she would never have to submit to him again. For months at the center she had heard what an honor it was to give a man and woman a child and how God blessed her for her fruitful service.
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It would be over soon.“What are you doing” Magdalene came through the door and snapped on the light. “You stupid girl, get ready. ” Obedelia jumped up, confused by the outburst. “My husband is home and he wants to take you before dinner. ” The mistress crossed the room and pulled open the cabinet. She grabbed one of the orange gowns off the hanger and threw it in the girl’s face. “Put this on quickly. Didn’t they teach you anything at that center? No underwear and hurry. ”
The gown she was given was the deep orange color that all Handmaidens wore, but it was not the tight fitting dress that she had been given at the center. It was silky, smooth and loose fitting. It hung only slightly past her knees and the neck was looser; even the sleeves hung open. Obedelia did not know what to do. She considered refusing, but the last time she had refused Landry he had ripped her dress off and raped her. That was before she had been bonded to the family.
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She didn’t want to think about what would happen if she fought him on this. She changed quickly. At the last minute she retrieved the bottle of olive oil from the trash can and rubbed it on her labia. Landry would probably enjoy hurting her and Magdalene had cautioned against that.Mr. and Mrs. Landry came in together. Mrs. Landry grabbed Obedelia’s arm and pulled her toward the foot of the bed. It was obvious that she want this to be over quickly.
“No” Obedelia wailed. “Please, not without the ceremony. Please…”
“Shut up and get on your back” Magdalene commanded.
“Wait” Landry laid a hand on his wife’s shoulder. “It isn’t often that someone wants me to preach to them.
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She wants a service, we can oblige her. ”“Thank you” Obedelia sniffed. “I’m not a whore. We have to read the scriptures and pray. ”
“Kneel down beside the bed” Reverend Landry instructed. “We will pray that you will be worthy of what we’re going to do to you.
“So after Abram had been living in Canaan ten years, Sarai his wife took her Egyptian maidservant Hagar and gave her to her husband to be his wife. 4 He slept with Hagar, and she conceived. ”
Landry read from the Bible in his pocket. “Do you understand what that means?” he asked. Obedelia was trembling. “His wife invited him to fuck her little slave girl. Do you think Hagar opened her legs willingly, or do you thing maybe they tied her down so that the old man could pump her?” Landry reached down and gripped Obedelia by the back of the neck. “Bow your head. You’re going to pray as I lead you.
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Dearest God…”“Dearest God” Obedelia repeated. Her lower lip was trembling and tears were streaming down her face.
“Bless me with a wet pussy and a tight cunt so that I might be a joy to the man who is going to fuck me” Landry continued.
“Ouch, you’re hurting me…” she cried. Landry tightened his grip on her neck when she did not continue the prayer.
“Say it” Landry demanded.
“Bless me with at wet pussy” she sobbed, “so that I might be a joy to the man who is going to… going to… Ouch… going to fuck me. ”
“Amen” Landry concluded.
“Let’s get her opened up” Magdalene said.
The two of them lifted her up off her knees and dumped her on her back at the foot of the narrow bed. Landry watched as his wife brought the strap from under the bed and secured the girls wrists. The ropes ran to the base of the beams at the foot of the bed. Landry tightened the straps that held her body from sliding up on the bed.
“Please you don’t need to tie me up” Obedelia begged. “I won’t fight you…”
“Of course you won’t” Magdalene replied.
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“Little bitch like you. I’ll bet you like getting fucked and you don’t care if it’s your husband or not do you. ” Obedelia let out a cry as Landry lifted her ankles and held her feet in position against the posts for his wife to secure.“Oh my” Landry said staring at the young bare crotch. “Isn’t she beautiful?” Magdalene kissed her husband and then dropped to her knees and began to undo his belt. She gently took out his penis. He was fully erect, but still she went to work with her mouth.
It was the first time Obedelia had ever really seen him. She understood now while the rape had been so painful. She had never imagined that a woman would open her mouth for man. The scene, the man’s leering eyes on her pussy, the humiliation of having her legs tied open, watching Magdalene sucking his penis, all of it was more than she could take. Something snapped in her and she started struggling against the restraints.
“Please don’t” she begged. “Please let me go please…”
“Fuck her” Magdalene said rising from her knees. The mistress stepped to the side of the bed and grabbed Obedelia’s head in her hands and tried to restrain her from struggling.
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Reverend Landry put his hands against the girl’s thighs and force her legs open. He got his hips between her knees and bent over her sliding his hands along her thighs and up across her belly moving the thin gown up as he went. His hands grabbed her bra and ripped it open so he could grope her tits while he fucked her.“I’ve been dreaming about this since the last time I fucked you” Landry said. As his weight came down on her it restrained her movements and allowed him to get his penis into position for penetration.
Obedelia gasped as he forced the head of his cock between her lips into her hole. He pushed deep into her and began pumping her slowly. She cried like a baby but he took no notice. Whether she wanted it or not didn’t matter to him; he was going to breed her. There was nothing she could do to stop it, nothing she could do to make it happen faster. She lay there wracked with sobs while he used her.
By the time he finished the fight was gone out of her. Possibly if she hadn’t been so drained she would have realized what they were doing in time to kick free, but before she knew it they had tied her ankles together and connected another rope that hung from the ceiling. Landry tightened it, lifting her hips up off the bed.
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“This will keep the semen in you” Magdalene said. “Irma will let you down in the morning.
“You can’t leave me like this” she cried, but she was wrong.
Obedelia cried herself to sleep while Dr. and Mrs. Landry went down to dinner, went for a stroll around the neighborhood and finally retired.
She was awakened in the middle of the night by noises coming from through the wall. At first she wasn’t sure what it was, but as the fog cleared from her brain, she realized that the Reverend was fucking his wife. Magdalene had been aroused by the previous evening’s activities, and she was finally getting release.
“Oh my god” Magdalene cried. “That was incredible… wait… wait, why don’t you go finish in your new little bitch. She can always use another load. ”
Magdalene had accepted the situation. Her husband had been concerned that she would feel jealousy, and he had been right, until she had seen the way her husband treated the girl. It was obvious that he didn’t love her.
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