
I,m a whore-but I love it


Hi I'm Carla,This is about me ,wonder if other women feel like I do or did things like me
first let me tell you I am now in my 30's,married,with a teen son,hubby makes good money so I have a lot of time to do as I please,I been told that I am sexy and hot by several guys,I do have a good figure 36-28-36,I am 5'1". brown hair -blue eyes,I try to stay in shape I do work out alot even it is in bed on my back or alot of other positions LOL. When I was very young,I started having feelings in the pit of my stomach that I could not figure but I had urges to touch myself and rub my pussy(then it was just my pee pee hole)When I was about 12 I was touching myself and rubbing it regular every night when I was in bed,One night I was feeling real good from my caressing and I could not stop It was feeling so intense and such a strong feeling raced through me like I had never felt before I tingled all over and my whole body shook and quivered in such pleasure. I lay gasping for my breath and I had got real wet . I knew I wanted more and had to have more. A few night later I heard mom making noises moaning and squeeling I eased to her bedroom door and it was not closed all the way,and i saw her on her naked and a guy was on top of her naked and he was hunching up and down and she had her legs around his waist and she was grunting how good it felt and telling him to fuck her hard then she moaned she was fixing to cum begging him to fuck her harder as she moaned she hunched wildly up to him moaning she was cumming they both hunched real fast to each other and then they lay still and he was still on top And he slowly raised up and I saw his huge cock all wet looking pull out of mom it was so big,I eased back to my room I was weakfrom what I had seen and I knew that was what I wanted and was craving as I made myselfcum to my rubbing as my mind raced dreaming his cock was in me. That was my first sight of 2 people fucking mom had been devoticed several years and had not dated much till about that time,now she dated alot and she brought diferent men home late at night when she thought I was sleeping,She was fucking several times a week ,And I would sneak and watch if She didn't close the door and if she did I would just listen.
About this time a cousinwho was 15 and lived close and me started talking about sex asked had he did ithe said a couple times then I blurted out do you want to fuck me,He lookedcsurprized but nodded yes so we went out to rhe barn and he told me to take off my jeans and pantiesas he pulled down his jeans and shorts he pulled my blouse up and was feeling my small tits( at that time)as he crawled betweenmy legs he told me to put them around his waist,I did as he said keeping my eyes on his hard cock as he guided it to my pussy it was smaller than those I had seen going in mom. Then I felt him pushing and pushing and I felt my pussy open as he went in and I felt a sharp pain race through my hips and pussy as he wnt deep in me and started humping in and out i could feel wetness ozzing down the crack of my ass and i told him it hurt and hurry and finish,about that time i felt his cock jerking wildly in me and felt his hot cum shooting in me,as he pulled outhe exclaimed you was a virgin I thought you had fucked before,I popped your cherry,I had blood on his cock and it had run down my ass. He asked me to please not tell anyone that we had fucked,our parents bear our ass if they find out,I promised and went home quicklyand showered and put on clean clothes and put my dirty clothes in washer,before mom got home. I lay in my bed with strange feelings and a burning feeling between my yhighs,my mind swirled with what we did i had actually got fucked it had hurt but it gave me a good feeling and he had told me that it would not hurt like that again. several days passed and we were in the barn again and again it was almost a daily thing to meet and fuck and I was injoying it more and more and then i started to get that real intense feeling and I'd cum several times when we fucked we would talk about fucking and tell each other what i had seen mom doing and he said he had seen his mom and dad fucking. Oh I forgot to tell you mom had found my bloody panties in the washer,she questioned me about itbut I finally admitted doing it with a boy but did not tall her it was with Bill,She then carried me to doctor and had me examamed and got me on the pill,she only said then to be carefull who I had sex with,We talked alot after that about sex and mom admitted to me that she had did the same thing about my age with boyfriend. God I never thought of mom being so hot. I knew she was now but back then was a surprize to me.
One night I was alone me and Bill had met and had a hour or two fuck session and I was still very horny and was lying in bed with a vibrater i had found in moms room and was making my pussy get wet and wanting to cum andand I had heard some girls talking about seeing a widow woman ehey were having a fund raising at school and went by her house and it was getting dark and they said when they went to her house they had cut through a nieghbors yard to her house and as rhey went past her bedroom window her shades was partialy open and they saw her in her bedroom naked and was sitting on the side of her bed with her legs spread and her dog was licking her pussy and she had her head thrown back and her thighs were quivering as he licked her then as they watched she got on the floor on her hands and knees and pulled a heavy towell over her back and the dog mounted her and was fucking her real hard and she could be heard whimpering and groaning then when they fished about 5 minutes later he was hung up on her and they stayed hung up about it seemed to 10 minutes and when it came out cum ran every where down her thighs and legs her pussy was shaved and it was real puffy and swollen looking,they said they sneaked over several times but not see as shades was pulled closed but once heard her moaning and knew what she was doing.

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the thought intriged me alot and wondered what it would feel like.
Part 2 will follow if i get response from this. .

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