Femdom kidnap
The abduction of Mr T
Middle aged but with a youthful look,Mr T divorced and drifting along in middle management ,the last two years had seen very few dating opportunities ,this had led to his mind wondering about what kind of woman he actually wanted and did they even exist . He had always assumed the submissive role and was used to letting the woman take control.
One bored evening he scanned through netflix hoping to find some entertainment to alleviate his boredom
He fancied something light hearted and saw a film called take me , about a man who had set up high end fake abductions ,something set off a train of thought in his head ,abduction?
Does that even exist and is he brave enough to even go through with such an event . HIs intrigue was such that it excited him, to lose total control ,be at the mercy of a beautiful lady ,it seemed such an alluring fantasy ,one he wanted to act out, but how and who
What he didn’t think about was films and reality are a lot different ,and a light hearted quick abduction and release would suffice ,his naivety now taking over in how this would play out
He set about looking on line for ladies who offered this service and contacted 3 to see the responses
One didn’t reply, the other was a rather simple yes i can do that but felt somewhat empty ,the last one was from a Miss Jessica ,a 28 year old ,blonde ,tall and very attractive ,surely the pictures were fake ,but further research found her twitter,recent pictures and reviews ,it was her !
His initial email to her just outlined a basic abduction,lasting 2 hours maximum
Unknownm to him, Miss Jessica was an elite dominatrix, she preyed on those too naive to know any better ,her reputation was built on exceeding expectations ,always delivering ,she lied on the repeat business her addictive style of dominance provided
She was confident and her rules were uncompromising
Mr T read her rules with some trepidation, after all he wants a professional but this was high stakes
The rules read ….
Well Mr T let me explain how i work
My fees are 200 per hour ,non negotiable ,there are 4 hour packages 8 hour ones and overnight rates
8 hours are priced at 1000 pounds
You have requested a 2 hour scenario, i will require 200 as a deposit with the other 200 paid on the day,AND i also require you to bring your debit card with you in case further fees are incurred ,make sure you have access to my full 1000 fees required
A day will be agreed upon, and a time and place to be at, the start time will remain at my discretion
No further details, questions are permitted
Think carefully before agreeing to this, i do not operate a safe word policy, in other words once those starts it will not be stopped until i say so
I am not an escort i do not offer sexual services, don’t confuse me with normalmistresses either, i work on exploiting weak males and humiliating them
What i do, wear, and say on the day is entirely down to me , for true abduction to work ,the less control the better …. for you !!!!
You now have 24 hours to decide, after that time i will not be available to you ,when you reply to me, address me accordinglyi. e please mistress will you abduct me …. any other communication will be ignored
Please send me your list of off limit activities
This terse rather cold reply lefty Mr T in a quandary…. . it seemed more serious than he first thought and scared him somewhat , on the other hand the intrigue grew and his curiosity and general mundane lefesty he had, made him reply instantly , he wrote …please Mistrss will you abduct me
As if she was there in the room with him Miss Jessica had replied simply, menacingly …. I WILL !
On his list he was asked to send to her of off limit things he did not want , being in public , dirty muddy show cleaning, whipping , spitting, smoking
What now, he thought, his thoughts ran wild in his head, anxiety took over as he patiently waited for her response
A week went by and nothing, had she ran off with his 200 deposit ?
He went back researching her to confirm she was legit and professional
He found some other images of her services, god she was sexy he thought , long blonde hair, size 8 ,5ft 8, impeccably dressed with 6” heels , long nails, class oozed from the pictures
he had chosen the right lady, but where was she?
Finally ,he received a message from Miss Jessica …. it simply said 10am, train station monday the 12th
That was it , what did that mean, just stand there ? walk along that road ,look out for her on the day ?
Mr T had to see his boss about booking monday off ,it was short notice and his boss wasn’t in the mood for allowing staff time off,Mr T was replaceable keeping his job was p[aramount ,it was explained to him he would have to report back into work at 2pm or rosak redundancy when that was rewind next month
Failure to not be back at work ould put him at risk of losing his 45k a year job
Monday came , he knew at 10am he would start his new fantasy, it was 2 hours, he had to be back at work by 2pm that day, and as it would finish around 12 noon, it gave him plentyof time to get to work for 2pm
It was a dry day ,he arrived at the station at 950am, and chose to stand outside the station near the taxi ranks and wait his fate
By 10 15 he began to get doubts if this was the right day/place had he made a mistake ,he was interrupted by a tap on his shoulder ,at last he thought Jessica , no, it was a taxi driver asking if he was Mr T , yes he said but…. please come with me i will drop you off at your location
This didnt seem very much like a kidnaping, taken in a taxi , anyway he complied ,he asked the driver where we were going, but was met with silence, eventually he pulled into a car park by a woodland area …. Thhs is it sir ,the driver said …. but where am i, I’ve just been asked to drop you here i have another fare now so ill leave you to it
with that Mr T got out into the car park , there were only two other cars there, but no sign of anyone
Just then the roar of a sports car swept in to the car park, a white audi a8, blacked out windows
He looked over ,to see a blonde lady get out and march towards him ,he was frozen with fear and couldn’t speak…. she got closer and closer, but said nothing, he expected a hi, this is whats going to happen now speech but ….
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But he was met wit a very stern…. ”well? get on your knees then” she said
"What here ? "he said
“Are you questioning me?"
“well no, but its rather public je laughed nervously"
“Get on your knees now before i make you “ said Jessica
He did as he was told , she reached inside her handbag and produced a dog collar and lead
she fastened this around his neck pulling it tight and yanking on the chain so his face was puled up close to her
"This is a park, where dogs get walked, and thats whats we are going to do ",with that she yanked the chain and started walking off
What was happening here ,he thought, this was in public, treated like a dog
on all fours he followed her as her heels clicked along
In the distance he could see two dog walkers coming towards them, oh god, what is he going to do, so embarrassing , but jessica wasn’t stopping
When the other walkers got near they stopped in amazement ,whispering to themselves and pointing
We past them, Jessica just simply said “hi, I’m just walking my dog" …they half laughed and stared
we came to a bit of a muddy pool in the track, and as i went to crawl around it, Jessica stopped me yanking me hard to her……”ok slut…get down and slurp that up”…what !!! lick up this dirt water, here , now?
“Dont disappoint me or things will get decidedly worse “… what could be worse ?
i timidly began licking up the water, when i felt a shoe on the back of my head , pushing down on me , into the water, laughing jessica yanked me back up, “not thirsty now are you" , mocking me
she then walked her shoes into the mud and water ,” slut look tho dirty shoes ,incredibly expensive shoes , lick that mud off me NOW !”
this was intolerable i wanted out , she can keep the money , just let me go , its not me all this, i went to speak, but a shoe was fired into my mouth and i choked on the mud
“come come pet," and on we walked, there was no safe word, she had me by the neck i was trapped for now
On we went until there was a clearing a a big oak tree, we went to the tree , "stand slut, strip NOW "…what the hell
“Do it or" …. ok ok…i took off my clothes they are placed in a black bin liner
I was pushed onto the tree and tied around the waste and base of the tree. she cooly walked in front of me, looked into my eyes, she could see the fear…”awwyou not enjoying this ?”
i saw this as my opportunity to come clean and say thanks but no thanks
“actually “. . i started…”i really don’t think its"…. . but i was cut short…. ". what?you dont want to carry on? you want to stop now ?well tough…i decide when this is over not you, now shut up until i tell you to speak”… , she reached inside her handbag and brought out a whip …. . ”know what this is slut?course you dont , you’re just a naive little baby ferny you ??”
"Well I’m going to make you a man!!!!grow up, and take whats coming”
with that she began whipping me , naked tied to a tree, in a public park, my humiliation was complete, or i thought it was
25 whips later i was untied , i crawled to the bin liner to get dressed , “ah ah ah , no you dont …. i own these now"
i was then yanked by the lead and walked back to her car ,naked!
i was handcuffed around the back of the seat , naked in a young girl’s sports car, chained up so i could not move, exposed and embarrassed
she slams my door shut and her heels click as she was round to get in her side
“there thats want so bad was it ….
Before we go any further i have one question for you …please be honest. .
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…. . were looking at my tits earlier, my cleavage,i mean its gorgeous men would die to get their hands on them, so were you ?”i didn’t know what to say, if i said yes i almost certainly knew it would mean punishment , so i chose to say no, being respectful
“No??" she exclaimed
“You mean my beauty has been ignored , you dont to want stare at my tits ,how disrespectful "
and with that she reached inside her bag and produced two metal devices , they were chastity devices i had never seen one before , one was shaped like a cock , the other was cylindrical and open ended but had spikes on it
“You see slut, you’regoing to wear both of these for me , i dont allow erections in my presence . .
Now this spiky one is very painful, the other will lock you up, fits around you , seeing as you didn’t like my tits I’m going fit this very uncomfortable one on you now "
i was chained up couldn’t move ,powerless to stop any of this
i start to complain,” please dont ill be good, can i be let off that”
…. .
“oh no, sluts always wear these in my presence , you’re just unlucky you’ve got this very sharp one to start with , poor boy"
she began to slide it on pushing it up and clasping it shut, i let out a little squeal, she laughed ,she put it on and the spikes began to dig into my cock, the lock snapped shut and the key went into her cleavage
“now stare at my tits go on, now”…. ” no please miss “. , “do it!”…”. ill get an erection though”…. …”i know thats the point, you see the more your cock grows the more pain you will feel, terrible isn’t it”
she jiggled her tits, made me stare and saw my cock grow and trap itself on the spikes, “aww hurting are we??"
off we drove , “do you smoke slut , no I’m a non smoker , …”shame” …out she got a long white cigarette lit it up and drew on it seductively
“tell me if that makes your little cock hard won’t you!”
What a state i was in, locked in a painful chasity device with a sexy as hell blonde driving me to where, we stopped outside a row of shops
"ok slut , as explained in my email, i require extra funds for you ,the 400 fee isn’t enough to cover my expenses today, so I’m going to go to that cash point just there, do you see it? and withdraw a further 600 from your account "
"PIN ?? tell me your pin, or i will open your door and show the public your predicament !”
"ok ok, its 5421 "
"great !!!watch me now won’t you”…she clicked her heels as she casually went to the cash point drew out the cash , returning she put the cash on my lap
“you stare at that slut whilst i drive you to the next stop, the cost of your life in front of, pathetic !"
of she sped, high speed through the town to a quiet road
pulling over
“now I’ve a few friends to see , so lets get you on to the back seat, lay down with your head up
i was now prostrate on her back seat hands behind back naked with chasity
“lovely , one last thing before we get on our way”…. she the produced this metal looking device ," know what this is ? course you dont…its used by dentists it holds mouths open "
with that she forces it into my mouth and cranks it until my mouth is wide open…. admiring her work , “perfect !"
with that she drives around for about 10 mins, …. ”now slut, you be on your best behaviour for me, do not embarrass me , I’m going to introduce you to my friends "
what?? panic hit ,me, who are these people i dont want anyone seeing me like this , i begin to moan…. ”oh yes , you will comply you have no choice !”
"now some of my friends can be rather rude or unkind.
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I’m sorry about that , but its what i promised them so try and endure best you can, ha ha !!”“Now firstly we are going to Lucy , now she is really fit , but very selfish , will we just pop in few mins and be on our way hey ?"
the car pulls up, jessica gets out and leaves me there
few mins later i hear voices , girls talking
we are in a street , houses are all around , the back door swings open, “oh Jessica what have we got here !”
“A little slut as promised"
Lucy leans in inspecting my chasity, her breasts brushing my face ,” ohh that looks sore "
she gets out and talking away to Jessica ,door open, exposed to anyone who can see me
Lucy then says , “slut, did Jessica explain my favourite thing i like to do ?”
i shake my head…”oh she’s no good is she , well i spit in sluts mouths”…i didn’t know what that meant …. she slaps my face , “oi , did you hear me slut” i shake my head
so lets get started , with that a big dribble of spit hits my tongue , "ha ha hows that, load of my spit running down your throat is it ?
I’m going keep spitting until you can’t swallow slut "
Im spat on for 15 mins , drenched to spit until i can’t breathe , jessica is outside smoking away, letting her have her way
“ok slut lucky for you I’m all out of spit. . see you soon!”
soon, surely that was it
jessica jumps back in ,. . ” enjoy that ? lets go see Rachel , now she really is tough girl, dont say no to her, or you will be in trouble , hehe”
we pull on a drivewayand jessica gets out in silence
the door opens and stood over me is a 36 year old buxom brunette with dark eyes staring at me
“well, thank me for my presence", she was scary , tough and i began to mumble through the mouth gag
"You’re not a smoker are you slut? “Racheal asks, shaking my head ,"thats a shame , but lets see "
cold as you like she lights a fag and stares at me as she smokes away
i can see the ash gettinglonger and to my dismay she flicks it into my mouth . . i scream and moan, i hate this
“shut up before i slap you slut"
she leans over me breasts nearly popping out her top , dropping ash into my mouth
the fag is near butt end…. . ”ok slut last thing for me , eat my butt for me impress me “, i shake head no no…. ”oh yes”. . she says drops the butt in my mouth , and watched me swallow it , laughs andthe door shuts , all i can here is see you later darling and off we go
"there i told you she was tough, dont mess with her, one last stop, now this lady is stunning, only 21 , young and bratty , you know the type slut, men drool over her so your v privileged "
"she doesn’t smoke or spit so your spared that , BUT she put in a special request to see you so lets go see her "
Another 10 mins and the car stops outside some flats
the door opens …”now i going to see Annabelle ,a drink a chat, then she will come and see you, it will be a wait , but thats for you to endure, see you soon!”
the door slams shut an i lie there not able to move or see out , my mouth gag still forcing buy acginh mouth open , after whats seems like hours, the door suddenly opens and a posh speaking young girl appears , "is this him then Jessica what a sight "
“Ive got such a treat for you slut something I’ve ben saving up, its my favourite thing , i love seeing the look of horror in a man s eyes” , she fumbles in her bag and leans in over me holding a condom, a used one
“Look at my surprise slut …. beg me to pour it down your that , plead with me to stop. .
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oh you can’t ,shame ,ok I’m just going pour this down you and after you’ve swallowed it you’regoing to thank me over and over again”…the next thing i can feel a cold liquid sliding down my throat, with the laughter of 2 girls ringing in my ears
she undid my gag …. ”now what do you say ??”
I was at my wits end, it had gone too far and i was done , i started to say…”please look you’ve had your fun, but I’m done take me back now "
Jessica then leans in slaps me hard and says “don’t you dare disobey Annabelle , thank her for allowing you to drink her spunk and no , its not over until i say ,well we are waiting!”
begrudgingly i say thank you to Annabelle ,completely humiliating
door shuts and we speed off
Jessica lights up a cigarette and nonchalantly starts to run down the list of events…so far
“so slut, you’ve been walked like a dog in a public park, stripped ,whipped ,cleaned my beautiful dirty shoes , had a chastity control no erection well done, spat on, ashtray and drank your first load of cum ,not too bad …. . so i can either drop you off , free you from your bonds or take you onto your next adventure…. hmmmm what to do ??”
“i think a little food and drink you must be hungry by now "
the car sweeps into an underground car park and parks in a bay
I’m led out by lead and into a lift , on all fours at jessica’s heels , the underground car park shielding any sense of direction or location , my abduction is complete !
the lift doors open and we enter a flat, big high class furniturewith big glass window to one side looking out over a city
“wait there”. . I’m told as Jessica goes into the kitchen ,to my horror she returns with two dog bowls , i look with disgust, “what did you expect slut, after all you are a dog aren't you"
I actually thought when she said food an drink, a break was on the cards, a chance to eat and gain some balance and strength
but I’m on my knees faced with two dog bowls
Jessica has a bananaand some grapes she is preparing and begins earning the banana
to my horror she the spits out the chewed up banana into the dog bowl
“There , lunch, enjoy”
i turn my nose up at it and refuse to touch it
"i said eat up slut
some encouragement is needed obviously” , and I’m hit with a cane so hard it makes me scream
"Now …eat it up "
I’m having to lick up chewed up spat out banana from this girl who obviously loves punishing me
“thirsty ?" i nod , I’m really dry after the torment I’ve ben through and although the dog bowl is out i can cope licking up water just for the relief of it
"Little something for you slut, come here ,watch me , i do love when a slut watches me "
she crouches over the dog bowl and pees into it right in front of my face
there thats a drink for you, lap it up …. she gets up, spits in it and stands back tapping her high heels on her wooden floor whilst i slurp sown her piss
It was disgusting and the final straw
i start . . ”Look jessica, thank you for all this but you’ve had my money , and I’ve had to do what you said, but i really must ben going”
How dare you, tell me what to do ,when I’m finished i will release you until then you are detained at my convenience ,if i hear you complain again i will add on another 2 hours confinement ,so what is it to be?!”
I keep quiet just wanting to get this over with as quick as possible
i glance at the clock it says 1230 pm, its over my 2 hour slot andhave to be at work at 2pm, and i don't know wherei am or where my clothes are, panic sets in and i start to realise this kidnap scenario is turning into a nightmare
Im led into a small box room, empty, except for a very small metal cage
“Im going to lock you in this cage now, and lock the door behind me ,you ll wait there until I’m ready for you"
ready for me ? I’m shoved into the tiny cage its cramped and claustrophobic she locks the door clicks the padlock and walks out turning the key in the door
I hear the buzzer go to the flat, who is that i wonder, and hear voices , lots of voices
the door opens and Jessica is showing Lucy ,Annabelle and Racheal where I’ve ben kept
a few laughs and the door slams shut what are they doing here
Minutes later Jessica gets me out of the cage and leads me into a small room, it has a stool in the middle and the other 3 girls siting on the sofa next to it
“Now slut” Jessica starts …. "i know you put down in your limits no anal ,but you know the term raped dont you ? Im going to let these 3 girls rape you ,its going hurt, be painful and degrading ,but i wouldn’t have it any other way
Im going to lock you in here with them, i can’t get in to save you ill be inside making myself look beautiful for our finale !” finale??“these girls decide now how long until your release "
“Rape means you will be fucked over and over again until they are satisfied , you may end up crying but that won’t stop them, so be good see you soon !”
“ok girls he is all yours”
the door is locked and the giggling girls look at me
Racheal is first ,grabs my hair pulls my head down over the stool and starts to tie my hands and legs to its feet
she whispers in my ear,. . ” I’m going fuck you so hard i want to hear you beg me to stop, i might i might not but you will beg me
No lube for you either , suck it thats your lube ,suck it get it wet and juicy”…
she walks round and starts to shove in her step on, “ouch" i let out scream, Lucy and Annabelle sitting cross legged inches away from me laughing
"he doesn’t like it girls , i get pounded one after the other , taking in turns to fuck me, I’m sore , tears are rolling down my face I’m spent
the ordeal is over and they unlock the door and leave
Jessica comes in ,i notice she has changed her heels, these are even higher, spikes and black ,clicking on the hard floor
“now how was that for you” she saysmockingly
I’m untied and look up to see she has her hair up, a short black skirt and plunging neckline with tits almost popping out
“i saidwas making myself look beautiful , whilst you were getting raped i was changing, you like ? …”yes miss “, . . ”good so you should this i for you, come with me!”
i crawl to the sound of her heels in to the main lounge ,the other 3 girls are sipping wine watching me crawl to my mistress , I’m led past them to the sofa, where to my surprise a man is sitting he gets up standing over me ,
"so this is him is it "he says to Jessica
she bends down to my face….
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"I’ve made myself look beautiful for you haven't i? well ?”. . “ yes miss” , “good, sonow you can re pay me by sucking cock !"
what ?? i listed on my limits no gay or male involvement , what was happening
“but first, these tits you so adore" …. . the man starts sucking and licking her tits in front of me
“you will never touch my tits , never enjoy them as he is right now" , she unzips his jeans and wanks his cock , soon as its hard
“get here, get that in your mouth"
the man aroused by Jessica’s wonderful tits is getting harder I’m sucking cock out of sheer horror
“come here girls i want you see this"
the 3 girls stand around me in a circle
"watch girls, watch him perform for us "
the guy explodes his load into my mouth i chokespit it out
jessica slaps me hard,” lick that up, dont you dare spill any of it do you understand?”
howls of laughter as I’m licking up a mans sperm informant of 4 bitches
“aww was that nice !"
“a treat for you now, ,,,of sorts , I’m going take this nasty device off you , and your are going to wank for us ,in front of us ,into a glass and drink your own spunk !”
and you are doing by the big window over here , so the whole of the city can see your disgraceful behaviour, get over here on your knees”
4 stools are positioned by the big widow
the girls dangling their heels by my face
forced to master bate in front of them
“thank us all for allowing you this pleasure”
i cum , the glass is full of warm spunk, Rachael, who else, forces my head back and tips the load into my mouth
the girls clap in a sickening way and leave
Jessica returns …. . with the bin liner , “you got 5 mins to put those on or else!”
i rush to dress and approach the door
Jessica tells me to wait at the end of the road, a car will take me back
but before I’m released she puts out her hand, “kiss it and thank me"
“This is not the end for you slut , i will be keeping your debit card and pin number ….
you will return to the same place in 4 weeks time , failure to do so will result in me taking 3 times todays fee i. e. 3k , if you turn up, it will just cost you 1k and a few hours of your time
you will be kidnapped and used until i release you , now you know I’m serious ,you will live in fear of me and the things i will do to you "
“this time ,as humiliating as it was, this was my mild experience , no pain was inflicted was there …. . but beware , i still have that card to play !”
“see you soon slut mwah !!”
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Known for its stunning architecture, mouthwatering cuisine, and thrilling nightlife, Singapore is a thriving metropolis. There are many escorts in Singapore who may give company and entertainment for individuals in search of a more thrilling vacation experience. A Singapore escort may make your trip more enjoyable and memorable, whether you're there for business or pleasure.The escort industry in Singapore is booming as the city-state continues to attract both vacationers and business travelers. Escorts in Singapore provide a variety of services to their clientele, and are widely lauded for their attractiveness, charisma, and expert competence. An escort in Singapore can cater to your every desire, whether you want a companion for a night on the town or a more private encounter.
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Discretion and privacy are other benefits of using the services of an escort lady in Singapore. These ladies are experts who know how crucial it is to protect the privacy of their clients. It's safe to spend time with them without fear of anybody finding out.When picking an escort or travel girl, it's also important to think about your budget. Even though these services can be more expensive than standard ways to date or travel, they can also offer luxuries and entertainment that can't be found anywhere else. Make sure you pick a service that fits your budget and gives you the amount of quality and entertainment you want.
Escort girls sg - https://micro-escort.com/escorts-from/singapore/
Discretion is a major perk of using the services of an escort in Singapore. Professional escorts place a premium on their clients' anonymity and hence take extra precautions to preserve their clients' privacy. As a result, many famous people hire escorts when they need to blend in with the crowd.There is no shortage of escorts in Singapore that are available for any kind of occasion, whether it be a formal dinner, a night on the town, or quiet time at home. Find the appropriate escort for your requirements from a wide variety of breathtaking Asian beauty and sexy Western vixens.

Escort girl Singapore - https://hotescortreviews.com/escorts-from/singapore/
Escorts in Singapore are licensed professionals who can assist their clients in a variety of ways. Escorts in Singapore are available for a wide variety of services, including but not limited to accompanying you to social events and delivering sensuous massages. The staff has been instructed to give you the best service possible while maintaining your privacy and making the experience fun.Using the internet to discover escorts in Singapore is a great option. Finding the right escort is easier than ever thanks to the proliferation of escort-matching websites and directories. SG Escort Babe, SG Escorts, and SG VIP Escorts are just a few of the most well-known escort websites in Singapore.