SDF - part 8 - Photoshop is fun!!!
|-|yp3|2_|>4\/\/6: H3Y 3v3ry 1!Blue Mage: Hyperdog! Long time to see!Killer666: HiBl00D-B0i: where u go?|-|yp3|2_|>4\/\/6: LOL!!!!!111 \/\/45 47 4 70|_|2|\|3Y!Bl00D-B0i: rite, plz stop datSwordmaster: You haven't logged on in quite a while. Where were you?|-|yp3|2_|>4\/\/6: LOL!!!!!111 \/\/45 47 4 70|_|2|\|3Y!Bl00D-B0i: Wat dat mean? ~. ^ Tourney?Swordmaster: what kind of tournament?Blue Mage: I didn't know you competed in anything. |-|yp3|2_|>4\/\/6: LOL!!! I was at a skate-boarding tournamentBlue Mage: Cool, sounds interesting. XDSwordmaster: Wait, didn't you say you were a runaway? We were just wondering, how are you online? Are you using a public computer?Bl00D-B0i: o. O did he stop using 1337?|-|yp3|2_|>4\/\/6: I'm borrowing a new friend's computer!!! COMPS ARE FUN!!! CAPSLOCKS ARE ALSO FUN!!! We ShOuLd GeT tOgEtHeR sOmEtImEs!Blue Mage: Er. . . okay. . . good to see you're still as. . . energetic as ever. Swordmaster: So you're staying at a friend's house? That's good to hear.
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Bl00D-B0i: plz stop dat, it anoying|-|yp3|2_|>4\/\/6: NeWaYs, GoTtA lOg OfF1!1 CyA1!1Blue Mage: cyaSwordmaster: Good-bye and good luckBl00D-B0i: laterKiller666: bye*|-|yp3|2_|>4\/\/6 has signed off*Bl00D-B0i: ne one got ne pron pics ta sow?*Swordmaster has signed off**Killer666 has signed off*Blue Mage: g2g, dinner. :p*Blue Mage has signed off******It was approximately one week after the raping incident near the lake. Two days after the incident, Greg could no longer look at his girlfriend in the eye anymore. The rich boy simply decided to break it off and stopped seeing Brenda. Brenda, dispite the experience, continued life as normally as possible, trying her hardest to pretend that it did not happen. Fortunately for her, there was some. . . other problems to help distract her. Unfortunately for her, said problems were a little too strange for her to handle. "So, um. . . are you some kind of alien or something?" Brenda asked as she stared at the man who saved her one week ago. She sat on her bed and blinked at the person using her computer.independent escort athens
She had long honey blond hair and ocean blue eyes. "Nope, not an alien! Not x-file alien neways! Nor Star Wars alien! I like to think of myself as more of an. . . " Trent rambled as he swiveled around in his chair to face the bewildered young girl. The youngster had light brown hair which reached all the way down to the bedroom floor. He also had sky blue eyes and a black leather collar around his neck. "Honey, do you have someone in there? What did I say about boys in your bedroom?" A voice rang out from behind Brenda's bedroom door. The doorknob turned as the voice said, "I'm coming in, alright?""Uh. . . sure, mom, whatever you say," Brenda replied as she turned her attention on the door for a moment. She then turned her attention back on Trent, who was still rambling on about aliens. She immediately panicked when she realized that the youngster was going to do anything. She quickly hissed, "what are you.Escort Athens Paris Lyon Milan Dubai Thessaloniki Greece France Italy Reviews Agency
. . ""Oh, how cute, the puppy's playing on the computer," Brenda's mother giggled as she pointed in Trent's direction. Brenda snapped her head back towards her mother as soon as she heard the door open. She then turned her attention back on Trent. "Arf. . . " a puppy seemingly no older than 10 months old was sitting there on the chair where Trent supposedly sat. The puppy was a golden retriever with light brown fur and sky blue eyes. He sat there on his haunches with his tongue hanging out and tail wagging side-to-side. Brenda let out a silent sigh of relief. "I was listening to some spoofs about aliens," Brenda explained as she motioned a hand towards her computer. "Wanna listen?""Maybe later, hun. I've got a business meeting to get to," Brenda's mother said as she headed out the bedroom door.Meet an Escort in Istanbul during Your Travel If you really want to be with a sexy woman who would make your jaw drop with her sexy body, then you should an escort in Istanbul. An escort in Istanbul is one of the most gorgeous women you would ever find an
"I'll see you later tonight, alright? Take care of yourself. ""Don't worry, I will," Brenda replied with a forced smile on her face. She let out another sigh of relief as soon as the door closed. "So your mother works? Does your father stay home and take care of stuff, then?" Trent asked as soon as he changed back into his human form. "Erm, no. . . he works, too," Brenda replied. "By the way, I know how lonely things get here, but I wished you had talked to me first before getting a dog," Brenda's mother's head popped back from behind the door. "Arf. . . " Trent, back in his puppy form, barked. "Um. .tours russia agent thessloniki
. I found him. . . by the lake. . . he was abandoned. . . " Brenda stammered out the quickly-constructed story. "Dad said I could keep him. ""Yes. . .escort city tour ankara
I'll be talking to him about that tonight when he gets back," Brenda's mother's eyes narrowed into thin slits. Before she left. . . again. . . she reproduced a smile and said, "talk to you later! Bye!""My god, that was close," Brenda sighed as she fell on her bed, exhausted and relieved. "I'll say!" Trent beamed a toothy grin as soon as he changed back to human form. His face suddenly became serious, "so your mom and dad both work? Things must get lonely around here, then. ""Yeah, my mom's the vice-CEO of some company and my dad's got some high rank among the FBI," Brenda replied, twirling a length of her hair. "They both work seven days a week so I rarely ever see them. I mostly just hang out with some friends or. . .gabrielle kai escort escort katowice esckort laki porn
just mostly hang out. ""I see, I see," Trent replied as he started up a game of solitaire. A grin etched across his face as he asked, "so you're mostly free to leave the house and explore, huh?""Well. . . yeah, but. . . wait a minute, we were talking about you!" Brenda exclaimed as she pointed an accusing finger at the shape-changing dog man. "How are you able to change into a puppy? I've been asking all week, but you never answer!""Wee! Won the game!" Trent exclaimed as the monitor filled up with cards bouncing around one by one. "Ugh. . . never mind," Brenda grunted as she got up and left the room. "I've got school to get to.bayan escort, escort bayan
You should get ready, too, you know. ""What's school?" Trent sincerely asked with genuine curiousity. *****"Oh my god, I knew she was a slut!""Is she really into that sort of thing?""Wow, she's also into girls!"A crowd of students were gathering around in one spot near a wall. As soon as Brenda saw the crowd of students, she became curious as to what was going on. It didn't take her long before she realized what they were all looking at. ". . . . . " Brenda stared with wide-open eyes at the pictures displayed on the wall. They were pictures of when she was raped a week ago by the lake! However, these pictures. . . they must've carefully chosen the ones that made it look like she enjoyed it! Either that or they photoshopped it or.City tours και call girl στην Αθήνα, Θεσσαλονίκη, και όλη την Ελλάδα. Κριτικές, βαθμολογίες, νέες αφίξεις.
. . something. Spike and other's faces were cut off from the picture so that the only face visible was Brenda's! The pictures, in short, made the popular girl look like a complete slut while masking her rapists' faces. The whisperings continued until almost every single student in school heard about the pictures. Rumours began to circulate about her, making her look bad. The teachers took the pictures down, but it was already too late. Too many people had already seen it. Brenda ran out of there. . . as fast as she could. . . *****"Why are you following me? Leave me alone!" Brenda turned around and screamed at a puppy with light brown fur and a black leather collar.συνοδοί που βρίσκονται στην θεσσαλονικη
She was out in the city, away from the school she suddenly decided to hate with passion. . . and away from the home she always hated with passion. Swarms of people passed by her and the puppy, turning their heads for a second to stare at the situation before continuing on their own businesses. "I just wanted to know what was wrong is all," Trent replied, a bit heart-broken from being yelled at. He knew he was always being yelled at, but those were yells by people he disliked. He had no real reason to dislike the girl before him. At least not yet. "You. . . can speak even. . .never mind," Brenda turned away from the golden retriever and continued walking along the sidewalk. She wore a hat over her blond hair in order to hide her tear-streakened face. "I just. . . ""Oh, hotdogs! Want one?" Trent asked as he suddenly materialized in front of Brenda with a hotdog in each hand. They were the jumbo-sized hotdogs that were sold by hotdog stands. "Where did you get those?" Brenda stared at the hotdogs, then turned to look behind her. An understandably angry hotdog vendor was headed their way. With a shocked expression on her face, she grabbed Trent by the wrist and ran. "Oh my god, I can't believe. . . run!""Running's fun!" Trent laughed as he followed the blond girl. "Say, we're friends, right? Brenda?""Yeah, sure! Whatever! Just run!" Brenda gasped.
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*****Blue Mage: Hello, Hyperdog! Good to see you online again. |-|yp3|2_|>4\/\/6: H3Y 3v3ry 1!Blue Mage: Haha, it's just me right now. Don't worry, I think the others should be getting here soon. |-|yp3|2_|>4\/\/6: Blue Mage! You're a blue mage! You're like a wizard, right? You can do amazing things, right?Blue Mage: Um. . . it's just a name. I wish I could do amazing things, though. Even if it's regular amazing stuff. :p|-|yp3|2_|>4\/\/6: ThIs Is No TiMe FoR yOuR nEgAtIvE aTtItUdE1!1 I nEeD yOuR hElP1!1Blue Mage: ???*****"First thing we do when we get home after being chased by a hotdog vendor. . . huh?" Brenda asked skeptically as she watched the dog man use her computer. "Why are you humming like that, anyway?""I like listening to music, that's why," Trent replied with a grin on his face. "When I hear no music, I just hum some tunes I remember!""I see.independent escort athens
. . " Brenda blinked as she walked out of the bedroom and towards the balcony for a breath of fresh air. She sighed this time not in relief but in exasperation. Trent was getting to be quite a handful. The youngster had some sort of. . . ability to turn things upside down. What kind of mood was she in before. . . she could scarcely remember. The blond girl even forgot all about the pic. .Escort Athens Paris Lyon Milan Dubai Thessaloniki Greece France Italy Reviews Agency
. the pictures! How could she forget about them?Suddenly, a smile grew on her face and she chuckled to herself. She forgot. . . she thought that the incident would scar her for the rest of her life, but she forgot. It was strange how a week old relationship with a lunatic of a dog man could make a bunch of pictures pale in comparison. Trent. . . it was like he didn't even care what others thought about him. He could strip naked and dance in front of the whole school and not have a care in the world. She leaned against the railings of the balcony and stared up at the night sky. She wondered again how it could be night so soon. Did time really pass that quickly? She vaguely remembered doing many other things in the city with Trent besides escape a hotdog vendor.Meet an Escort in Istanbul during Your Travel If you really want to be with a sexy woman who would make your jaw drop with her sexy body, then you should an escort in Istanbul. An escort in Istanbul is one of the most gorgeous women you would ever find an
Apparently, adrenaline made events pass by in a flash. "Hello! Staring at the stars?" Trent asked as his upside-down face suddenly appeared right in front of Brenda. "Kyaa!" Brenda cried out in surprise as she fell on her butt. She looked upwards to see the dog man grabbing hold of the railings with one hand. Trent was doing a one-handed handstand on the edge of the balcony. "How. . . an acrobat, too?""I can do a whole bunch of other things!" Trent laughed as he jumped back on the balcony on all fours. "Are you. . . did you escape from the circus or something?" Brenda asked with a questioning look on her face. She got up off the balcony floor and headed back inside. "It's been a long russia agent thessloniki
I just. . . I just want to sleep. ""Right, of course! Don't let the bed bugs bite!" Trent smiled as he said good-night to the blond girl. As soon as Brenda went back into the house, the youngster back-flipped and leapt off the balcony. Once he landed outside the house, he snickered, "time to initiate Plan Pic-Strike! God, that's cheesy. . . "*****Blue Mage: Er. . . what do you plan on doing with these?|-|yp3|2_|>4\/\/6: Gimme gimme gimme!Blue Mage: Um. . .escort city tour ankara
I did the best I could, but I'm not sure if they're. . . you know. . . good enough. |-|yp3|2_|>4\/\/6: Gimme gimme gimme!Blue Mage: Alright, I'll send them over, now. *****She didn't know why she bothered coming back to school. . . but she decided to, anyway. She hoped that the other students would forget about the pictures, but she knew that was very unlikely to happen. Brenda took a deep breathe, then re-entered the school she ran away from. "Oh my god! More pictures!""These are back up again?""Haha! She looks like a slut!"Brenda froze.gabrielle kai escort escort katowice esckort laki porn
She looked up at the walls, expecting to find more degrading pictures of herself. She was right. . . but. . . "The entire football team's gay?""You idiot! It's obvious these pictures are fake!""Hey, this one looks pretty real!""Wow, Sally and Tia are lesbian bondage queens?""Oh my good! Hahahaha!!! You gotta look at this! The principal's godzilla!""King Kong fucking the art teacher, huh? That's not very original. ""Hey, if these pics are fake, you think maybe those pics of Brenda were also fake?""Idiot, pretty obvious they're fake. Though gotta say, they look pretty realistic. Who did these?"Brenda could not believe her eyes. All over the school, on every wall, there were photoshopped pictures of not only herself, but of her fellow students. Even Spike and his friends had a pic up! At first, it did not seem obvious that the pictures were fake, but. . .bayan escort, escort bayan
it became obvious once one saw the more absurd pictures. "Piggy P. E. teacher! Hahahahaha!!!"Brenda immediately noticed something in the corner of her eye. She turned towards a window and looked outside towards the football field. Her eyes went wide as soon as she saw Trent waving in greeting. The blond girl hurried outside in order to get to the dog man before anyone noticed. "Hello! Like my handiwork?" Trent chuckled as soon as his newfound friend was within hearing distance. "I asked a friend of mine to photoshop some pics. It was fun!""Did anyone see you put up those pictures?" Brenda asked in a worried tone of voice. "Nope, not a soul! Ninja must be sneaky and deadly, you know!" Trent laughed out loud. "That's. . . that's good," Brenda sighed with relief.City tours και call girl στην Αθήνα, Θεσσαλονίκη, και όλη την Ελλάδα. Κριτικές, βαθμολογίες, νέες αφίξεις.
She stared at the young man many called a lunatic, then hugged him. "Why? I barely even know you. ""I asked you if we were friends and you said yes!" Trent replied with a goofy grin on his face. He then whispered into Brenda's ear. "Hey, wanna skip school?""Let's go," Brenda nodded her head as she followed her new strange friend. *****"Trent did this, I just know it," Spike seethed as he stared hard at a picture of himself fucking a sheep. "Is he even smart enough to use a computer?" Sting muttered as she ripped up a picture of herself depicted as a dog slave. Her eyes immediately glared at Nails and Razor, who were hiding a stack-load of pictures under their shirts. "You better not have any of mine or you guys are dead!""Don't worry," Nails replied, who had a picture of Sting urinating into a litterbox. "We don't," Razor added, who had a picture of Sting lapping up milk from a dish. "You're dead," Sting growled as she revealed the pictures she stole from Nails and Razor. After ripping the pictures up, she commenced chasing after her 'friends' with an extremely violent look in her eyes. "He'll pay for this. . .συνοδοί που βρίσκονται στην θεσσαλονικη
oh he'll pay dearly," Spike growled as he burnt his picture. *****"I don't just do this for anybody, you know?" Brenda explained as she siddled up next to Trent. They were back near the lake, sitting on a long and staring out into the peaceful scenery. The moon was up and the stars were out. Stars were rare nowadays. . . too rare. "My parents, fortunately, believe that the pictures are fake. . . just like everyone else, but. . . they still think it's better if I switch schools next year.""Yeah? Maybe I'll go with you," Trent replied, goofy grin still on his face. "School looks like fun! I'll join next year as a student!""Uh. . . well. . . I'm sure you'll be popular," Brenda replied, trying to picture the dog man as a normal high school student. She placed a hand on Trent's crotch. "Your hand's on my crotch," Trent noted as he stared at the slender hand stroking the bulge in his trousers. ". . . . .
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" Brenda suddenly appeared in between Trent's legs, undoing the zipper. She reached into the young man's trousers and felt around until she found what she was looking for. She gasped as soon as she saw just how big Trent was. "Eh heh. . . lots of other dogs have bigger," Trent chuckled as he looked down at his own 14 inch cock. "Plus it goes inside my body when I'm not using it. ""Normally, I'd be freaked out, but. . . I'm not even scared," Brenda replied as she stared at the monster of a cock pointing right at her. She grabbed the long flesh with both of her hands and gently stroked it up and down. She stared at the cock some more, then gathered up enough courage to go for it. She opened up her mouth and closed her lips around the head of the penis.independent escort athens
"Whoa. . . that feels good," Trent blinked in surprise. Suffice to say, this was the first time anyone had ever done this with him. . . as a human. He vaguely remembered a girl whom he had sex with as a puppy. "Mmm. . . " Brenda moaned as she continued sucking on the dog man's cock. She ran her fingers along the shaft, feeling its entire length. Her tongue swished and played around with the head of the cock.Escort Athens Paris Lyon Milan Dubai Thessaloniki Greece France Italy Reviews Agency
She immediately felt something growing at the base of Trent's cock. A knot was actually forming there!Intrigued instead of freaked out, the blond girl continued sucking on the cock. One hand stroked and explored the surface of the newly formed knot. The other hand played around with the balls dangling down between the young man's legs. Brenda continued playing around with the cock with her tongue until she felt the first sign of ejaculation. She immediately pulled away and off to the side to avoid the load of semen from hitting her face. "Wow. . . that was good!" Trent exclaimed in excitement. He beamed a smile at Brenda and said, "more fun than anything I've experienced, really. ""Really now," Brenda smirked as she sat back down beside the dare devil. "Ahem, were we interrupting something?" A voice rang out behind the newly formed couple. "Oh no. .Meet an Escort in Istanbul during Your Travel If you really want to be with a sexy woman who would make your jaw drop with her sexy body, then you should an escort in Istanbul. An escort in Istanbul is one of the most gorgeous women you would ever find an
. " Brenda's eyes went wide for she recognized the voice. "Trent and Brenda. The popular psychopath who acts like a retard and the popular bitch who only knows how to spend money. Wow. . . I never thought such pairing was possible," Spike sneered as he and his friends appeared out of the shadows. The blue haired punk glared at Trent as he continued, "why the fuck are you with this bitch, huh? What's the idea, putting up all those pictures? If you wanted to do her, you should've came with us when we raped that bitch! Don't you remember what she and her boy toy did to us?""Hmm. . . sorry, could you repeat that? I have a condition the docs call 'short attention span'," Trent replied as he scratched his head. "I kinda stopped listening after 'idea,' really. . .tours russia agent thessloniki
""Ya stupid long-haired hippie! I told the entire football team that you were behind the pictures! They've got an axe to grind with ya," Spike growled as he signalled for the entire highschool football team to appear. True to his word, more than twenty extremely well-built highschool students appeared out of their cars. How did they miss the sound of incoming cars?"I see, I see. . . " Trent chuckled as he stood up off the log. He pulled up his trousers and zipped them up. A malicious grin etched across his face as he cracked his knuckles and said, "so you've all got an axe to grind, huh? This'll be a good warm-up. ""It's twenty-five to two, you really think you can beat all of us?" Spike grinned before rushing the dog man. "Excuse me for a moment, this won't take long," Trent chuckled again towards a bewildered Brenda. As soon as Spike was within striking distance, Trent turned right around and smashed a round-house kick into his face. Spike went down with a thud. Razor and Nails stared at their leader for a moment, then decided to join in on the fight. Razor, sporting brass knuckles, threw a punch towards Trent's face. Trent counter-attacked by grabbing the punching arm by the wrist and pulling hard.escort city tour ankara
At the same time, he sent a left backfist towards the face by swinging it above his opponent's punching arm. Once Razor was down, he turned his attention on Nails, who. . . um. . . decided to back away. "You know, things'll take too long if I fought fair," Trent chuckled as he pulled out a recorder from. . . somewhere. He quickly turned towards Brenda and shouted, "cover your ears!"As soon as Brenda covered her ears, Trent played a single note on the recorder. The brown note to be exact. "Ah!!!" The football players were shocked to find that.gabrielle kai escort escort katowice esckort laki porn
. . well. . . they pooped in their pants. They immediately ran back to their cars to get spare pants. "Ugh. . . " Nails grunted as he pinched his nose at the horrid stench he made. "Oh my god. . . " Sting shuddered as she pulled her fingers out from her ears.bayan escort, escort bayan
Those fingers were immediately used to pinch her nose to block out the horrid stench of twenty-somthing people who pooped in their pants. She suddenly realized that something else was wrong, "where. . . where did those two go?!"*****Blue Mage: So how'd it go?|-|yp3|2_|>4\/\/6: 62347!!!!!!!!!1111Blue Mage: Er. . . great, huh? That's. . . good to hear. |-|yp3|2_|>4\/\/6: I'll be going to a new school next year!Blue Mage: Cool! I'm going to a new school next year, too. Hey, maybe we'll meet up or something!|-|yp3|2_|>4\/\/6: 7H47 50UN|>5 62347!!! What bout you, Killer666?*Killer666 has signed off******"Why do I have a feeling my school life isn't going to be a normal one?" A certain seventeen year old named Tim asked as he logged off for the night. .Escort girls
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