The Boy is A Girl Now
When I turned 16, I decided to go to a gay bar to see what the deal was. I had not been with anyone ever but I was curious and very much feminine. I stole my older brothers ID and caught the Bus to go to the Ballgame, so I told my mom. Then I wound up at the gay bar just as they opened that night at 6:00 pm. Todd and I look alike except that he is 18. We both have long curly blonde hair, blue eyes and are almost 5’7” we weigh the same 155 pounds. The only differences are that he has a six inch cock and mine is half that, and he has a girlfriend and I have always wanted to be one, a girl that is.
Well the bouncer at the door searched my ID for flaws then allowed me to pass. As I walked by he whistled at me and I blushed and turned and said, “Thank you. ”
He chimed back with, “No thank you for the view of your butt. ”
I had on a silk shirt buttoned half way up; it was hot pink and with white slacks and shoes made me look good. I had my nails filed and on the way there I coated them with clear polish.
As I walked in several others followed behind me, there were a few guys already mingling so I strolled up the bar and ordered a margarita. I had drunk one a couple of times when my mom would make them and leave the rest in the blender. I was sipping on it when I noticed two hunks that were coming near me. I acted coy and shy and it paid off big time.
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The two of them were interested and as my cock showed, so was I, though I acted different. They seduced me into the back booth for another round of drinks and we talked about things in general while I gulped the second one down.Ivan was 6’2” light sand for hair that was tailored and short. His blue eyes look like the sky and his dark tan was hot. Hugh the guy by him was equally as attractive and they were almost the same except for his dark curly black hair. They asked me how old and I lied, and said 19. Then as we talked I found out that Hugh was 29 and Ivan was 25. They were funny and sort of witty with me through the third round of drinks, but when the fourth round came they had the bartender use Vodka and I started to feel the effects right away. Suddenly I started telling them, “I came here tonight to get myself screwed and to see if I can suck a cock like I have dreamed about for years. ”
“What does it take to get your horny Billy?” Ivan asked as he petted my hand and slowly rubbed up my right arm.
“Oh that’s easy to do, but if you caress my nipples and suck them you can get into my pants and anything else as well,” I honestly replied wishing I hadn’t later.
“Sounds like you wish you were a girl then Billy. Maybe we should rape you like a girl? Come on what do you say to letting us take you right here and now?” Hugh said as he slid his finger to my lower buttons and undone them.
As Ivan helped soon my shirt was opened and each man had a finger inside it caressing my nipples, and between the coos and ayahs, I replied, “Oh hell why not. ”
Just about that time a couple of other men came over that were friends with them.
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They were hard to make out as the drinks made my vision fuzzy, but one was big black and handsome and the other was a smaller red headed man. Hugh had my shirt in the booth as Ivan began to undo and remove my pant sand sexy little silky white thong briefs. I felt my cock exposed to the cool air and warm hands of Ivan just as Hugh leaned over and kissed me on the mouth. I turned towards him a bit and off went my pants underwear and shoes. His hands were playing with nipples as I felt my body float up and onto the table. These men had done this before and in the bar, even though it was against the law. The owner seemed to know that if he stopped them it would only make things worse so he let us go.Hugh helped himself to my ass and began to lick and rim my asshole out, Ivan moved to drop his pants then kiss me before he offered his cock to my wanting mouth. I looked at it for a few seconds before Hugh plunged inside me. Then as I got use to the cock in my ass I licked Ivan and started to suck him slowly. A few other people in the bar began to gather around and watch us as the bouncer stopped letting anyone else inside and told them the bar was full. I was on my side naked as these two experts took full advantage of my horny virgin body. When I felt Hugh pulsing to his orgasmic climax, I got so hot that I sucked Ivan like a vacuum and boy did he explode.
My night was far from over as the two of them relaxed the other two men took over and soon I had a new cock to suck and bigger dick in me. The sounds that we were making were animalistic and raw and the feeling of his cock in my mouth aroused me to suck him off and swallow as much as I could.
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The black man drove in my ass and made squirm from it a few times until he launched his load in me.Suddenly I realized that I was being a slut and I looked up to see more blurry images of people and hear another set ask to take me as Ivan began to caress my nipples. Men fucked my mouth and ass and as the night grew on I was fast becoming a male whore, and loving it.
One cock came to my lips it was bent rough and huge and as I took it in my mouth I was sucking the cum in from my lips of another one and there in the midst of this were my very well hung next door neighbor and his lesbian wife. They slid up to me and started to enjoy me as well and before I knew it the man had me suck his cock off and then fucked me before the night ended. At just after three in the morning they closed the bar and tossed me out the back door naked into the alley and no clothes. I was so drunk that I couldn’t care and after passing out I have no really ideal of what happened to me the rest of the night. Sometime early the next morning I awoke to find myself in a bed. The room was dark and cold and the only light came from a screen at the base of the door. I stumbled from the bed to find the floor bare cold concrete and then I saw a small handle on the door and turned the knob but it was locked. I fumbled around until passing out again. The next time I awoke the room was much plainer and I could see it was a cell. I had been arrested by the police for public drunkenness and taken to the intake center. They had kept me several hours before I realized what had happened to me and when they released me to my angry and upset mom, I wished they just had kept me in jail. They had me in the adult prison and were just as mad at mom when they found out I was a minor.
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She took me home and kept me inside until I was clearly berated beyond all words.I was grounded and told to stay home for eight weeks. Then came my appearance and parole and was made to be home bound for another six months. Since I refused to admit being in the bar they couldn’t fine them or anything for what happened to me and they couldn’t get anyone who said they had seen me there either.
Then after a few weeks more, my mom finally allowed me some freedom, two weeks before I turned 17. I got me a part time job and saved all the money I could because while all this happened to me, all I really wanted was for it to happen every night. I knew my mom understood I was gay, but she didn’t realize I wanted to become a woman. My brother who began to understand me and accept me also used me during my home bound time. I let him fuck me every night. Pretty soon he like my ass better than his girlfriends and started finding ways to take advantage of me being home. Including having me naked and tied over the exercise machine while he fucked me. I made him shave my legs and arms and cock bald and then he started getting me the pills I needed to transform. That’s why I got the job to save money to pay for it.
When my brother found out that I was going to do it, he helped me pay for it. Then finally I found out how much I needed it one night when he was gone on a date with a girl.
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I was just out of my bondage and the neighbor saw me and invited me over. His wife was there with a camera and showed me some images she had saved on it. It was me being fucked like a dog by her husband and some other men. It made me so horny that I stripped naked and begged for him to fuck me and her to shoot it. They made a copy of the pictures and put it on a disc and I used them to get dates on the net with. Pretty soon I came to realize I could get money from men for sex, so I sold my body for $25 a fuck or $50 for a gang bang. I made enough money by my 18th birthday to pay the whole thing and make enough contacts to enjoy it afterwards.Today I am know as Sylvia Dee, I am the same height but I now have a set of 36D boobs and a soft little slit where a cock use to be. I have been fucking men so long now I don’t miss my dick. But if I go without sex for more than a day I miss getting dicks.
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