Miss Turner & Lilith
*Lilith* ' Miss Turner you know you are a very stunning women ' rubs her thigh gently
*has her thigh rubbed gently looking at her taking her hand away from her thigh* why thank you miss but you know better then that lilith teacher student relationships arent tolerated
* smiles and goes back to rubbing* it is tolerated if it is not found out miss turner
*shivers abit taking her hand away again* this is dention not seduce your teacher
lay down miss turner and let me teach you something for a change * rubs her thigh higher*
*has her thigh rubbed again shivering as she climbs up onto her desk letting her desk drawer open full of naughty toys*
miss turner you are a very naughty girl * looks at all the toys and picks a pink jelly anal plug and turns her onto her stomach and pulls out the lube and rubs it over her teachers small puckered asshole*
*shakes her head remembering the fantasies she has had about lilith while laying on her stomach feeling the lube go over her asshole getting wet*
miss turner you are getting very wet from this you naughty teacher * slides a quarter of the anal plug in her teachers asshole slowly*
lilith *she moans quietly as the plug slides into her slowly* i have always dreamed of you sitting there
good * inserts it 3/4ths of the way in and slowly moves it back and forth smiling*
*moans loudly feeling it go in 3/4ths of the way abit of her cum dripping onto the desk*
tisk tisk miss turner you made a mess you'll have to lick it clean as soon as im done * keeps sliding it back and forth finally letting the knob rest against her dirty craving teacher's asscheeks it buried fully in her ass*
*moans loudly finally feeling it go in all the way* im sorry lillith
its ok miss turner now shhhh * grabs a 10 inch dildo/vibrator and slides it fully into her dripping wet cunt and turning it on sliding the plug back and forth still faster and harder*
*moans loudly in pleasure squirming feeling it vibrate inside of her and the plug coming in and out of her doing her best to hold the cum back*
that is it miss turner you are learning very well and might i say you have a very lovely shaved pussy my dear * works the dildo/vibrator in and out turning the setting to ravage and works the anal plug in and out at the same speed stopping to slide the 8 inch vibrator inside herself turning it onto ravage aswell moaning softly getting back to work on you*
*screams at top of her lungs in pleasure gripping her desk tightly feeling herself cumming onto the vibrator inside of her abit of cum dripping down onto the desk*
mmmmm ohhhh god cum for me miss turner you bad teacher oh god yes * stops working on you and explodes feeling it drench her panties that she slide to the side to put in the vibrator and slide back over it panting and breathing heavily* thank you miss turner
thank you lilith i love you *purrs loudly still cumming looking up at her from the desk feeling cum pour from her*
now you have got to clean up your mess miss turner *slides the toys out of her naughty teacher and helps her up* clean it all off but dont swallow any and give me a kiss i want to taste it collect it all but dont swallow we will share it miss turner
*leans over her desk slowly licking it up not swallowing it doing as lilith said*
that is it gather it all up my horny hott teacher do it for me * smiles and cleans herself off while waiting taking out the toy first*
*licks up the last bit looking at lilith with full mouth afraid to look directly up her cause she might swallow it*
miss turner i am waiting now please * taps her foot impatienly*
*stands up kissing her lovely student softly looking at her knowing she is getting impatient*
* kisses back swallowing bit by bit of miss turners cum and juices enjoying the taste and feel in her mouth and finishes after they have both had their share till its gone and smiles licking her teachers lips and pulling away* very good miss turner was that not a good lesson?
*swallows the cum* yes lilith i enjoyed it is their another lesson for today? *looks at her slightly embarassed to ask*
no there is not miss turner i must depart for home but just wait until tomorrows lesson * grins and gathers her things kissing her beatiful teacher and copping a feel of her beatiful breasts* thank you miss turner goodnight * walks out slowly her ass shaking behind her longing for tomorrows lesson *
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