
Her Name Is Cathrine


I was 25 and on the night of my birthday my girlfriend broke up with me. She had been seeing other people, and that meant she was seeing male/female couples. She was the third party in fantasies and she said that she had such a regular "business" that she really didn't have time for a steady relationship. Well, I took it well, I got really drunk for like 5 days and nights in a row. A couple of my friends tried to halp me but one onight I ended up in the hospital from having too much to drink plus a couple (at least I thought it was a couple) pills I got at a club. I was recovering on the ward after they decided I had not tried to kill myself and was safe to leave alone. I was walking around the unit one evening and there was a family visiting a guy that had totalled his bike. He would be okay but needed lots of surgery to fix everything again and so the friends and family came in and out a lot. Tha hospital smock was relaced by my favorite pajamas that Jackie brought from the apartment. and so I had slippers and something comfortable to wear.

I was talking to Jackie one day and turned to go to my room and I ran into a beautiful woman, long flame red hair and eyes so blue that they looked like contacts. Her lips were red too and she had freckles all over (I found out later). I had my hands up with some books in the and so when I turned they were at the level of her very ample chest. She was buxom and perfectly built and her red hair fell over her right eye and she was always pushing it back. I stood there frozen and the back of my hands were touching her breasts and she just looked at me. "I don't think we should stay like this," she said.

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   "Someone may say something. " "Huh? Oh, ah yes, I guess so" I said and I moved around her and went to my room so embarrased that I had to hide. I was there for a half hour when there was a knock at the door and I said "come in. " Her head came around the door and my heart began pounding so that I felt it in my neck.

She stood there a momant and then said, "You did say come in, right?" and I said, "Yeh, please come one in. " She wore a green blouse and it wraped around her body and a pair of jeans and low sandals. The blouse crossed over the breasts cupping and lifting each one making them really stand out and I know I stared at them. She walked in and said, "I did not mean to make you run off before. " My hair was cut really short at the time and I had a few friends that said I looked like a cute guy instead of a flat woman. "Oh, that is okay. " I said feeling very warm all over. "I was leaving and I thought to myself that I would realy be sorry if I did not apologize to the cute guy that ran into me. " I laughed very nervous and said, to myself, damn, she thought I was a guy. "Ah, well, thanks for the thought but there is a problem. " I said.

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   "What is that?" she saidas she sat down bending so that her very ample cleavage was in view. I almost did not say it but I thought it was only fair, "Well, I am not a cute fuy, I am a very flat woman. " I said and let it drop there. She got red faced and sat there looking at me. "Really? You are a woman?" she said and I said "Yeh, sorry to disappoint you. " "Wow, that is wild cause it sure did get me hot when you ran into me. " she said. "Really?" I said, "It turned me all on to be honest. " She still sat there and finaly I took a chance and said, "Do you need proof I am a woman?" "Well, I would like to be sure. " she said and I sliped of the bed and stood in front of her and as I did I sliped my fingers into the pajama bottoms I wore and slid them down till they fell to the floor, "See, girl plumbing, not guy. " I said moving my legs apart. She stared and turned red again and I jumped back into bed leaving my bottoms on the floor and pulled the covers up.

"That is wild, I was turned on by a girl, that is so wild. " she said. "Well, you thought I was a guy though.

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  " I said. "No, I think I knew, but I was not sure, I think I knew you were another woman and id turned me on too, that you touched me. " We sat there for a moment and then she said, "I so hate it when men try to grab me but you touched me accidentially and if made me hot. " and I sat there looking ito those deep blue eyes. "You are so beautiful. " I finally said. We looked at each other and I said, "I am Sandy. " she told me that she was Cathrine and she was very glad to have bumped into me. We laughed and began talking and so an hour went by and the food tray came in and I did not eat and it got cold and we talked till it was 9 at night. She looked at the clock and said she had to go and asked if she could call me and come back to visit. "Sure," I said and gave her my cell phone number and she gave me her's and we hugged, me still in bed with no bottoms on and soaking wet.

She left and I sat ther emy head spinning and an hour later my cell rang. "Hey Sandy, Cathrine here, is it okay that I called?" she said. "Oh my god yes. " I said not hiding my attraction.

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   "I need to ask you something. " she said. "Okay, ask anything. " "Well, ah, well, I have not been able to stop thinking about you when you took off the bottoms to your pajamas, it has made me very,,,ah, well, very. . . " she kept trying to say. "Wet?" I said. "Yes, very wet. " "My god, me too. " I said and the tension was less. "Does that mean I am a lesbian?" she said, "I have never been with a woman. " "Well, I don't know if it means you are a lesbian but I hope it means that you are at least bi. " I said and she asked me, "Why?" "Because I was hoping to 'be with you' soon" "Are you a lesbian?" she said. "Well, I tend to like women a lot more than men at least.

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  " I told her. "Can I come see you tomorrow?" she said on the other end. "You can come see me tonight if you like. " I said and we talked a little while. As we hung up she said, "See ya in a little while. " and I said "okay. " and thought that she had meant the next day. I had turned off the TV and was just falling asleep when the door opened and I thought the nurse was coming in. I turned on the bedside lamp and she stood there at the edge of my bed. "Hi. " she said. "Hello. " I found was all I could say back to her. "

I had taken off my top and so was naked under the covers and she said, "I just had to come back to see you, can I stay?" "Yes, please stay. " I said.

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   "I can sleep in the chair' she saidand I tossed back the covers and said, "You can sleep with me. " I sat up and swung my legs over the edge of the bed and took her hand pulling her to me and my legs moved apart so that she was standing between them. I took her face and kissed her softley and then slowly my tongue parted her lips and she was kissing me back. As we kissed I undid her jeans and they fall to the floor and then her blouse. She had taken off her bra and her full chest fell into my hands and I began massaging them and pulling the nipples. "Oh yes, yes, can you suck them?" she whispered. " I began sucking first one then the other and then pushed the nipples together and began licking them both and she was moaning and she pushed me down and got into the bed. We laid there kissing and she looked into my eyes, "Teach me how to make love. " and we went back to kissing again. "You are doing great so far. " I said.

I rolled on top of her and my legs were between her legs moving them apart, "The first part of the lesson is that you let yourself enjoy everything I am going to do. " I whisperd as I began kissing her neck and then her chest and down her tummy. As I finished talking I sucked her really big clit into my mouth and began sucking and kissing it making it swell and then I slipped two fingers into her pussy making her hips move against my face. Her clit seemed to grow in my lips and I lept sucking it to get it engorged as much as I could and she moaned louder as I did.

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   "Oh yes, that is so good. " she kept saying over and over again. I was now slipping three fingers in and out of her pussy and the pace was getting faster as if she had to have an orgasm. Suddenly she soaked my face and we laid there after for a long time. . .
more later.

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Μην ξεχνάτε ποτέ ότι η πόλη Λάρισα είναι μια πόλη που μπορεί να κάνει όλες τις βρώμικες φαντασιώσεις σας πραγματικότητα. Έτσι, αν ψάχνετε για λίγη πρόστυχη δράση, αυτό το μέρος έχει όλα όσα χρειάζεστε. Για αυτό, μόλις φτάσετε σε αυτήν την συναρπαστική Ελληνική τοποθεσία, μην χάσετε την ευκαιρία να ελέγξετε τηνΠιστέψτε με, δεν έχετε δει ποτέ άλλη πόλη σαν αυτή που θα εξερευνήσετε ότι η δημιουργήθηκε κυρίως για όλους τους ακόλαστους και αχόρταγους άντρες που αναζητούν πάντα το σεξ. Διαθέτουμε μια ευρεία συλλογή από διαφορετικές πόρνες οι οποίες είναι πολύ ανοιχτόμυαλες για βρώμικη δράση. Οι πόρνες στην μπορούν να κάνουν σεξ όλη νύχτα και να προσφέρουν την υψηλότερη ικανοποίηση στον πλανήτη.

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