Texas Heat - part 2
Part 2
The trailer turned out to be surprisingly cozy, with a rather large sleeping compartment that held a queen sized mattress. Jen and Michelle lugged pillows, sheets, and comforters from the house to the compartment, then said their goodnights and retreated to the trailer.
As they made the bed, Jen grumped to Michelle, “Is it always this hot here?”
“You’ll get used to it,” Michelle laughed.
“Not fucking likely,” Jen sighed. “Where I grew up, 75 degrees is considered a heat wave. ”
After making the final adjustments to their bed, Michelle excused herself to the small bathroom to change. After she returned wearing a powder blue nightgown, Jen took her turn, changing into a white cotton nightshirt that reached to the middle of her thighs. She left off her panties as the nightshirt was all she could stand to wear in the stifling heat without feeling that she was going to sweat herself dry.
When she exited the bathroom, Jen was surprised to find that Michelle had turned out the lights.
“Michelle?” she asked anxiously, worrying that the other girl had left her by herself in the darkened trailer.
“I’m here,” Michelle answered, her voice slightly husky.
“Oh, good. I thought you had left me here alone in the dark. It’s kind of spooky in here with the lights off. ”
“I wouldn’t do that. I like you.
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Come to bed. ”Jen walked the short distance to the bed and crawled in, accidentally brushing against Michelle’s smooth, bare thigh in the process.
“Oh, sorry,” She said.
“Don’t apologize,” Michelle said, “I don’t mind if you touch me.
Jen propped herself against the headboard of the bed.
“So, do you wanna talk?”
“Mmm, about what?”
“I don’t know… do you know any hot guys?”
Michelle giggled and sat up in bed. As she did, Jen noticed that she had opened the top few buttons of her nightgown, and she could see one of Michelle’s perfectly rounded breasts, the nipple hard and erect. She blushed and quickly looked away.
“No, I don’t know any hot guys,” Michelle answered, “and not many girls as hot as you. ”
Jen jumped as Michelle placed a hand on her bare thigh.
“I—I’m not really into girls,” Jen stammered as Michelle’s hand gently caressed her thigh.
“You looked pretty into me earlier,” Michelle whispered, her lips an inch from Jen’s ear.
Jen found herself trembling under Michelle’s hand as it moved slowly and softly down to her knee, then back up to just below the hem of her nightshirt, then down again.
“I was just kind of jealous of you. You have such a nice body.
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I wasn’t checking you out or anything. ”“That’s alright,” Michelle giggled softly, “I was kind of jealous of you too. But you’re such a nice person that I knew I had to have you. ”
Jen gasped as Michelle’s hand slid up under her shirt to cup her mound, and she shivered as delicate fingers ran through her soft, golden pussy hair. Michelle’s lips tenderly brushed against Jen’s ear as she drew closer.
“Do you like that?”
Jen’s heart raced as Michelle’s fingers gently spread her lips and found her clitoris. Softly and slowly they began teasing at her. Unable to stop panting long enough to say the word, she merely nodded.
With her other hand, Michelle gently pulled Jen down onto the bed, slipped her arm around her neck, and drew her close into an embrace. Jen could feel Michelle’s heart racing just as fast as her own, could feel Michelle’s nipples pressed against her own breasts. Unsure of what to do with her hands, she put them around Michelle and hugged her closer.
“Leave some room for my hand,” Michelle giggled as Jen pulled herself against her body. “I don’t have a dick. ”
Jen giggled nervously as she pulled back a little, but instead of fingering her pussy again, Michelle put her hand on Jen’s arm.
“You can touch me, too,” Michelle whispered as she guided Jen’s hand under her nightgown and down between her legs.
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Jen gasped. Michelle’s mound was completely smooth, and she could feel the slippery moisture that leaked from her pussy and mingled with her sweat. Michelle guided her fingers as she explored, caressing the smooth, soft lips, gently teasing them open to find the small, hard clit.
Michelle cooed as Jen played with her pussy, and slipped her fingers back between Jen’s legs. They stayed like that for a while, just teasing and touching, until Jen felt the waves of pleasure grow, each larger and faster than the last. As Jen came, Michelle’s fingers became more urgent, pressing more firmly against her clit, moving faster and faster as she thrust her hips to the rhythm of her orgasm. Jen pressed her face hard against Michelle’s neck to keep from crying out until finally the waves stopped coming.
End of Part 2
More to come. . . ?
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