Home Schooling - Ch2 "Toy Shopping"


Please first read: Home Schooling - Ch1 "Bad Date Produces Revelations"

On the way home from work I popped into my favourite "Toy Shop" and bought some supplies. At supper Chrisa asked if Bobby and her could practise their lessons. I said it's OK under two conditions, one only with mutual consent, no one can make the other do anything they did not want and two, they could only do what had been taught. Neither kid seemed to have a problem with that.

"Tonight after your home work we will have a short lesson. " It didn't surprise me when the kids gobbled up their supper and raced to do their homework. I had barely finished cleaning up when Chrisa came down showing proof she'd finished her's. Later Bobby came down but he had barely touch his math work. Chrisa exclaimed "Bobby!" and gave him a scowl.

When I was satisfied with his math assignment, I told them to go to Chrisa's room, while I got the supplies. I instructed Bobby to take off his own cloths while Chrisa should do a sexy strip tease for Bobby. She put on music from some hip-hop group and did what I assumed she has seen in a music video. After a little coaching she slowed down all the ass jiggling and ran her hands over her body looking into Bobby's eyes saying "Just like this lover".

Soon he was naked and his magnificent member was growing by the second. At the end the little vixen turned around and slowly pulled her panties off bending at the waist. Bobby sucked in and exhaled a loud breath.

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   I said "Chrisa you can't get higher praise then that". While pointing at his erection she replied "Well that goes a long way too, Mom. ", "Indeed it does Chrisa. "

She ran over to Bobby and they embraced kissing, rubbing and moaning. I wouldn't likely hear too many fights in this house for a very long time. I told Chrisa to lie face up on the bed, Bobby sat at her side and I emptied the bag of supplies.

"First this is your own tube of KY jelly. Bobby, a very important thing to remember is to only touch a woman's clit with a lubed or wet body part. A women gets naturally wet but extra never hurts. " I reached over a hand on his cock. Holding it up, I traced a finger just under his glans and told Chrisa "Although a cock is sensitive all over, this area is the most sensitive. Bobby, all this skin has its counterpart on a women. "

When I reach out to Chrisa she spread her legs. I pulled back the hood to expose her clit. "Now son, all that sensitive skin on your cock is concentrated right here on her little nub.

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   So imagine how sensitive it is and why you need to be gentle. If touched when dry it can cause pain not pleasure. "

Bobby licking his lips, bent over and gave her clit a kiss. Chrisa yelled out "Whoa. " I warned Bobby if you over stimulate her clit she may tell you to stop. A lot of times it is better to rub over the hood instead. " I released the hood to hide her clit then put some KY on his fingers and placed them on her pussy drawing circles.

Chrisa sighed and Bobby kept at it changing the motion always listening to what turned her on. In moments Chrisa had her hand wrapped around his cock slowly stroking him. After a while I told them to stop. Bobby took his hands off her but Chrisa only stopped stroking.

I took out the vibrator, a six inch pink one and turned it on. They both giggled. I told them "This can be used in various ways. Rub the end over her clit, up and down her slit but it can also be inserted inside her.

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   Bobby, initially the insertion should be left to Chrisa as she's a virgin and will be very tight. When she allows you to insert it only do what she says. "

I put some KY on the tip and had Bobby rub it all over. He moved the vibrator onto her clit hood and she jumped. Bobby looked at me in alarm but I said "You are doing it right just change the vibrating speeds. Chrisa will tell you what works. " I watched the two learn together. I knew my daughter was climbing to that wonderful precipice when she moved her hand off his cock and clutched the bed spread.

As she started thrash he leaned over, kissed and licked her nipples. He must have pressed a little harder and contacted her exposed clit. She yelled and her pelvis shot into the air knocking his hand away. Bobby was in awe as his sister froze there all tensed up then released falling relaxed onto the bed.

Bobby said "It was awesome making her come. " Chrisa mumbled "You liked it? I'm going to be addict. ", I replied "Honey, if its done right every woman's a come addict.

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  " A proud Bobby smiled and leaned over his sister kissing her and caressing her body. After a while they both sat up and Chrisa asked "Can we do that again?" I said yes but this time explore sliding the vibrator inside you while necking with Bobby.

With Chrisa already having come once she was soon sliding that fake penis a few inches in and out of herself. As she got hotter I told her to push it in as far as she could. Just like I thought, she was too aggressive and broke her hymen accompanied by a yelp.

Bobby sat up and I apologized saying it had to go or your first time would be a mixture of pain and pleasure. You're already concerned about other challenges. " She gave me a knowing nod.

While they had been playing I KY-ed the rubber dildo. I told Bobby to take the vibrator and apply it to her clit then handed the dildo to Chrisa and said "Push this in and out slowly. Take as much as you are comfortable with. "

My kids started to neck with Bobby getting her going well before she summoned the courage to use the dildo. She only pushed in and out an inch or so but soon enough an inch was two then four then six and she was ready to explode.

Chrisa increased the speed until her hand was a blur then came even louder than the last time. Bobby and I watched her have a few mini quakes as she fell into a deep sleep.

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   I collected the supplies and pulled the covers over sleeping beauty. Bobby and I left the room and I turned off the lights.

I led Bobby by the hand to his room. Once there I closed the door and told him "Your sister will be sore for a few days, so be considerate if you two decide to play. Now I'll give you a reward for being so gentle with your sister. " I positioned him in front of the bed and dropped to my knees.

His schlong was barely stiff when I nuzzled my lips under it. All I heard was a satisfying "Oh Mom!". I kissed my baby boy's balls, licked his sack then up that rising column. I applied all my twelve years of fellatio experience on my son's grand wand. Kisses, long licks from balls to tip, glans sucks and pop offs. Making as much eye contact as I could even when sucking his shaft deep in my mouth.

My fingers were working overtime on in pussy as I was determined to come when he did. His hands went to the back of my head and I clasped my lips around the head and moved my tongue rapidly under the shaft. I was rewarded with the feeling of that head swell and Bobby's "IIII'MMMM CCCCOOOOMMMMIIIINNNNGGGG" as his sperm shot into my mouth.

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This was all too intense for a women that had gone without a real cock for so long. I came along with my son. He was the one that pulled out as I didn't want to let go. His cum tasted much like his Father's and I savoured his load before swallowing. I saw a bit of confusion on his face and said "I've needed that so bad, its been way to long. " As that big thing shrank I told him to go to bed and walked out of the room. .

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