


Author’s Note: I’m just busting these out daily. Really, she felt it was her fault. She had nobody but to blame but herself. Perhaps she was being a little arrogant but that was as normal reaction as one could get. She was wearing such a loose short robe, exposing much of her toned thighs around the house when he came down. A strong young lad of fifteen years old charged down the stairs, clad only in his boxers on a lazy Sunday morning: her son. She greeted him casually, not noticing his inappropriate satisfaction at her attire. As he sat at the dining table, she had been in the midst of cleaning. Interrupting her duties, she placed his prepared plate of pancakes in front of him, freshly made. She failed to acknowledge where his eyes fell to her cleavage. Returning to her chores, she resumed wiping the surfaces and generally cleaning around the kitchen which opened into the dining room. Often, her robe would hike up, giving a tantalizing view of her derriere which she corrected by pulling down. What she didn’t realise was who she kept giving flashes. When he finished breakfast, like an obedient mother, she came to collect his plate before he’d even begin to budge. Once again, his gaze was averted towards her cleavage, as the angle gave a clear picture of her mature tits. If perhaps she would’ve been a bit more perceptive, she would’ve observed this; or his raging hard on scarcely shielded by the table.

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   Having bent over again, her robe had ridden up the crack of her ample ass but her hands were busy with the dirty dishes, courtesy of her baby boy. She had no clue that he stared lustfully at her bottom jiggling at every step. She did not discern that his offer to wash the dishes was only a ploy to buy some time to peak at his mother in perverted manner. As she twirled around, she forgot to pull down her robe this one time; little did she know how much it would cost her. Sponge in hand; she went to go wipe the table. Bending over fully, her robe was hiked up fully, showing off her shaved pussy and ass in plain sight. She made the awful assumption that it was safe to do so, oblivious to the fact that it was the straw that broke the camel’s back. She did not pay much attention when he dropped the dishes and rushed over to her. Standing over her, she said nothing when he finally freed his monstrous member from its restraint. When the hand finally came down on the small of her back, she reacted without resistance. She turned around, about to inquire for an explanation. Instead, the hand previously on the small of her back suppressed that movement, plastering her face to the table cloth. She felt the mushroom head poised at the entrance of his origin. She’d failed to realise that he was a young, hormonal teenager, in the throes of sexual confusion at such a tender age. She’d missed the signs throughout of his growing desire to have her in an incestuous manner.

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   She did not address her provocative style of clothing around the household in his presence. She misjudged what kind of effect going to the gym very regularly to keep fit would have on his impressionable mind. And now, she was paying the price for her failures. “Drake!” Without any response, the named boy pushed past her slit and invaded her vaginal passage. As his cock became lodged within her, she protested. “Drake, no stop, please, this is wrong!” However, her words fell on deaf ears. Having secured his place within her, he began to violently thrust his dick in and out, maintaining a firm grip on her pelvis, using the weight behind his thrust to trap her in place. As the situation progressed, a new feeling replaced her righteous reluctance: arousal. As her possessed son ploughed away at her pussy, her body couldn’t deny the wrongful wetness she was feeling and how it lubricated his drives, not that he needed it with the vigour behind them. She felt him slow down suddenly too, as he fully immersed his rod within her, pulling her slightly towards him. She could feel the first spurt warm her insides, followed by several others. She felt the last bit dribble out as well as when he turned flaccid and withdrew, leaving them both exhausted physically and otherwise. Once again, she found herself home alone with her child, something she strained to call him now. She had failed to change her ways though, persisting in keeping fit and dressing seductively around him. However, this time, she knew what would be on his mind and what would occur.

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   As she sat on her legs in the couch, she heard his approach and then saw him in front of her. Her low cut top was enough to liven up his libido. There was no questioning when he popped his cock out, when he placed his hands on her head or when he popped it into her mouth. She knew this was seriously wrong and that she should do something about it. She knew that in the long run, this would destroy their relationship and scar him for life. But for now, she was content to suck her son’s cock until she’d swallowed the last gob of cum out of it. Author’s Note: Another short story for your reading pleasure. .

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