Knocking up Wife's Sister
While we were talking I couldnt help but notice that I could see between the buttons of her blouse to the sexy bra that cupped her beautiful 38dd tits. My cock jumped at the sight and I crossed my legs to hide my growing erection. ' God, i'd love to feel and suck on those,' I thought, as I took another sip of the wine. Sharon caight me staring, but instead of looking away she at last smiled and started to loosen up a bit. We started talking about sex and she said that one of the things she missed when her and Alan were trying to conceive was spontaneous fucking; it seemed that this had totally disappeared in their efforts to time everything down to the last minute. Anyway, at this turn I got bolder and, noticing her now erect nipples, said to her that it looked as if all this sexy talk and the wine was making her horny. She looked down at her enormous tits and giggled, before gesturing to my crotch and saying that the feeling was clearly mutual. I said I was sorry, but that she was so sexy sitting there that my cock couldn't help but show its appreciation. She smiled and suggested that as we were alone and both horny, why didn't we just continue our sexy talk upstairs, and with that she got up and walked towards the door. I couldn't believe what I'd hear and sat their dead still fro a moment, before jumping out of the seat and following her like a dog in heat.
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I licked her pussy and clit before working my way up her sexy belly and back to her tits, all the while my cock, which I had freed earlier, was following me up. Sharon, feeling my cock presing ever nearer her sexy hole, looked into my eyes and asked if I had a condom. My wife is on the pill, so I said no and as Sharon and Alan were trynig for a kid, neither did she. My cock was pressing against her pussy lips and I asked her if she wanted me to stop, but in response she pressed against me and the head of my penis popped into the warmest, moistest pussy I had ever felt. I looked into her eyes as i started to pump my hard cock deeper and deeper into her, the thought of her being fertile turning me on more and more. She responded to my thrusts by pushing back against me, a big smile playing across her sexy face. We built up a good rhythm, me pumping deeper and deeper, faster and faster, until I could feel the tingle in my balls that told me I was near to cumming. Sharon was really into the fucking my now, crying out in exstacy as my cock pumped in and out of her. 'I'm so close to cumming, baby,' she said, and on hearing this I knew I couldnt last long. 'So I am I,' I said, 'should I pull out?' And at this Sharon wrapped her legs around my waist and said to me, 'Don't stop, baby, fuck my pussy, fill my fertile belly with your seed. ' That was all I needed to hear, and I started hammering my cock into her, balls deep. 'Yes, do it, cum inside me, do it nowwww', she screamed, and with that I buried my cock right up to the hilt and unleashed all of my cum deep inside her. 'I can feel it shooting inside me,' she said, as I emptied my load into my wife's sister's unprotected pussy. We rested for a while before cleaning ourselves up in time for our partners to return, none the wiser. As youve probably guessed from the title of this story, a little over 2 months and several more discrete fucking sessions later, Sharon announced she was pregnant - the twinkle in her eye told me that she thought I was the father.LOVELY GIRLS ESCORT Exclusively in Kuala Lumpur
But just when I thought my fun was over, it opened a new avenue of pleasure with the delights of a pregnant and horny sister-in-law to satisy on a regular basis. But that's another story. . . .Escort girls
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