
Together Again


As a tear fell silently from her eye she started to think back to that day at the beach where the photo was first taken, they were times of happiness and love, and thinking that they would always be together and yet now it seemed so wrong to stay hoping on a dream that would never come true for Will was out of Ali's life and he would never be coming back…Or so she thought. As she was sitting on the bed about to put the photo in the trash she heard the phone ringing and she got up and walked out of her bedroom into the den where she picked it up “hello” she said into the receiver and as she held the photo of her and Ryan she nearly dropped it for on the other end was a voice from her past that she never thought she would hear again and that voice was Will's. “Hey Ali, I had to call you for I needed somewhere to stay while I’m in town on business and I had to ring you and ask if you knew anywhere” he asked,“Oh my god Will I cant believe its you, I have missed you terribly when you said that you would keep in contact I only heard from you about half a dozen times and then you just left out of the blue and never again contacted me” and that’s when Ali began to really cry, and she didn’t care If Will knew about it. Will asked “what’s wrong” but all Ali could do is just tell him that she was just thinking of him about half an hour before he called and that she missed him so much, “Ali what happened between you and I can not happen again you know that, I love you and I know that its been a year since I left you and that I am terribly sorry for that but I had to and I never wanted to but my mother wanted me to marry Angel and no matter how much I didn’t want her to she did and I tried to tell mother otherwise but she just cant stand me being happy and she wanted us to never see each other and so she started this whole “you are going to marry Angel instead of that bitch Ali” thing and I have always hated her for it but as I am now divorced after 2 years with Angel, and even though I promised that I won’t go out with you again because I wouldn’t be able to stand myself hurting you again I just cant Ali I love you to much to do so” and as Ali sat on the bed thinking about what Will said she was started to cry a tiny bit more. “But Will” Ali went on between tears, “ I haven’t thought anything about us being together this past year and it has been totally hard on me and even though I know that you would NEVER hurt me intentionally I will go by what you say and I wont try and get u to understand that even though you do, trying to reason with you is just not going to cut it this time” Will didn’t know what to say as he was abrupt when he told her his side of things and even though he did promise himself he was hurting inside trying to deny the feelings that he has always had since they first broke up and he cant hide that feeling that he still loved Ali with all his heart and yet he didn’t want her to know that. “Ali" I love you and I always will but please understand that we can only be friends and that is it…. forgive me. . . ?” Ali didn’t know what to say but she said “of course and I promise that we will as well always be friends no matter what, but that’s not the reason for this call its about you needing a place to stay while your in town and I think I have the perfect place for you” Where?” Will asked Ali replied “with me of course, I don’t mind and I have a second room and no ones using it so I would be happy if you stayed with me” and as Will was about to respond someone knocked on the door “hang on Will I will be right back” putting the phone down she ran to answer the door, and it was a delivery man dropping of a package and flowers and as she signed for them she put the package on the floor and carried the flowers back into the den and picked up the phone and was about to tell Will that she was back when all she heard on the other end was the dial tone. He must have had to go she thought and so she looked at the card and it was flowers from Will apologizing because he hadn’t kept in contact and that he would call, which must have been that call then, but when she got to that package she looked at it and opened it and inside was a china ornament of a horse that she was wanting, except that they were all sold out when they were around a few years back and they were not going to bring out more because the company stopped making them and so she had given up on ever trying to get one but when she looked at the box there was no card in it and nothing to say who it was from so she thought that it must be Will and so several minutes later she heard a knock at the door and she got up and opened it and to her surprise it was Will waiting on her porch with takeaways for them both. As she started to eat she started asking Will all these questions at once and him just replying with short answers so Ali thought that he mustn’t want to talk that’s ok so after dinner Ali went into the spare room and started to make up the bed and Will walked in soon after and told Ali that he had to be alone for a few minutes and so Ali said sure and left. As Will was sitting in the room a tear started to fall down his cheek while he was looking at the photo that he and Ali had taken when they went away on a ski weekend together and that was the time when he was thinking about proposing to Ali until his mother thought differently and screwed it up for him and Ali to ever find the true happiness that they deserved. That night he and Ali barely talked even though they had a LOT of catching up to do and Will walked over to Ali as she was sitting on the sofa kissed her on the cheek good night and went to bed an silently cried himself to sleep as Ali did the same also. A few days later while they were settled in and had talked over coffee and had a great catch up session and that night will was taking Ali out to dinner for the second night this week just so they don’t sit around the house all the time, and so as she and Will were getting ready and Ali was standing at the closet in nothing but a bra and panties there came a knock at the door and Will walked in before she could finish getting her robe on, and as she finished with that Will was still eying Ali up and down but never said anything, ermmm…. I thought you would like some wine before we went out, just to get us in the mood, Ali said sure and after 4 glasses later she and Will were starting to make out passionately on the bed and as they were doing that Will started undoing the sash on Ali's robe and Ali ignored it and as Will took the robe off fully he started to French kiss Ali.

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  He then started to caress Ali's right breast as she started to take off Will's top and as she was starting to unbutton Will's jeans he undid Ali's bra and started kissing her neck and then slowly working his was down to her right breast where he kisses it and nibbled it and slowly started sucking on the nipple, and as he started to do that she started to put her hand down Will's jeans and started to play with Will's firm cock and as she finally took it out Will had decided that it was about time to move down and so as she started to move back on the bed a bit more she layed down and waited till his cock was nice and firm in her pussy before she decided to play with her clit. As she started to move her finger in small circles she let out small and gentle moans. It never lasted that was long though. Soon Will was fuckin her like an animal and she was screaming at the top of her lungs. She tried to calm down but Ali couldnt and so she let him take her in the forceful way. After she had cum all over his cock it was only fair she repaid the favor. She took Will's cock in her hand and started to mover one hand up and down the shaft, slowly and carefully caressing his dick. As she placed her mouth aroun the head of it and started to tease the head of it. Soon after he moaned a tiny bit she found a bit of pre-cum on the head and licked it off savoring every bit of the taste. She then went back to his hard shaft and wanked it a bit more. She played with his balls abit, caressing them and massaging them whilst she sucked his cock. The faster she sucked the more she massaged and the more she massaged the more he moaned it wasnt till the last few times Ali started to really get into into the swing of things when he came. He came far to much to even give Ali time to prepare. He just moaned, never said he was comming or anything so it was a bit of a surprise for her but she took every single drop of his precious cum just as he devored her juices. as she sucked and wanked his cock for more cum she gave up when she found she wouldnt be getting any more.

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   They were both majorly tired and needed sleep so Will stuck his cock up Ali's cunt and fucked her a couple more times till he and she fell asleep in each other's arms and he left his semi hard cock in Ali's cunt hole. .

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