The Pool Part 1- Swimming
"I want to see it. . . "She used her hands to lightly pull down on my bathing suit. Seeing as no one could see us, I slipped it off, and threw it aside. Her face lit up. My raging cock stood in front of her. She rubbed her hands around it, feeling my pubic hair. "Now. . . I want is in me"She grabbed my hands, and positioned them on her bathing suit bottom. "Take it off of me"I slowly pulled off the bottom, revealing the fattest pussy I've ever seen. I took my hands to rub is. Her huge patch of pubes was fuzzy, and warm, while the inside of her pussy felt hot and sticky. "Stick it in me, make me come"I put my hands on her ass cheeks, and pulled her body above my cock.
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I let her down gently, my cock went directly into her pussy, as if it knew where to go. She gasped a bit. I clenched onto her ass more, and pulled her closer. I started to gently thrust into her cunt. Her sticky juices helped me in, while the water on the outside took of the lube. I started to pound her faster and faster. She was moaning and panting. "Ooh yess, yess, this is what I need! Fuuuuuck me!!! OH yes, give it to mama's cunt!"My thrusts go harder and faster. I was trying to stick my cock further and further up her pussy. The sweet smell of her pussy filled the air. She was screaming in lust. "Yeeeeeeesssssss, ooooh yeeessss. . . .Greece Athens Escort Hellas Ellada Athina Escort City Tour,Escort News Escort Review Greece Escorts Directory Ellada Escort, Athens Escort
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"If you want my spunk, you'll have to work for it!!!" I continued to shoot hot semen into her cunt. Filling her up nicely, like a pie with cream. Her wet pussy began to twitch again. "Oooooooh yessss!!!! I'm going to come again!! You're making mama come!!!!" I pushed my cock one last time into the pussy. Planting my seed deep inside her, while her pussy twitched with orgasm. We held onto each other, cock in pussy, until I finally slipped out. She gave me and my cock a nice big kiss. We both put our bathing suits back on, still looking at our naked bodies one last time. I had other things to do. "Thanks for the good fuck, I hope it works. " "I hope I got you pregnant, I stuck my seed deep into you. " "You also gave me two orgasms, you're a beast. " "Well I'll see you later," "Yes, you will see me later," she said with a smirk. She swam to me, reached into my bathing suit, rubbed my penis, and swam off. As I looked at my cock, I noticed she placed a tours
It was her room number, and a message to phone her. I knew I would phone her, but I would also bring others for this orgy. I just had to find more fuck partners. I swam off to the waterslide stairs. I began to climb them, the sexy twins will do nicely. Part 2 to come shortly-Please review, and give feedbackDon't forget to send me story ideas.Escort girls
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