


"Got your cabin ready, Miss Pappas, same one as last year," Mrs. Ives said cheerily, "hope the weather's better though, if I recall it rained every day you were here last time!!!" "Thanks, but the rain didn't really bother me," Faye Pappas replied, "I really come up here just to get away from the city and for some peace and quiet!" "Well, we've got plenty of that, only a few of the other cabins have guests," Mrs. Ives replied, "but I expect you'll be meeting them soon enough, now here's your key, have a nice vacation, dear!" Faye's cabin was clean and neat, with a slight odor of cleanser in the air. After hanging her clothes up, she opened the windows to air the place out and decided to go for a walk down by the lake. It was only about four o'clock, so she had plenty of time to check out the scenery before supper time. Faye zipped up her jacket and stuck her hands in the pockets as a heavy breeze seemed to lower the temperature by a good fifteen degrees. She made her way down the tree lined path to the glistening waters of Elbow Lake which shone in the fading sun like diamonds on a necklace! Picking up a stone, she skipped it across the rippling waters and counted out loud, "One, two, three, four, not bad for my first throw!" From behind her a male voice startled her when it said, "Not bad indeed!!!" Faye spun around only to be confronted by the smiling face of a man who appeared to be about her own age. "Hi," he introduced himself, "my name's Mike, Mike O'Brien, I'm staying in cabin three just around the corner from yours!" Giving the stranger a quick once over, Faye nodded and replied, "I'm Faye Pappas, you must be one of the other guests Mrs. Ives was talking about. " "Sure am," he replied assuredly, "it's my second visit up here, I just love the solitude!" "I come up every year around this time," she answered, "fall is my favorite time of year, the leaves are turning and the place isn't being over run with children, not that I have anything against children," she quickly rejoined, "well you know what I mean!!!" He laughed and infectious hearty laugh that made her feel immediately at ease and then he remarked, "Since you and I are the only two our age around here, what do you say we have dinner together!?!" Giving him one more look over, she smiled and replied, "Sure, why not!!!"The sun was down and the fire was warm, as Mike adjusted the hot dog he had placed on sticks above the yellow and blue flames! "This will probably be our last cookout of the year," he said while poking at the burning embers with a stick, "hope you like 'dogs!!!" "That's fine with me," Faye answered quickly, "nothing better at a barbecue!" Mike plopped down on the blanket next to her and poured a glass of wine for each of them and then toasted, "Here's to good vacations and better friends!!!" Faye, feeling all warm inside, clicked glasses with Mike, took a long sip of wine, and asked, "Where are you from, Mike?!? "St. Louis," he replied, "and you?" "Chicago," she responded! Upon finding that out, they launched into an argument about the Cubs and Cardinals, that never really ended until it was time to each their meal. Afterward, Mike lay back down on the blanket and said, "Look at those stars, Faye, do you think there are two of them out there for us?!?" Taking a place on her back next to him she replied, "There are so many, I think there is a star for each of us on earth!!!" Rolling over onto his side so he faced her, Mike gazed into her eyes for a moment and said softly, "You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen," and almost casually, like he had done it all his life, he leaned down and kissed her softly on her lips!!! Although she was a little surprised at his forwardness, Faye eagerly returned the kiss, the desire now pumping through her entire being!!!Mike pulled away for a second, and stared back into her eyes and breathed, "I hope you are feeling what I am, the passion, the electricity, I have never felt like this. . . . .

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  . " He never got another word out, because Faye pulled him back to her eagerly, now probing his mouth with her tongue, and yes, the passion and electricity were more than there!!! Large hands caressed her breasts through her sweater, but it had been so long since a man had felt her there, that it was almost like the first time!!! The eagerness to give yourself to a man, to let him partake of what no man had ever touched. . . . . . She knew she was losing control, but made no effort to stop him as his hand quickly found its way inside of her bra and to her now hard nipple! The air whistled out of her lungs as he tweaked the hard nub between his thumb and forefinger, causing her to moan as the excitement built between her legs!!! Their kisses became even more passionate, their tongues searching and probing each other, his hands roaming under her sweater, not being able to decide which breast to play with!!! He slid his mouth to her ear and whispered hoarsely, "I want to you now, I want to take you and become one with you!!!" For the first time since she was with him, fear spread through her like a wild prairie fire and she moaned back to him, "I-I-I've never, I mean, you might be disappointed in me, if we. . . . . . . .

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  . " Another kiss from him shut her up, and in a split second she made her decision, as she offered no resistance when he slid his hand down the front of her dungarees and inside of her bikini panties!!!Her heart was pounding like a trip hammer, while wondering if he would get up and run like the wind when he discovered her awful secret!!! As his hand encountered the lush jungle of her mons, he stopped moving momentarily, which caused her whole body to stiffen, as if to get ready for the rejection sure to follow, but much to her delight and amazement, he groaned into her mouth as he let his fingers luxuriate in the thick carpet of pubic hair!!! Now it was her turn to whisper into his ear and she asked excitedly, 'Y-you're not mad at me, I mean for, you know what I mean?!?" "Mad at you," he said lovingly, "how could I ever be mad at the only woman I've ever loved!?!" Upon hearing that, her head rolled back and she moaned, "P-please, take me, I'm yours forever!!!" The wind was brisk, and the air was cool as Mike pulled Faye's pants and panties down her legs, she involuntarily shivered both from the chill in the air as well as the anticipation in her heart!!! Feeling the soft downy hair on Faye's legs, Mike groaned louder, the desire welling up stronger than he had ever experienced before! Still feeling a little self conscious about her hair, Faye asked for the last time, "Are you sure, you've probably never been with a woman like me before!?!" Mike stood up next to Faye and dropped his pants, revealing his hard thick erection in the pale moon light! Laying back down next to her he asked, "Does this feel like I want to," while at the same time guiding her hand to the knob of his hard pecker!?!" This was a first for her, not only was she a virgin, but Faye had never even seen or touched a penis in her life, let alone a large erection like Mike's!!! Again, Mike whispered softly into her ear, "This is your first time, isn't it?!?" Faye's eyes welled up with tears, and she replied in a barely audible voice, "Yes, and I'm very nervous!!!" Gently kissing away the tears rolling down her cheeks, Mike then kissed his way down over Faye's bosom, past her belly button, and all the way down to her furry muffy!!! Using his fingers, he carefully spread her lips, and with a skilled tongue, quickly found Faye's clitoris and brought her to a stunning orgasm!!! The experience was shattering, her only previous climaxes had been self induced using only her fingers, and now here on the beach of Elbow Lake, she had been orally satisfied for the very first time!!! In the past, when ever she would masturbate, there was always that feeling that something was lacking, even though her sexual edge had been removed, she sensed that she needed more! At this very moment in time, the whole thing became crystal clear, her need to be penetrated was now more than just a vague feeling gnawing at her psyche, it was an unmistakable craving pouring from her now drenched vagina!!!Mike, immediately sensing her urgency, slid his body over hers until his pecker was pushing insistently at her tight vaginal opening!!! "Last chance to back out," he whispered into her ear, while running his tongue in and out of her auditory organ!!! As he licked her ear harder, she gasped and involuntarily thrust her hip forward, in an attempt to force penetration!!! Savoring every moment, Mike slowly pushed his head into the unused slit, until he encountered an obstruction, looking Faye in the eyes for a signal, she pulled herself closer and whispered, "Do me now!!!" Pulling back slightly, Mike then buried his meat in one hard plunge all the way into the tightest pussy he had ever felt!!! For one second, Faye felt a blinding pain rushing from her vagina, but almost instantly it was replaced with the most incredibly wonderful sensation!!! She was a virgin no more, and was it ever worth the wait!!! She had found a man who loved her for what she was, and even more amazing, he seemed to revel in her hirsuteness!!! As the thick pecker began plowing in and out of her, she now realized how addictive having a large penis in her pussy could become!!! She often wondered why women as well as men, would take unbelievable risks just to fuck someone, well now she knew, once you crossed that threshold, there was no turning back!!!Mike's erection felt like a piece of steel in her pussy, and as he plunged into her, she met his strokes with perfect timing, pushing up to get maximum penetration!!! What was even more startling, was as hard as he seemed at the time, Mike would even get harder as his orgasm grew near!!! The tempo of his thrusting increased dramatically, while at the same time his penis stiffened even harder!!! Now he was gasping for air, and he said between pants, "I-I-I can't hold it back any longer, I'm going to shoot it into your pussy!!!" Faye rolled her head from side to side as her own climax rushed down upon her and she moaned out loud, "Oh, god, Mike, cum with me, please cum with me, you make me feel so much like a woman should feel!!!" Two hours ago they had never even met, now, here on the beach they were becoming more than lovers, they were becoming soul mates!!! "Arrrrahg," Mike exploded, while his cock spasmed on and off for the next thirty seconds, depositing load after load of hot jism into the hairy wet cunt!!! Faye, feeling the wonderful sensation of having her pussy flooded with sperm, moaned loudly, and then sighed deeply as her orgasm seemed to envelope her in a sexual high that she would now crave to receive as often as possible!!!The two lovers, sweaty and spent, held each other in their arms, kissing each other softly and trading sweet "thank yous" back and forth between kisses!!! Faye was about to bring up her "problem", but before she could mention it, Mike was gently rubbing her hairy thigh as if it were a comforter!!! She smiled to herself and nestled into his strong arms and knew instinctively that everything would work out just fine!!!THE END.

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