The South Marlin Circle Bondage Club Chapter 2
When they arrived at Horace Bauer High School, the kids from the blockall met up at a row of benches near where the front of the school faces across street. Some sat, some stood. Teacher Leonard Favelli passed themas he made his way from the parking lot to his office to prepare forthe day's classes. "Ah, there are the Perlis kids. What a nice family,"he thought to himself. "We could use more like them. Then maybe thiscountry wouldn't be going to hell in a handbasket," he grumbled Onething he couldn't figure out, though, was why the girls in the groupwere raising their hands every now and again. He didn't realize that thefemales, except Lisa Westfield, were all submissives and therefore hadto ask permission to speak when they weren't being addressed by theirdominant. The kids referred to their morning get together as, "The SouthMarlin Circle Breakfast Club," with the "breakfast" part of thatunderstood to be a substitute for "bondage. "
When the bell rang, signaling it was time to go to class, the subbieskissed their masters and everyone scattered to the four corners of thecampus.
As a gesture of solidarity and appreciation for each other, afterschool, they would stop at a convenience store near the campus and asubmissive would buy all the dominants a candy bar. The following day, adominant would buy all the submissives the same thing. Everyone tookturns at this and it became a tradition among the denizens of the block.
After they completed their homework, Daniel and Aoi went over to hishouse. Berniece Perlis greeted Aoi and they went to Daniel's bedroom. "Mom, could you please watch me tie Aoi up?" Daniel requested.
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"Certainly, dear. Is this what you want Aoi?" 'Yes Mrs. Perlis. " "Okayhoney, go ahead," Berniece assented. "Take your clothes off Aoi,"Daniel ordered. 'Yes Sir," she agreed. She quickly shed her apparel andstood before both Berniece and Daniel, her A cup boobs and sparse thatchof black pubic hair that attempted to conceal her pussy exposed. Danielslowly and methodically put her in a karada harness. "Is that too tightaround your crotch Aoi?" Daniel asked. "No Sir, it feels really good. ""Excellent, Daniel reacted. He had her put her hands together in frontof her and bound them together. Then he wrapped up her ankles andanchored the hand tie to the ankle tie. He tied her knees together andnow she was immobilized. Aoi let out a moan.escort angelina now in athens
"I think she likes it mom,"he enthused. "It sure seems that way honey," Berniece agreed."I'm going to inspect you now, Aoi, so please stand quietly until I'mfinished. " "Yes Sir," she consented. He slowly surveyed her body andlegs as he walked around her. "Boy Aoi, you sure have a nice littleass. " Then he suddenly slapped her right butt cheek hard. She let out ayelp and then a moan. He did it again and the same reaction. Berniecewas getting wet watching this herself. "You like it when I spank you,don't you?" Daniel interrogated. 'Yes Sir. " He put his fingers betweenher legs and against her pussy. "She is super wet mom," he reported. Daniel got behind Aoi and groped her little boobies, pulling andpinching on her tender nipples.
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She moaned as he pressed his stiff cockinto her ass crack through his pants.Daniel untied Aoi and had her kneel. He unzipped his pants andunbuttoned the top to open them and then pushed them and his underweardown. "Okay Aoi, I want you to suck it," he ordered, waving his cock infront of her face. "Yes Sir," she smiled. She took his rigid member inher little righthand and while stroking it, darted her tongue at thehead before sliding her tongue up and down the side of her shaft. "Ohyeah, that definitely feels good Aoi. Carry on," he commanded. Shesucked on his head gently several times, causing him to let out a deep,long moan. She moved her mouth further down on his cock and started tobob her head, her lips pressing hard on his shaft, endeavoring to milkhim.
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Daniel began to ream her mouth and throat after that andeventually pumped his load into her sweet, wet and warm mouth."Oh my God mom, that was amazing!" he evaluated. "Thank you Sir," Aoiexpressed. "It looked like she was taking it pretty good, honey,"Bernieice praised. "Mom, can you teach me how to eat her?" "Okay honey,"she agreed. Aoi laid on Daniel's bed and spread her legs. Berniecepointed out where Aoi's clit and g spot were and then she guided himthrough bringing Aoi to orgasm. "Now don't stop honey. See how manytimes you can bring her off," she encouraged, as Aoi smeared his facewith her wetness and felt how hot her clit was and the shuddering thatresulted when it was stimulated just right. When his jaw became tired,he pulled away from her crotch. "Nice job, dear. Any girl would bepleased with that performance!" Berniece complimented.
"Mom, I want to notify you and dad that I am going to take Aoi for myslave. " "Oh thank you Master!" Aoi celebrated. "That's wonderful, dear!"Berniece said, hugging her son and then Aoi.
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"Now listen Daniel, youknow you're on probation, right? So you better take it slowly, askaround for advice and talk a lot to Aoi about her limits and what youguys want out of the relationship, do you understand Master Daniel?" YesI do Mom. " "Good. " "Aoi, I'll give you a new name before the end of theweek and announce it to everyone," Daniel informed her. "Thank youMaster," she rejoiced. "By the way Aoi, are you on birth control yet?'Berniece wanted to know. "Yes Mrs. Perlis, I am. My father put me on itthe day I turned 14. " "I'm glad to hear that," Berniece replied. "Andone more thing: in our family, it is a tradition for all the Perlisslaves to be completely shaven since it signals one's total availabilityfor use by her Master," Berniece added. "Yes Mrs. Perlis. I will shaveit for Master," she accommodated. "Excellent," Daniel said, elated. Thenhe questioned, "are you still a virgin Aoi?" "Master, I've never hadsex before, but my father has put dildos inside of me as part of ahumiliation scene, so I've already had my cherry popped.happysex schweiz
I hope that isokay," she whimpered. "Yes it is, Aoi. Please look forward to the day Itake you," Daniel insisted. "Yes Master, thank you Master. "Berniece went into her bedroom, closed the door and then called herhusband, who was at work, to inform him of his second son now taking aslave. She then asked for permission to masturbate and received it. Shepulled her pants and panties down and her top up and unhooked her bra,letting her 36c breasts roll out. She flicked her right nipple with herright index finger as her lefthand found her slit and rubbed up and downthe length of it several times before pulling her index finger up andlightly rubbing her nubbin in small circles. Then she pushed on it upand down a few times before drawing more circles on it. This cyclecontinued for several minutes and then she inserted two fingers insideof herself and rubbed her vaginal walls and her g spot against them, herbreathing shortening and her husband''s cock lengthening under hisdress pants as he listened in. She rubbed her clit faster and faster, soclose, her clit as hard and as hot now as a molten steel poker beforeshe felt something collapse inside of her and the pleasure rushed intoher like a rogue wave, making her gasp and then emit a choked scream inorgasmic ecstasy. "Oh God, thank you Master for letting me experiencethat. " "You're welcome screwtoy," he whispered.
As Berniece was getting her ya-yas out in her bed, Daniel took Aoi homeand announced to Mrs. Hamamoto that Aoi was now his slave.
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Mrs. Hamamotosmiled broadly and clapped her hands in excitement while telling Aoi todo her best to serve Daniel. Friday morning before they left forschool, Daniel proclaimed that Aoi was now "cockslut. " Both of them gotlots of hugs after everybody at the breakfast club was informed, too. Ofcourse, this meant that Aoi would no longer be allowed to choose herown outfits. Daniel informed her that Monday, she was going to wear herdenim skirt but with no panties. Moreover, before second period, she wasgoing to remove her bra and sit in class and then put it back on forthe rest of the day.Monday, Daniel went to the Hamamoto residence and asked, "is cockslutready?" She was right there so she wouldn't keep him waiting. Daniellooked around and then told Aoi to pull her dress up. She had shaved herpussy, as he demanded, and had no panties on. They walked hand in handto school with her feeling the breeze occasionally blowing up her skirtand against her naked twat. As Daniel commanded, after first period, shewent into the bathroom and took her bra off and stuck it into her bookbag. "My nipples aren't showing too bad," she believed and went toclass. Mr. Dickson was her geography teacher and looked up at one pointafter writing something on the board just as Aoi shifted in her seat.
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Her skirt rode up a bit and he got a flash of her bare slit and thenquickly looked away. He wasn't going to say anything because he didn'twant to be accused of looking up the skirts of of his young students. Asclass wore on and the material of her t-shirt rubbed against hernipples, they stiffened and were now making an outline in her shirt. This, plus the flash of snatch, had Mr. Dickson hard as a rock in frontof about three dozen students. He hoped to hell that nobody noticed.The hours passed and because she was so nervous about her pussy beingnoticed, Aoi started to become wet. She crossed one leg over another andwiggled it slightly, which rubbed her clit, only making her more moistand horny. She knew that some of the other submissives on the block werealso forbidden from wearing panties and she wondered if they weredealing with the same feelings she was having on an everyday basis or ifthey just accepted it.
By the time school was out for the day, her pussy was hot and wet andshe was somewhat embarrased. She met up with Daniel and their friendsfrom the neighborhood to begin the walk home. She raised her hand andonce recognized, made her complaint known. "Are you went now cockslut?"Daniel inquired. "Yes Master. " They were just about to the conveniencestore, which had an alley behind it.
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"Hey guys, there's something I needto check with cockslut. Let's go into the alley and you screen us off,"Daniel requested. When they entered the alley, the other kids from theblock surrounded the pair to block Daniel and Aoi from being seen. "Okaycockslut, pull your skirt up," Daniel demanded. "Yes Master," sheagreed meekly. After she pulled it up, he slipped two fingers into herand began to stimulate her g spot. "Does that feel good?" Daniel askedwith a sinister grin. "Yes Master," she mewled. He kept up his digitalattack on her until she came in a convulsive show of pleasure. "Do youfeel better now cockslut?' he wondered. "Yes Master," she sighed fromthe tension release. He licked his fingers off and they continued home. When they got to Mrs. Westfield's place, all the guys were horny fromwhat they had just seen and wanted blowjobs before commencing theirhomework. The nude subbies were all fed wads of cum and then dug intotheir girls τηλεφωνα
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