I Would Rather Watch
What can I say about wanting to see my wife fuck a stranger? Some get it and others are appalled. There is nothing in between. It began about six months after we were married. It was a second marriage for both of us and to get a fresh start we moved to a different city. I was twenty nine and my wife, Jan, was twenty four. I started adding some fantasy to our sex by getting Jan to imagine that she was fucking another man. I know I'm not the only man who has done that. Sometimes Jan would get really hot listening to my descriptions of her action with other men. I brought some pornos home and Jan became a new woman. I don't think she had seen any before, but she loved to watch them, even more than I.
One night during sex, I told her it would be cool to watch her actually fuck another man. She didn't show much reaction that night, but I persisted and along with some select pornos she became more receptive to the idea. At times we would just sit and talk about how we could make it happen. It was just talk at this point in time. We decided that an airport bar would be the best place to look for a man who wouldn't know us. This was before all of the airport security that we now have, so we could just walk into a bar near the boarding gates.
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We could then find someone with a few hours to kill between flights. We figured that was a good way to avoid entanglements because we would never see him again. We could even get a hotel room close by the airport. We also talked about what Jan would wear to catch someone's eye. We would both get hot just talking about it.
After we had fine-tuned the fantasy for a couple of months, I told Jan that we should try it for real. She asked me if I was sure about it and I replied that I was very sure. By now it had become almost an obsession with me. Jan said it was o. k. with her as long as I was sure. I can tell you that deep inside I was nervous as hell.
We picked a Friday thinking that a lot of men would be returning home for the weekend after their business was finished. We got a hotel room and headed to the airport. It was hard to believe we were actually doing this.
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All day I kept waiting for Jan to say forget it, but she never did.
Jan was wearing a sheer white blouse with no bra and her pink nipples were very noticeable through it. She also wore a short black pleated skirt and black high heeled shoes that made her tits to jiggle as she walked. She had on red lipstick and she looked sexy as hell! I asked how she felt and she said a little nervous but also excited. I think I was more nervous.
There were several people in the bar and more than a few men stared openly at Jan as we walked in. We picked a table near the center so they would all get a good view. I went up to the bar and ordered our drinks from the middle aged bartender. On my way back to our table I realized that we had overlooked something. It was unlikely that a man would approach our table with me sitting there. Jan and I talked about it and we decided that I would need to wait at the hotel room.
I waited in the room for nearly two hours while all kinds of thoughts crossed my mind. I had picked up some beer on my way from the airport and opened one.
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I was worried that we had made a big mistake when finally the phone rang. Jan said that everything was set, but they couldn't leave for another hour. She explained that she hadn't found a likely passenger, but the bartender had figured out what was going on and agreed to stand in. He didn't get off work for another hour though. She asked if I was o. k. with that and I said I was as I opened another beer.
I was a nervous wreck then finally an hour and a half later there was a knock on the door. When I opened the door, Jan walked in looking a whole lot different than when I left her at the bar. The red lipstick was mostly gone, Her hair was mussed up and there were several spots on her see thru blouse. She appeared flushed, but still had no trouble making the introductions. The bartender, who came in after her, was named Gary and he was in good spirits as well he should have been. He was the same bartender I had ordered drinks from back at the bar and he was about to fuck my wife.
Jan and Gary sat on the edge of the bed and I took the only chair in the room. I handed beers to everyone, actually my fifth, and we had some small talk.
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Gary said he had been a bartender for about ten years and several years ago he had an experience similar to this one. He ended up fucking the wife every week while her husband watched. This went on for about a year until they moved away. He said he knew something was up with us as soon as we came in the bar. He said we didn't look like travelers and Jan didn't look like a hooker, but she had sex written all over her. When I left the bar he was pretty sure what was going on especially the way Jan was checking out the men. The problem was she had forgotten to remove her wedding band. Anyway he put a move on her and she responded the way he thought she might.
I noticed that as we were talking Gary's hand was stroking Jan's thigh and she had put her's on top and seemed to be guiding it to her crotch. I can't explain what this was like to see. I know most men could not watch as another man got ready to fuck their wife. But there are a few of us who could not only watch, but actually planned for it to happen. Oh, there were many emotions; uncertainty and fear, lust, and an overwhelming sense of sexual excitement like I never felt before. I can tell you that fantasy cannot begin to compare with reality in this case. Another man, a stranger, was about to put his cock inside my pretty wife, unload his spunk in my private space inside her and I actually wanted it to happen.
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My nerves were on edge, my heart felt like it was bursting through my chest and my mind was racing like a rocket. I just can't describe the scene. You would need to experience it.
By now they were busy taking their clothes off and I faded into the background. Gary was almost fifty, but he sure didn't look like it.
He was lean and his cock was big and hard. Jan wrapped both of her hands around it and began to suck it hungrily. Seeing my naked wife with another man's cock in her mouth made my own cock swell with excitement. I realized now what had happened to her lipstick and where the spots on her blouse had come from. They had a warm up before they got to the hotel, but I didn't care. Gary pulled his cock out of Jan's mouth and laid her back on the bed. He played with her pussy with his fingers while I stared at his glistening cock. I almost guided it into my wife's pussy with my own hands, but she got to it first. I watched her hand put the head of Gary's cock between her pussy lips as she spread her legs apart. My view was perfect.italy escorts swedishharmony shemale escort in greece independent escort dubai angelika black escort mina pornstar estella escort athens shemale escort germany girls for escort escorts in europe
Gary reached under Jan's legs and he lifted them high. I could now see even better and I thought maybe Gary did it for my benefit. I watched as he slid his cock into my wife's drenched pussy and saw it disappear inside her. I heard her sigh and saw her smile as she tried to take even more into her. She bucked and fucked and groaned and growled. She never fucked me like that! Gary pounded at her, but he couldn't keep pace and he just let her fuck herself on his cock. She was thrusting like a dog in heat, she was on fire! Without even touching myself, my cock exploded from what I was seeing. I was soaked with my own cum.
In a moment Jan threw back her head and shrieked like some animal and then she went limp. Gary groaned and I knew that he was filling my wife's pussy with his thick hot jizz. He pumped a few times to make sure every drop was inside her. Then he pulled out and I could see that he had gotten it all into her satisfied cunt.
We were all quite exhausted. Gary and I exchanged phone numbers and he smiled at me with a knowing look. He bent down and kissed Jan on the lips and then left.
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She was laying spread-eagled on the bed and I couldn't help myself. I leaned down and inhaled the odor of sex from her pussy. Then I lapped up Gary's spunk as it oozed from her pussy lips. Jan giggled and we compared notes on the taste. Then we fucked, but we both knew that it wasn't the same as before. Jan asked me what it was like to watch another man fuck her and although I didn't tell her, I have to admit that I liked it far more than fucking her myself and I also know that Jan enjoyed it more than fucking me. My wife would need many more of these scenes and I couldn't wait..
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Ωστόσο, θα μείνετε άφωνοι όταν μάθετε ότι η Ελλάδα μπορεί να προσφέρει πολλά περισσότερα σε εκείνους που τολμούν να την εξερευνήσουν. Ετοιμαστείτε για κάτι ξεκάθαρα ερεθιστικό. Καλώς ορίσατε στον συναρπαστικό κόσμο Συνοδών στην Ηράκλειο πορνες! Ο κορυφαίος προορισμός για όλους τους πρόστυχους άντρες που σκοπεύουν να γεμίσουν τη ζωή τους με εκπληκτικές εμπειρίες γεμάτες ακολασία και αχαλίνωτο πάθος. Θα μείνετε 100% ικανοποιημένοι με αυτές τις κορυφαίας κλάσης συνοδούς που θα βρείτε στην Ηράκλειο Συνοδοί.
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