
How I Lost My Virginity


I sat close to her this time, not next to her as to not be obvious. By the end of class a word had yet to be spoken with her. As the weeks went on I never spoke with my crush. To my luck however, my English professor assigned a group project. A group of us that sat together decided to work together. The cutie and I were finally going to be together, even if it was only to do schoolwork. Amanda, as I learned to call her, and I got to know each other rather well throughout the next 2 weeks of class. We found that we could work on the project and study together for our other class. One evening, as I walked her to her car after class and studying in the library, we began to enquire about more personal issues. I asked her where she worked and she responded, “at the 20 Club. ”I had no idea where this was, and figuring it was a restaurant, I asked her how she liked being a waitress. To my stunning surprise, this quiet little cutie informed me that the 20 Club was a gentleman’s club no far outside of town. I showed interest in her work, even though I had never been to a strip joint and was slightly turned of at the thought of her being a stripper. Nevertheless, Amanda and I spent more and more time together the next few weeks. I began to learn about her kinkier side as she began passing notes to me during class and becoming flirtatious. She began telling me that she wanted to fuck me and she wanted me to come see her perform at the club.

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   While I passed on the sex, I did go see her at the club the following week. I found out that Amanda had an even better body than she hid under her rather conservative clothing worn to school. I was intrigued by her beautiful round ass, rather small, but perfectly shaped. I also found out that Amanda was 18. Amanda was small, about 5’ 7” with short blonde hair, a tiny nose, a moderately sized chest possible C-cup. Watching her strip, I was amazed at her flexibility and energy on stage. While she was not the most beautiful girl on stage, she captured everyone’s attention with the various positions and dances she would perform. The next couple of weeks we got to know each other very well. We went everywhere together and hung out at my apartment a lot. One day after a night class I came home around 8 to find my roommate sitting in the living room with a smirk on his face. Without telling me what was going on, I went into my bedroom to change. As I sat on the bed and took off my pants, suddenly the song “crème” by Prince came on my radio without any warning. My walk-in closet room was closed at the time, but within a couple seconds Amanda appeared wearing a beautiful red lace corset gown with a v-string thong underneath. I had told her about a week ago that I always wanted a girl to strip for me to that song and she was about to fulfill that fantasy. Amanda slowly moved close to me touching her body and flaunting her breasts and ass before me.

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   As she reached the bed, she stood over me rubbing my face in her crotch and breasts. She sexily removed her clothing over the next few minutes bearing her amazing body. The only thing I had never seen was her pussy. She had very little hair covering her crotch, just a small V above her pussy. Amanda was not overly skinny like so many these days. She had a beautiful figure that would have drive any man to want her. Amanda stood over me as she continued her lap dance. By now my cock was sticking up through my boxers. She took my cock between her ass cheeks and began grinding into me with a feverous pace. With her naked body exposed right in front of me, I told her how beautiful I thought she was and that I admired her pussy, they only part I had ye to be introduced to. With this she began rubbing her cunt and shoving her fingers in and out of herself right on my lap. This turned me on so much that my dick popped right out of the hole in my boxer shorts. She then placed her soft, wet pussy over my cock and drove her crotch into me. I could feel the warmth of her juices and was no aching to fuck her. As she completed her striptease and we began talking, she pulled out her backpack and began showing me a huge assortment of sex toys including lubes, butt plugs, cock rings and much more.

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   “I am going to take away your virginity all night,” she told me. As she spread out on the bed, she opened up her legs and motioned for me to move closer to her now wet pussy. Not knowing what to do, I told her, “I have never done this, what do you want me to do?”“Just play, experiment,” she answered. I knelt between her legs and began to finger around her pussy. I moved my fingers around her clit and down to her anus. Within in minutes she began moaning loudly and moving her hips to my fingers. I had four fingers in her pussy now and she began jamming her crotch into my hand with a feverous pace. She soon reached up and shoved my head into her crotch. The smell and taste of her cunt was amazing. The tiny hairs covering her crotch tickled my face, but I ignored that and concentrated on eating her out as best I could. She seemed to like what I was doing but I was unable to bring her to an orgasm. As I pulled away from her, she reached into her bag and pulled out some sort of lubricant. She pushed me back so that my back was against the wall and I was sitting on the bed. She opened the lube and began rubbing it on her tongue and throat. It turned out to be some sort of numbing agent to aid her up and coming blowjob.

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   As she came to the bed she took off my t-shirt and boxers exposing my straight cock. She lay out on the bed so that her head was right above my dick. She began by massaging my balls and tickling my penis with her hand and lips. She then put her mouth on my cock and began giving me the most amazing blowjob of my life. She inhaled my entire cock into her mouth and throat. The feeling of my dick buried deep inside of her throat was amazing. She pushed my legs as far apart as they would go and reached a hand down to the floor to get something. Without any warning, she slid a well-lubed finger into my ass as she continued to suck my cock. I had never felt or even considered such an action. While at first it hurt and I wanted to ask her to stop, her gentle probing in and out of my anus started to feel really good. I told her that I was about to cum and she quickly stopped sucking on me. When I inquired why, she said that she was saving me for something else. I began to get up to get a condom when she asked me what I was doing. When I told her, she got up off of the bed, bent over so that her hands were on the bed and her ass was pointing straight at me, and said “NOW. ”Without thinking, I grabbed some of her lube and covered my aching cock.

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   As I moved in behind her she reached around and grabbed my cock and shoved it into her dripping wet pussy. The feeling of her extremely hot, wet cunt was amazing. I tried pacing myself but she yelled at me to fuck her harder. “Stick it in my ass,” she yelled out between her usual moans. Not feeling comfortable, I pulled myself out of her and lay down on the bed. She soon was on top of me, turned backwards so that her ass was facing me, and went down on my dick. She started grinding into me and spinning around and then back again on my cock. I began to moan with her from the excitement that she was causing. A pool of her juices began forming around my cock and dripping onto the bed. Soon, she pulled away from me as I had earlier and pushed me off the bed. She laid down on her back, pulled her legs behind her head and told me to finish her off. While I had no interest in having anal sex, seeing her little asshole spread wide open made me want to play with it. I went into her bag and pulled out am 8-inch rubber dildo. I lubed it up a bit and then began toying around her little anus. A smile broke out across her face as I began pushing the dildo into her ass slowly and then faster.

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   As she began to scream and moan, tears were coming down her face as I quickly shoved the entire rubber cock in and out of her ass as fast as I could. Soon I found myself wanting to fuck again. I told her to get on her hands and knees on the bed so that I could play with every part of her. Kneeling behind her, I shoved my cock all the way into her pussy. She reached her hands underneath me and played with my balls as I fucked her harder than I had all night. I pulled the dildo off of my nightstand and shoved it back into her ass, while still fucking her little cunt. From this position I was able to fuck both her holes and reach underneath her pussy and play with her clit. She soon began screaming that she was going to cum. As I tried to hold out so that I could bring her to orgasm, I found my cock starting to hurt in need of release soon. I told her that it was time and she began rocking back and forward on her knees until every drop had left my now satisfied cock. After kneeling there for a couple of minutes with my lip cock still in her pussy, I pulled out and fell down on my back exhausted. Amanda looked at me with a smile as she laid her head on my stomach. Soon she began sucking on my small cock and licking her own pussy juices from my balls and anus. She asked me if I would like to play with her for a little while after having a cigarette and of course I obliged. We sat quietly outside in the warm summer air smoking a cigarette together.

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   She looked at me and occasionally turned to me and softly kissed me. After we finished out smoke, she put her hand on my lap and began playing with my penis once again. She was only wearing my shorts with no panties and a cut-off t-shirt so I returned the favor and placed my hand under her shorts and began playing with her clit. Her juices were once again running freely down my hand, reminding me of the huge spot of pussy fluids that covered my bed inside. As I slid my middle finger inside of her she grasped my cock tightly jerking it up and down underneath my shorts. It was only 10 pm, and the night was still young. TO BE CONTINUED….

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