Amy part 1
HI my name is Amy and I am 16. I am a genuine slut, and I have had sex a ton of times. Let me tell you about one of them: This happened during the summer before my freshman year of high school. That day i decided to go to the beach, it was not that far so i decided to at least start by walking, and maybe pick up a ride on the way there. I got out the smallest bikini i have. It is white thin, its the kind that ties around your neck. it comes down and barely covers my nipples and doesnt even go to the bottom of my B tits. The bottom of the bikini was basically a thong that was so small that i could make it give me a cameltoe (thats a pussy wedgie). But i didnt put the bottom on. Instead i put on a very short skirt, maybe 8 inches, and nothing underneath. i put a towel a tanktop a bra and a thong in a bag slipped on some sandals and hedded out. I live on a really quiet street, but there is a stop light at the end of my block. I was in luck because there was a two seater sports car sitting at a red light, and noone else arond. In it were two guys who looked like they were still in high school. so i went up to the passenger side and asked if they were headed to the beach. as they answered i leaned forward on the open window and and showed them cleavage.
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They said they were and i asked if i could have a ride in my most sexy voice. They said they would except for that there were no more seats. So i asked if i could sit on one of the guys lap, or would that make them too uncomfortable? They said it was fine so i hopped in. The passenger, whos name i found out was dan was wearing a tight white t-shirt and shorts, the driver alex was wearing a blue shirt and shorts, Both were ripped. I sat down and right away could feel dans semi hard cock. Alex wanted to know what was in the bag i was carying. I said a towel and dry clothes and the bottom to my bikini. Dan asked if he could see, and i said sure go for it. He took out the towel and put it on the floor then took out my tiny white tanktop that was almost seethrough and said, hmm i bet this gets interesting when it gets wet. i said yah, when i wear it in the rain without a bra, guys go nuts, its fun. i could feel dans cock tensen at that. he moved on to the bra. it was black and lace and skimpy, he liked it. then he found my thong which match the braand made a remark about liking it. then he found my bikini bottom.jessica moore escort
he got a bit puzzled by this. He asked me why i wasnt wearing it, i told him its hard to walk in.Erotic Massage Athens Greece
he also mentioned that his parents were out of town for the week. we got out of the car and alex asked if i wanted to go inside to change, i said no, im just slipping the bikini on under my skirt. dan had left on the floor of the car so i bent over to get i could tell the boys were trying to see up my skirt, and given how short it is they probably saw something. i grabbed it and stood back up. it was the kind were its two pieces of fabric with string between them that you tie together. when i left the house both sides were tied, but they had become untied, and i told them that and sais that now i cant just slip em on i have to take of my skirt first. so alex asked if i wanted to go inside, i said well i dont really care, theycould just close their eyes. i asked if they were also going to change out here and they said sure. so we walked to the beach with our stuff there was a little dock, we walked out onto the dock and alex started taking off his shorts. i saw he was naked underneath. i said commando? he said yah. he got hsi shorts off and i had an evil idea. i gave him a shove and intot he water he went. next thing i knew dan had picked me up and was throwing me in the water, inthe process my skirt came up for a second adn both of them got a quick glance at my ass. i landed in the water and dan pulled off his shirt and jumped in after.Escorts, Escorts Athens, Athens New Girls, Escort Greece, Escorts From Athens, Best Escort Service Athens, Athens Escort Service, Escorts Girls Athens
we started horseplaying. and they startd trying to tackle me, and i said no no ive got nughting under my skirt in a playfulits ok manner. alex came at me and i grabbed his shirt and pulled it off now he was totally naked. now they started grabbing at my clothes. dan got a hold of the strings on my topand off it cmae. at first i put my hands on my tits but then i grabbed at dan and got his shorts, and now we were all naked. alex grabbed my skirt and that came off. both of them had hardons and my nipples were like rocks. I said ok ok, lets go inside. so we got out, i still had both guys clothes and they had mine. as we got out, one said to the other look shes shaved. i pretended to be embarresed and gave them a flirty look. i put on my shirt and as soon aas it touched my wet body it clung and became really seethrough, i also pu ton the thong. they put on their shorts and we went inside. We sat down in his basement and i asked if he had a in hotels
he said yah bu tthey were a buck each. i told him i only had one buck and he said well thats enough for one beer so i got the buck out of my wet skirt and he got out a beer for each of us. there were two chairs anda sofa i laid down on the sofa and they took the chairs. we quickly downd the beer and alex asked if we wanted more. dan said yah but i said im broke, but could i please have another. he said rules are rules, you have to pay us one way or another. I asked what ifi let you touch me my breasts. they agreed and i let them touch it for a few seconds. i got my beer. as we were drinking i said, you know i dont normally let strangers feel me up like that, and ive never let a stranger go farther than that, at least while sober. They asked me what about when im not sober, i said, uhhh youll just have to get me drunk and see. they said realy, and i said yah. so they asked me if i wanted another drink, i said yah and they told me that they would get it for me, but then i would have to do something in exchange. i agreed so i got hte drink drank some then went to alex and kissed him. we rolled ontot he floor with me on top.EUROPA´S HEISSESTER ESCORT - BEGLEITSERVICE: HERZLICH WILLKOMMEN BEI UNS!
he started moving his hands around and thn i felt dan get ontop of me. he started feeling my ass and i felt him pull off my thong. meanwhile alex was moving his hands up my shirt. i foudn the button on his shorts nad puled them off. alex had my shirt off. i roled over with dan next to me and alex still on top. i took off dans shorts and guided his dick to my moth and alexs to my cunt opening. alex started to say someting about protection and i said shh im on the pill. now they were both in me, and before i new it i had a hot load in both my cunt and my mouth. afterwards i asked if alexs parents were really gone for the week. he said yes and that dan was sleeping over. i asked if i could too. they of course said yes. i then told them about my little sister who is a year younger and asked if she coud come too. stay tuned for more.escort thesaloniki escort girl dubai pamela sandersin escort escortgreece shemale lunna sensuale larissa
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