
My Mom and Her Skill


Topic: This is NOT a true story
 This Story is NOT true
<!--[if My Mom and Her Skill
<!--[if mom (Heather) was always hard at work at her office desk job, she is 5’ 5” and 120 pounds and very slim with all the right curves.
After she picked me (Timmy) up from school one day we went to the clothing store and bought her some new tight jean shorts which barely covered her ass. As she walked out to the car I made sure to stay behind her and check out her hot ass, but she then turned around and almost caught me, and I pretended to look at the receipt for the computer game I had just bought.
I then asked her, “How was your day mom?” to which she replied “eh, nothing too exciting, just the same old stuff . . . people askin’ stupid questions and cryin’ about how hard their lives are.
I replied “isn’t that just the way of life…” and opened the car door for her.
“Thank you honey, you are the best”.
“No problem mom, I’d do anything for you. ”
She answers “ I know babie”
As we drive home I stare out the window day-dreaming about my mother in those very sexy cut off jean shorts and start to get a hardon just thinking about it. I could’ve sworn my mother noticed but she didn’t say anything. I soon laid my seat back and slept the 30 minutes home.
When we got home my mom told me I should go take a bath so I said “ok, mom…do you need anything done before I go?” to which she replied “no I don’t think so. ” And I proceeded up the stairs and started the water. When my bath was over I looked out the computer-room window and noticed my mother doing some yardwork, so I opened Mozilla Firefox and went onto my favorite site.

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   I watched as a blonde girl, maybe 19 gave a guy a blowjob and only after 6 minutes he exploded all in her mouth, and she swallowed it all. I was about to cum after watching the video for the 2nd time when I heard my mother walking down the hallway and up the stairs. I quickly closed the page and stood up and asked mom if she wanted a Pepsi from downstairs. “No thanks hun, I’m gonna go to the store in a few moments, I forgot to get some things. ” I muttered an “ok” and ran down the stairs as I thought in my head “wow that was a close one” as I felt a few drops of cum on my sleep-pants. I suddenly realized I didn’t have any boxers on. I went into the bathroom and grabbed a pair and tried to put them on but slid a little bit and caught the doorknob for balance. The door, unknown to me, opened halfway. As my mom walked by she saw me with my 6 ½ inch limp dick hanging out with some pubic hair around it. Unknown to me she stayed there for a good 2 minutes and as I was coming out of the bathroom she walked past and ruffled my hair, to which I swatted her hand away and said “cya later”, as I noticed the keys in her hand.
I then walked back into the computer room, exited a few chat windows and continued to surf the net for horse porn. After about 45 minutes I found a great site that let you watch all the videos you wanted without getting any viruses, subscribing, or even paying. I watched as a horse with a 14 inch dick plowed into this girl of 20. I cummed 5 minutes after the video started and watched until she gave the horse a blowjob and it cummed all in her mouth, and all over her DD tits.
I then shut off the videos and web page and went and played a few 1st person shooter games.

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   I heard my mother come in 4 minutes later and yell to me to help her with the groceries. I went down and walked into the hot sun. I noticed her glance at the few times, but unknowingly to me she was staring at my hard cock.
She had not had sex since her husband had died in a car crash when Timmy was only 5.
The only thing that had entered her since then was a small mini-bullet vibrator that she had bought for $30.
She knew that she needed a cock in her extremely badly.
As they were carrying the groceries in she nearly tripped over the step that led inside because she was daydreaming of being fucked.
She then heard her son rush back upstairs. She thought that now she would have a peaceful time watching tv. She switched it on and right on the screen was an ad showing a man using a long-lasting erection pill. She changed it to another channel and found that it was a locked channel, so she looked at the screen oddly and thought to herself, “When did I put this on. . ?” She entered one of her many passwords and found it was a porno film of a lady about her age being fucked by a huge dog.
She quickly turned off the TV. Meanwhile her son had returned upstairs to continue his activity from earlier and he was watching a video of a mother giving her son a blowjob, and he was jacking off intensely.

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   He did not hear his mother turn off the TV and come up the stairs. She saw he was doing something in the room through the crack of the door but she couldn’t tell what.
She gently pushed the door open and asked “Hey honey what are -- . . ” “Ohh…!”
The son quickly turned off the monitor and shoved his hard throbbing cock back in his pants. He quickly started apologizing to his mom and started to try and explain what he had been doing, to make her think she had not just seen what she thought she had.
All she did though was hold her hand up and tell him to sit down. She then came up to him put her hand on his crotch and learn over and turn on the monitor, where in full screen the young girl was sucking a guy’s dick all the way to heaven.
His mom then watched the video on full screen and was feeling her pussy begin to get wet and slowly she began stroking her son’s cock. She then looked at him and said “I love you babie. ” He then uttered the usual reply “I love you too mom” in between breaths. He was extremely shocked to find his mother doing this, and thought it must be a dream or something.
She then began to gently pull off his plaid sleep pants and stroke the bulge in his boxers. His cock began to grow to full length and poke out of the unbuttoned hole in his boxers. She then began to stroke his cock slowly and gently.

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   She then licks the head gently as he moans loudly and she smiles up at him.
I then gently grab her head and push my cock into her mouth, making her gag a little. She then automatically starts giving me a blowjob. She is wonderful at it. She licks around the tip almost making me cum right then. She then gentle starts sucking. When she sees me dying of anxiety she starts to suck more roughly. She sees me squirming in anticipation, and starts bobbing her head up and down, wanting me to cum all over her body. She tongues all the way down my shaft and circles my head numerous times. When I am about to cum I moan loudly and whisper to my mother “Mommy, I’m cumming!” She then says “Cum in my mouth babie!” and with that I explode in the biggest orgasm I’ve ever had in her mouth. She is so greedy for it that she swallows all of it and moans loudly. We just lay there calmly and sprawled out on the bed. After a while I turn to her and kiss her on the mouth for what seemed like an eternity. After about 20 minutes I quietly said, “Mom, I have to pee. ” To which she responded “Come here, piss in my mouth, I don’t want my babie going anywhere.

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  ” So I kneeled down and crawled over to her and laid down with my dick infront of her face. She then took it into her mouth. She slapped me on the ass to signal me to let it go, and let it go I did ! I released my piss all into her mouth like a flood.
She moaned and drank it all down, loving the feeling of it hitting the roof of her mouth. I thought she would let go when I had finished but no. She layed there and started sucking my dick, again. I moaned in appreciation and let her continue. Soon my dick was rock hard and she was deep-throating my hard cock. I soon took my dick out of her mouth and placed it at the entrance to her pussy. I then said “Mommy, are you ready?”. To which she said “I have been ready for over 10 years ! FUCK ME NOW !!!!” To which I needed no more encouragement. I thrust so hard into her I thought I could feel her breasts on my dick. I began to thrust in and out of her roughly and she was moaning so loudly I thought the neighbors 5 miles away might hear. I kept pumping until she had her first orgasm which drained her of breath and must have been her bet in her life. I kept pumping as I felt the sheets beneath me get soaking wet.

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   She was moaning extremely loud now. I pumped into her so hard and so fast I was about to cum in only 10 minutes. I told mom I was about to cum and she shouted “Cum in my pussy PLEASE !!!” I then said “What if you get pregnant?!” to which she replied “God dammit I said cum in me!! I have some Morning After pills !”. And with that statement I released my entire flow of cum into her and kept pumping. She was in so much pleasure she had 3 orgasms. I finally slowed down and pumped her ever so slowly while sucking on one of her tits. She then pulled my head up to her and French kissed me for what seemed like 10 minutes. She finally let go and said “I will never let you leave me”.
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