
My Cousin Annie


So she pulls her shorts down and with those were her g-string and the front had a very small triangle to cover twat. By the way they were short shorts. They were so small her ass was kind a showing when she stood up. After I stared at her twat for about 3 minutes I got awaken by "Hey! Do it!" So I stuck my finger in and it felt so weird but it felt so good. After 10-15 minutes she concluded that the fingering was not pleasurable. "How do people get pleasure get out of this?" So she taught me how to give a hickey. But I'm not going to get into details no interesting things happened. She just put her cloths back on but without panties. So I was looking all day trying to get a glimpse of her twat. She even sometimes teased me know I was trying to see her twat. She would open the quickly close her legs. Oh what a great adventure that was to try to see her twat. I didn't know this at the time either did Annie. But that was the last day I was going to be there for the visit. My mom retired 5-6 years later. I was 12 she was 19.

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   She was a beautiful blonde. And I can prove she is a natural blonde. That got proved to me when I was 8. My mom and I were traveling from Maine to Texas. We had to stop in Boston to pick up my grandma. She wanted to travel with us. So my mom let her. Being her mom and all. We reach Nashville and my grandma calls the house to check on my cousin. Boy she was good at covering up she was having sex. (I later found out) My grandma was talking to Annie and she sounded like she was just regular. The my grandma let me talk to her. That's when she started moaning and screaming. Knowing she was safe. Then she started to tell me all these things that had happened while my grandma was gone.

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   In total she had 10 orgies,6 lesbian fucks, and 2 straight fucks. While I was talking to her she was doing #7. Then I listened for a while then had to get off. We reached Lubbock and my grandma called the hose and said we would be home at a certain time. Actually we got home 4 hours early and had to wait for either my whore of an aunt or wait for my personal fingering cousin. Well the whore came first. She walked up to me and said like I wasn't family "Oh how you have grown" while squeezing my dick with no one noticing. Then 2 hours later Annie came home in an automatic. So you know how you only need one foot to drive those things. She had one leg up on the dash and had those shorts on. Not expecting me or my whores (grandma, aunt and , ma). But she didn't put her leg down. My grandma was used to it. Well my grandma is one of those types that tries to find a reason to throw you out of the house. So for the first few weeks my mom and I were perfectly good.

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   Actually not me. My cousin and I were talking and getting to know each other. Then once the watch ended Annie and I went to the video store to rent some movies. When we got in there she told me to go grab as many R rated movies as I was interested in. So I grabbed about 3. One of them was the Hitchhiker. One that I had always wanted to see. She grabbed a bunch of porn movies. Then we went home and started to watch the movies. We started with the Hitchhiker. It was just done with the opening credits and the pusher was in the hotel and he was screwing his sister. That's when it got all good. I guess she got hot and horny. I know I was. She stopped the movie rewound it.

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   Then walked into the living room and told the whores that she was going to tell me about the dangers of high school and middle school. She didn't want to be disturbed. If so I wouldn't get the lesson and meaning of the story. She walked in unbuttoning her shorts as she walked in. Then we made a deal each time we got an idea of sex or feelings of having sex we would take a piece of clothing off. She went to the back of the room took off her bra so that we would be equal. She was the first to be naked. She got all of it off just in the first 5 minutes of the Hitchhiker. Just because the pusher was doing his sis. By the end of the movie I was down to my underwear. She surprised me with her next act. took her bra and tied it around my face as a blonde fold. She stuck all the videos in a bag and told me to pick one out . Well right there I was in pleasure. Having my cousin's bra around my eyes.

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   I picked it out it was a R rated movie but it sucked. It sucked so much that I don't even remember what the title of the movie was. So we watched it but set it aside and did the game again. This time I picked a porn and boy was it good. "fist me tell I taste your fingers in my mouth" was the movie. So Annie wanted to try the fisting thing. We were in the middle of the movie when I felt a wet furry sensation on my back. But I didn't feel any weight on my back. I was laying on my stomach. So I reached back and tweeked her nipple. That was the best moan or sound I had ever heard come from anything. Then she set her full weight on my back. It felt so great to feel her wet pussy and ass pressing on my back. OOOOOOOOOOOhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! That feeling is the top feeling. I flipped over and it slipped in and I heard "OOOOOhhhhhhhh ok that's bigger than I expected.

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  ""Well there could be more. " I said. Then just seconds after that We heard the movie say "Want to know how to fist a girl or guy? You'll need k-y jelly" Well That's when we both in unison said "Damn!!!" So she grabs my hand and tells me "I want to experience it even if I don't have lubrication. " So I followed the movie's instructions. Then I finally had it in and started to move my fingers and she came 3 times in-a-row. She would come off one then start the next. Then said it was my turn she fisted my ass. Damn, I never thought a guy could get fisted. Well I did. I came twice. Just from that!!! Then all of a sudden "you've been a very bad boy!!!" she said. Se sat on her bed and ordered me to come bend over her knee. She spanked hard. She left a red mark on my ass for 2 hours from what she did. Then I got an idea.

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   "Lets play truth or dare?!""Sure. ""Truth or dare?" I asked. She yells "Dare!!!! Ooops!""I dare you to go get the dog and bring him in here and fuck him. " She did and what a sight that was. A blonde girl with C cups bouncing back and forth. I couldn't, resist I grabbed her tit and started to suck it. Oh, how smooth I thought. "Taste good, bitch?""Oh, I'm a bitch?" she said, referring to my statement. She fucked him till he came then let him out. All the while keeping his cum in her, squeezing her vaginal muscles. The she said she didn't want me fucking her dog cummed pussy. So she dared me to suck her like I was her baby. I never knew she had a breast pump and had been pumping her tit so that it would make milk. I started to suck it but it was the wrong way. "No, only suck the areola.

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  " I did. I got a warm reward. You know what, breast milk taste really great. Then I guess she gave me all her right milk so she told me to take the left side milk. I did of course. Got all her left breast milk. I guess all of the sucking and getting all her milk and just the feeling of her tits being suck on so good put her over the edge because she had this huge orgasm right while I was finishing her breast. Out of no where we were interrupted by a phone call on my cousin's personal line. The person calling was my other cousin. Ironically her name was Annie. Well Annie #2 lived just down my street. So my cousin told her to come down the back and hop in the backyard and we gave her a special knock. She knocked and we let her in and we asked her what she wanted to do. Of course we were dressed and she had no idea of what had happened just before she had came over. She answered with "I'm horny and want dick.

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   So lets play truth or dare. " We started to play once again. The fist thing said in the game was "I want a dare!" That came from Annie#2. Annie#1 told her to give me a blowjob and if she wasn't satisfied after I blew my load in her mouth to fuck me tell I came or she came. Which ever came first. Well she skipped the blow job. She just started to screw me harder than I had ever been done. Well she came first. I figure because she was so horny. Then I came and it was the best, largest, and biggest orgasm and third sperm shot I'd ever done. I was never able to blow a third like that. That's when it happened my first Annie grabbed my ass and started to fuck me with her strap on dildo. That is weird. A couple after weeks later my cousin Annie (2) came to Annie and I and told us that her period was late. It was supposed to be 3 days after our fuck fest.

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   Annie told Annie #2 to wait 2 more weeks if it didn't come within to tell her and she'll buy a kit for her to test. Well those 2 weeks went by real fast and guess what now I'm a dad of a beautiful 9 year old. She looks like her mom. Exactly. Well me and my fucking cousin. Annie (2),and Annie (1), but mostly #2 are still fucking hard and loving it. we even started a tradition. My little Bri has learned how to please her cousin Muffin. She is pretty good at giving a blow job. Really daddy but she'll find out later. My Annie #2 is now 5 months pregnant and still fucking me. The cool thing is that we get to see each other at school. We even fuck there but that's 2 different stories. If you like my stories or want to make suggestions, or want to share stories just e-mail me at muffin313@juno. comMore Taboo Incest Hardcore AtREAL INCEST&INCEST CARTOONS&INCEST THEATER.



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