How I Fucked My Aunt Sally
Topic: How I fucked My Aunt SallyHow I Fucked My Aunt Sally
by SkyBandit
When I was fifteen I was fortunate enough to blackmail my mother’s younger sister into being my fuck-toy for one entire summer. Now, hearing me admit this, you might think there’s something seriously wrong with me; fucking my aunt, committing incest? There’s nothing wrong with me, though; you might not understand, but that’s because you haven’t met my aunt. If she were your relative you’d fuck her too, and go to just about any length to ensure that you’d fuck her. If you wouldn’t then I’d say there’s something wrong with Anyways, I was fifteen and my aunt was 38. I was staying with her while my parents were going through their divorce. My aunt’s name is Sally and her husband, Frank, was in Europe designing airplanes or some other shit. It was a Sunday; Sally had gone to church while I remained at the house, sleeping. I woke up around elevenish and suffering from a severe case of teenage boredom, sneaked into my aunt’s bedroom. I started rifling through her drawers (not her panties or anything like that, her jewelry drawers) and eventually hit a goldmine of information. Her The entry dated the day after my arrival read:
My sister’s son, Matt, arrived today and I don’t know what to do. It has been six months since a man has been in this house and it feels unusual. Although Matt is 15, after seeing what is hidden in those shorts when he thought I wasn’t watching him watch me…it was almost enough to drool over, just the wicked thought of it. The two of us naked, his large cock staring at me, my mouth, moist, taking it in and slurping it as though it were a straw connected to some holy vessel and I, Sally Burke, the first woman to plunder it.
Of course it is ridiculous; he’s my nephew. He’s only 15. But I can have my dreams! I WILL have my dreams.
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I replaced the diary and stared at my aunt’s bed and thought if only I could somehow enact this out. I’d give you my large cock, Aunt Sally. I’d let you slurp it, plunder it, and then I’d fuck you with it. I’d fuck your cunt, your asshole, your mouth, and your tits, and then I’d give you that treasure you are so in need of. A plan formed in my mind. It had everything to do with Sally and her bed, and nothing at all to do with sleeping. I waited for night.That night Sally came home and prepared a shrimp pasta dinner. She came downstairs after changing out of her work clothes, wearing a too tight T-shirt with Mickey Mouse printed on the front and a pair of tight jean shorts that highlighted her tight, firm ass. I almost boned-up there on the spot, but controlled myself, knowing that in less than half an hour I’d have her out of those clothes and either on top of my would be rock-hard dick or under it. I knew that I’d soon be plundering her for treasure. My plan would work; I had no doubt in my mind that it’d work. It was time to put it into “Um, Sally, I was wondering if I could show you something?” I asked quietly. I was nervous. But putting that nervousness aside (I was going to fuck her up tonight and in the process finally become a man) I repeated myself.
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“Sally, I was wondering if I could show you something?” Louder, this time she “Of course, Matt. Help me clear the table and you can show me anything you’d like. ” Once the table was cleared I took her into her husband’s study which acted as a default computer room. I asked her to sit down and read the computer screen. She On the screen I had saved as wallpaper a scan of her diary entry that described what she’d like to do with me and certain parts of my body, namely my seven inch penis. Standing behind her, I saw her mouth fall open in the reflection of the computer screen. She said in a tiny voice, “Matt, you weren’t meant to see “No shit,” I replied.atiens ladies
I stepped forward and made the decision for her by taking hold of the bottom of her shirt and lifting it above her head. She wore no braw. Her 38DD breasts, freed at last, seemed to jiggle in anticipation. I took hold of her left breast and kneaded it with my hand. It was Sally’s moan that did her in. It encouraged me and told me that even though her mouth might say no at this particular moment, in a few, say after I sheathed my sword inside her, she’d be begging for She looked at me and did cry. Her eyes were moist and she removed her shirt completely and pulled her jeans down. I helped her chuck her panties and proceeded to run my hands up her thighs. I sucked on her left nipple and then her right and placed my right hand between her legs and petted her there. Another moan escaped her lips; I put both hands on her smooth shoulders and forced her out of the swivel chair and onto her knees in the middle of her husband’s office. My seven inch rod must have looked like a cannon staring at her face. I used two fingers, coated with her pussy’s juices, to pry her mouth open. I pushed myself into her mouth and seemingly beyond, her teeth gently scraping against my skin, my balls swinging forward with that first initial thrust only to come in contact with her chin. She started bobbing her head up and down my pole, gagging every now and then, and tears were freely streaming down her beautiful face. The tip of my now saliva drenched tool popped out of her mouth and Sally panted for breath before attacking it anew.Searches related to Escort Kuala Lumpur
Pre-cum glistened around her lips and I held onto the back of her head with one hand while the other played with her massive breasts. I was in a heaven of sin and loved every second of it. I never wanted it to end (at least no longer than it took to remove myself from her mouth and throat and enter her cunt or ass), but the phone call from my mother almost ruined I say ALMOST RUINED IT.Aunt Sally paused in her suck-job and looked at me as the phone rang again. I commanded her to hurry and admired the view as she ran for the kitchen. After a deep breath she said into the phone: “Sally Burke. Sarah? Hi, no, not busy. Well yes, I was getting a workout on some new exercise equipment I got a few days ago. Yeah, it’s wearing me out. ” I liked the idea of being her exercise equipment.
She looked at me from the kitchen and I watched her intently knowing that she was talking to her sister who was also my mother. I motioned for her to return to the study. I sat on the swivel chair as she stood before me. I grabbed her hips and pulled her on top of my flagpole, impaling her viciously as she said to my mother: “Yeah, Matt’s doing fine. He’s here getting some exercise with me.
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”Closer now, I heard my mother’s distinct voice on the other end respond in disbelief with: “My son’s getting a workout? It’s hard to believe. ”
I drove my rod up and into Aunt Sally and she gasped loudly into the phone. I heard my mom’s voice asking what had happened and my Aunt explained that her exercise machine almost killed her. Our eyes met and I smiled meanly and pounded her pussy passionately. Sally ground her teeth together to keep from moaning and gasping as I hammered her pussy with my thick meat wagon battering ram.
Then my mother asked to speak with me and my aunt handed me the phone. As I greeted my mother, Sally placed both her hands on my ribs and pushed herself forcefully down on my cock. Needless to say it was difficult to speak normally to my mother while my aunt rode me; I could do it if I had still been in control, but control had been passed on to Sally. It might have been revenge, her fucking me like that. It was awesome, though! I couldn’t get enough; talking to my mother while fucking her sister just made it that much more enjoyable.
My aunt then stood and bent over her husband’s oak desk, spread her legs slightly and indicated that I should fuck her doggy-style. I grinned happily as I stood to give it to her.
“Yeah, Mom,” I shove into Sally’s ass, “I got into the summer class,” I pull out slightly only to shove back in, “and am making some friends,” I pull out, shove in, and rotate my hips while inside her ass. ” “Yeah, I’m meeting girls,” I cup my right hand over Sally’s ass, the phone in my left hand, and I drill her hole fast and hard, “and no I’d rather not tell you about it. ” My aunt had to sand on her tiptoes to contain my mad thrusts, “God, Mom, I KNOW about protection,” I glance at my unprotected penis and drive back into Sally, “you don’t need to worry, Mom.
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”My mother wanted to speak to Sally again, but Sally, for being the recipient of my masterful thrusts, was in no condition to speak to her sister or to anyone else for that matter. My face flushed, I told my mother that her sister had gone into another room and asked her to wait a second. I put her on hold, gasped as I filled my aunt’s ass with cum, dropped the phone and held onto her breasts like handlebars. My cheek pressed against her sweat-glazed back, hands on her wonderful melons, I couldn’t have been happier. But my mother was still on the phone.
“Mom’s still on the phone,” I said to Sally, who grunted with content. She tried to say something, but it seemed as though she was no longer capable of speech. To be perfectly honest I didn’t feel much like talking either. My loins ached in comfort and I wanted nothing more than to hold my gorgeous aunt until morning. At that time I planned to fuck her again. I rubbed her breasts, squeezed them, and kissed each. “Sally, it’s on hold; you have to talk to her, get her to say goodbye so we can catch our breaths. ”
She gulped, picked up the fallen phone, took it off hold and said to my mother: “Sarah, sorry, I just had a super intensive workout and need to rest. Would it be okay if I call you back later? Alright, love you too. Matt sends his love also.
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Bye. ” She dropped the phone, used her husband’s desk to support herself as she stood and looked down at my spent fifteen year old body. Her eyes linger on my now limp penis, unprotected by a condom.I look up at her, almost unable to see her face for the mountainous breasts above me. I see a trail of sperm snaking its way down the insides of her legs. Sally bends over me and her face is visible.
“Matt, this was completely wrong and can never happen again. It won’t happen again. ”
“Oh, it’ll happen again, Aunt Sally, and frequently. More frequent than you’ll want or be prepared for. You’re going to be my fuck-toy for the rest of the summer and if you refuse then I’ll ruin your life and let EVERYONE, EVERY SINGLE PERSON YOU KNOW, know about how you fucked your underage nephew. You refuse to be my little fuck-doll and I’ll destroy you. Decide now. If yes, bend over and give my dick a kiss. If no, walk out the room.
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”She didn’t walk out of the room.
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