


He got home at around six thirty in the morning, and as was his custom, he put on a pot of coffee and sat down at the kitchen table to read the morning paper, but his thoughts kept coming back to the memo he had found in V's garbage!!! He sat down at his already booted up computer, went into his e-mail site and typed, "Am intrigued by your interest in Bolling Industries, let's meet and see if we have anything else in common. Today at two p. m. , at the coffee shop in your building. Don't be late!!! A. " After hesitating a moment, he hit the send box, and his message was gone!!!Nervously Alex sipped his cup of cappuccino while he waited for two o'clock and V to arrive!!! He kept looking at his watch, while wondering if this wasn't a big mistake, and maybe he should just get up and leave when she appeared inside the front door and started surveying the crowd!!! "Here goes nothing," he said to under his breath while standing up and motioning her over to his table!!! He had seen her before in her office when she was working late, and to say that she was a stunning woman would not have done her justice, with her short blonde hair, a beautiful face, and a figure to die for!!! When she reached his table she sat down and immediately tried to dominate the conversation!!! "I should have known," she said while shaking her head, "the janitor, I never would have figured that, and by the way, you have nothing, who would ever believe you!?!" He leaned back in his chair after having let her vent a little and replied softly, "Oh, I don't know, maybe someone down at the SEC might be interested!!!" "Humph," she snorted, "all you have is a scribbled note, not a whole lot of proof, it's nothing but air!!!" "Well," he said smoothly, "maybe you're right, but since Friday was a holiday, and your note was written on Thursday, and I didn't find it until early Sunday morning, I think we can assume that your compatriot has already done the dirty deed, it shouldn’t be to hard for SEC boys to find out who's been buying up Bolling shares over the weekend!!!" She looked at him hard for a moment and replied more softly, "How in the hell did a janitor get so smart?!?" "Oh, I don't know," he said smoothly, "maybe since he has an MBA in business he's just a little sharper than the average janitor!!!" She slumped down in her chair a little and in a defeated voice asked, "Okay, what do you want!?!" He looked at her for a second and said to himself, "Gottcha!!!"After leaving the coffee shop together, she took him by the arm and said, "Please tell me what you want, is it money, how much!?!" He looked into her arctic blue eyes and asked, "Tell me, Valerie, what color panties are you wearing!?!" "You can’t speak to me that way," she gasped!!! "Really," he said a matter of factly, "I think I can talk to you any damn way I please, and the question still stands, what color are they!?!" "I-I won't tell you," she blubbered, "it's none of your business!!!" With his voice growing cold he offered, "Don't test my patience, honey, I have a real knack at sending e-mails, and my first one is to the SEC and next one is to your boss!!!" With that last sentence sinking in all of the starch went out of her and she answered softly, "They're white, white nylon!" Now taking her by the arm and leading her to the elevator he whispered, "See, wasn't that easy, so tell me, Valerie, what size bra do you wear?!?" She gave him a dirty look and replied, "36D, if it's any of your business!!!" While chuckling softly he retorted, "it is, baby, it is!!!"He stopped the elevator on the tenth floor and held the door open for her as she asked, "What are we doing here, my office is on twenty eight!?!" "You're right, of course," he answered, "but there's an office down here I'd like you to see, follow me!!!" After using his pass key to gain entry, she opined, "this office is unoccupied, I don't see. . . . . . . . . . " He interrupted her in mid sentence and ordered, "Okay baby, let's see what you have on underneath that conservative business suit, come on, off with it!!!" "If you think you can get away with this," she spat, "you have another thing coming!!!" "Honey," he said easily, "I am getting away with it, so unless you wanna make the front page in the business section you'll get moving on those clothes!!!" Again the resignation shown all over her face as she started to unbutton her coal gray jacket, and Alex just stood back and watched as she began losing her things!!! When she was down to her bra and panties, she shivered a little, both from the embarrassment of her predicament, and the coolness of the air in the empty office, and of course, her nipples stiffened immediately as the capillariescontracted in her large breasts!!! "W-why won't you just take my money," she asked with a quiver in her voice!?! "I've got a degree in business and work as a janitor," he replied, "it must be pretty obvious I don't have much interest in money, so come on, off with the rest of it!!!"Holy smokes," he whispered through dry lips, "turn around and let me see your ass!!!" As Valerie did a full turn, Alex's cock was now hard as a piece of blue steel inside of his work pants!!! He gently pushed her to her knees, and in a soft voice ordered, "Okay, baby, take it out and do what I'm sure you do best!!!" Even though she was repulsed by the whole situation, she couldn't help but feel a little tug in her pussy as she extracted Alex's big cock and gently caressed it in her soft warm hand!!! "What are you waiting for," he asked, "do it!!!" Gingerly she moved her head forward while opening her mouth and letting the smooth velvety head slip past her lips!!! "Oh, god," he moaned, "y-you do that so well, you must have had a lot of practice!!!" As much as she detested this miserable excuse for a human being, with a body so attuned to her sexuality, her pussy involuntarily convulsed and drenched itself with an absolute torrent of Bartholin's fluid!!! Alex tensed up as Valerie's mouth moved into overdrive, and unlike he normally would, he offered no warning to the hot little cock sucker when his balls retracted and he filled her mouth with a hot sperm shooter, and much to his surprise, she hungrily gulped it all down while moaning in the process!!!Alex slumped against an unused desk while Valerie stared up at him expectantly and said, "So, is that it, or am I gonna get some of that stuff!?!" He pulled her to her feet, plopped her pretty ass on the edge of the desk, and then took his place between her legs and nonchalantly began tonguing her drooling slit!!! "She moaned loudly, and much to his glee, put her hand behind his head and pulled his face hard into her cunt, indicating that she was more than making the best of a bad situation!!! "Eat my pussy, you piece of shit, suck my fucking hot pussy," she said between moans!!! Now Alex had sucked a lot of pussy in his day, but Valerie the stock broker had the sweetest and most responsive organ he had ever had the pleasure of sucking on!!! She was quickly approaching her orgasm when all at once he pulled away and asked her if she had a cell phone with her! When she said it was in her brief case, he went over and grabbed it, tossed it to her, and ordered, "Call your mother and tell you just called to see how she's doing!!!" "But why," Valerie asked, "I never call her during the day!?!" "Just do it," he replied, as he waited and watched her dial the number while giving him a shrug!!! "Uh, hi mom," she said gaily, "it's Val, me too, how's dad!?!" It was just when her mother was about to regale her with a story about her father, that Alex slipped back between her legs and buried his tongue deep inside of her unaware pussy!!! "Oooomph," she stammered upon contact, "oh, my!!!" "What's the matter, dear," her mother asked in a concerned voice, " are you aright, honey!?!" Through gritted teeth Valerie replied, "I-I'm fine, mom, n-no problem," while Alex chuckled a little into her hot pussy, as he enjoyed the extreme discomfort that Valerie was feeling as she tried to keep her composure while getting her cunt eaten!!! "Yeah, mom," she said through gritted teeth, "yes, I'll do that, ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh, uh yes, tell daddy that I love him, bye now!!!" "Oh, you," she said with a furious voice, "that was my mother, what are you trying to do to me!?!" "Oh, just this," he said, as he drove his tongue hard directly on to her clit, which of course caused her cunt to convulse in a brutal orgasm!!!After taking a few moments to recuperate, Valerie looked at her watch, jumped up, and said, "Oh goodness, I have to get back to the office, I do have a job you know!!!" "Uh, sure," he replied languidly, "but leave the panties, I want them as a souvenir!!!" "What a pervert," she said with a shake of her head, "go ahead, keep them, but I'm outa here!!!" Alex yelled good bye as she flew out the door, but all he got was a quick wave of her hand as the door slammed shut!!! She acted as though that this was last time she was going to see him, but she was sorely mistaken!!! After giving her ten minutes to get to her desk, he pulled out his own phone and dialed her number!!! After three rings, a female voice intoned, "This is Val, how may I help you!?!" "I just called to say how much I enjoyed our little interlude," he said softly, "I hope you did too!!!" Quickly she hissed into the receiver, "Don't ever call me here, I'm working and don't have any time to waste speaking with you!!!" She was just about to hang up when he replied, "How would you like me to send your panties up to your boss, they have a really nice scent on them, I'm sure he'll be duly impressed!!!" "What do you want," she demanded, "make it snappy!?!" "I just want you to know that I'm masturbating thinking about your lips," he responded, "did you know they were the sweetest lips I've ever tasted?!?" "Y-you're crazy," she stammered, "I'm going to hang up now, good bye!!!" "If you hang up," he shot back quickly, "I'll call your boss, now tell me, how does your pussy feel without panties on!?!" "It feels just fine," she said in an exasperated voice, "now, I have to go, I have work to do here!!!" "Tell me, Valerie," he asked while ignoring her pleas, "did you love it when my tongue was in your pussy!?!" "Alex, I've gotta go now," she whined, "please let me get back to work!!!" "First tell me if you liked it when my tongue was in you," he insisted!?! "Yes, yes, it was great," she whispered, "are you satisfied, may I please go now!?!" "In a minute," he replied, "tell me once more thing, are you wet right now, are your lips bulging out full and plump, and needy for my warm mouth and tongue!?!" "I can't talk now," she moaned, "there are people around me!!!" "The only way I'm going to let you hang up is if you have and orgasm for me over the phone," he intoned evenly, "so tell me, are your lips all full and plump!?!" "Oh, jesus," she moaned, "please, leave me alone!!!" "Valerie," he said softly, "there's only one way I'll hang up the phone, you have to do something for me first!!!" "What," she demanded, "tell me what you want me to do!?!" "Remember how nice and wet your pussy was just before you came," he asked softly?!? "Yes," she replied a little more amiably, "of course I remember!!!" "Good," he said, "because I want you to squeeze your thighs together and have a nice hard orgasm for me over the phone, and further more, I want you to tell me how turned on you are as you do it!!!" "I-I can't," she moaned, "someone might see or hear me!!!" "Lucky for them," he said with a laugh, "now, dear, I know that you're already nice and wet, so why don't you just make the best of it and do as you're told!?!" "Okay," she said, "I'll try, but it won't be easy, everyone is here!!!""Valerie," he whispered, "tell me about your vagina, do you masturbate a lot?!?" "Um," she stammered, "sometimes, but usually my boyfriend takes care of me!!!" "That sounds interesting," he went on, "does he love sucking your wet pussy?!?" "Oh yes," she gasped, "he loves sucking me!!!" "Is that why you shave your vulva," he asked, "so your boyfriend can suck you better?!?" "Y-yes," he stammered, "he shaves it for me, we make a game out of it!!!" "Are you wet right now, dear," he asked?!? "Jesus fucking christ, yes," she groaned, "oh god, gotta keep quiet, Tom just looked over at me!!!" "Have you ever fucked him," Alex asked?!? "You mean, Tom," she asked, "no, never!!!" "Maybe I should call him up and tell him about your wet pussy," he said half seriously!!! "No, please don't," she begged, "I'm so mixed up, I don't know what to do anymore!!!" "You know why, don't you," he asked softly!?! "Tell me," she panted!!! "It's because you are very aroused and need to have a climax," he replied, "the head of your clit is just about ready to explode, and really that's the only thing that's important to you right now isn't it, Valerie!?!" "Yes, yes," she moaned again, "gotta get my clit off, its driving me crazy, can't quite get there, very close, but so far away!!!" "You know what you're gonna have to do, don't you," he asked?!? "W-what," she stammered!?! "You're gonna have to touch it with your fingers," he told her, "it's the only way you can make it!!!" "Oh, no," she fairly shrieked, "I can't do that, no way!!!" "Well then," he asked seriously, "do you have something long and thin you could slip up your dress and do your clit with!?!" "Just a eighteen inch ruler," she whispered!!! "Good, girl," he rejoined, "now slide it up there and do it!!!" "I-I have to spread my legs a little," she stumbled, "no one's looking, oh my, I did it, it's up under my dress!!!" "Oh dear," she groaned softly, "this is incredible, I'm touching my clit with all these people around me, I'm gonna shoot, oh my, it's gonna be so hard!!!" "Do it for me, Valerie," he implored her, "do your clitty for me, have a huge orgasm with all your friends around you!!!" The sound she made was pure animal, guttural really, as her cunt was savaged by a vicious orgasm that left her quivering like a bowl of Jell-O!!! "Feel better now," he asked casually?!?"P-please may I hang up now," she asked softly?!? "I guess," he replied, "but remember, from now on, your lips are mine, got it!?!" "Yes," she answered quietly, "I've got it!!!"THE END.

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