Fraternity Daze 1
After a few days, I had my room to myself for an evening. Extra beds were also stored in this room, and I pushed two together to give us something decent to lie on besides the typical college dorm bed. In her room that first night I had kissed her breasts. She was young and her breasts rode soft and firm, the undersides round but still without sag. Pale pink nipples were centered on pale white skin, their center with just a tiny rise even when erect. Under one nipple was a nearly invisible semicircle scar, the remnant of some operation from her youth. Now in my homemade double bed we kissed as we removed our clothes. She kept out of the sun; her skin was smooth and pale, her hips wide and flaring into solid thighs. She kept her pubic hair trimmed short, with a natural shape. I told her she was beautiful. She gave a shy smile, but lay back to let me look. Her thighs opened slowly as my finger slid along her pussy, slipping inside the thin hairs to feel the inner edges. Her labia felt dry and my finger ran up and down a couple of times before probing lower. It was like a flower opening as my middle finger encountered a warm slickness. She softly moaned and we kissed, her legs opening wider as I pushed my finger in to the second knuckle, feeling the soft walls of her pussy. I slid my finger over her labia, bringing her juices out to coat her whole pussy.
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She held my cock with both hands, running it back and forth between her palms. I rolled on top and she spread her legs for me. For whatever reason, Mr. Happy was not immediately cooperative. It softened just enough that I couldn't press into her and after a few minutes I lay next to her again, disappointed and a little embarrassed. She held me and said it was okay and we continued to kiss. A little background. At this time I was twenty-one, after two years in college and then a year off. She was eighteen, but none of that mattered to us. What mattered to me was this was only the second girl I had ever been with. I had my first girlfriend was when I was about sixteen. We had sex quite a bit, but broke up during my senior year of high school. After her I was completely unlucky at love for several years, being pretty naive, inexperienced, and totally not understanding women at all. Maybe I'd just been trying too hard. Even through the high school sex (she was an eighteen-year-old college girl, my co-worker at McDonald's), I was never able to achieve orgasm.escort θεσσαλονικη
I was certainly excited enough and never had any problem getting an erection. I became somewhat skilled at finding the right spot with my fingers and tongue and she got off many times under my attention. But this isn't her story yet, except to clarify that I was now twenty-one and had never cum in the presence of another woman. Sue and I kissed, and my memory after all these years is of the passion I felt come from her. She didn't say much, but she wanted me. Her lips kissed, her tongue stroked mine, her hands trailed over my body. I sought her breasts, feeling the tiny hard nipples under my fingertips. She humped her leg against my thigh, and I felt myself hardening again. At the first attempt we were like "Okay, it's time. " None of that now. I felt the surge pour through me and the full satisfaction of feeling the blood pump my cock to a complete stone erection. I rolled her over and pulled up one of her knees, slipping my cock between her wet lips and pushing. The head slipped in and I slowly pumped, inch by inch sliding into and out of her, her eyes half-closed as her hands softly guided my hips.Female Escort Istanbul Turkey can provide Turkish Escort Services to you
I pushed again and felt our groins meet, my shaft buried completely in her. She looked at me through glazed eyes and murmured with a smile, "What happened?"I shrugged and smiled back. "I don't know. But it worked. " I leaned forward to kiss her as my hips pulled back to sink into her again. Her arms enfolded me, her legs half-raised as we began to fuck. She softly asked, "Have you ever made love until the sweat poured off of your face?" An amazing lack of female understanding shone through me as I said, "No. " I had, but my inexperienced logic suggested that if I said yes, she might get jealous. But it didn't really matter. Soon we were both sweating as I continued. We always used the missionary position. She believed in the rhythm method, so we used no protection then or ever. I continued thrusting into her, varying occasionally with swirls and spins as I pulled in and out, stopping deep inside her to clench my pelvic muscle, throbbing heavily inside her and loving the wondering look in her eyes. She gasped. Her heels were now resting on the back of my thighs.Athens Escort agency. Escort in Athens, Greece female escort from Athens, Greece
"How. . . " she said, "how can you. . . go on. . . so long?" We had been at it for about twenty minutes. I had nothing to judge against, but I felt good realizing I had outlasted anyone else in her experience. Freshly hardened at the thought, I didn't answer, just kissed her deeply and continued our fucking. Her legs wrapped around my back, and she pulled me tight with her arms and legs. She began to buck harder against me and suddenly gave soft cries of wonder and ecstasy. After a few moments she relaxed and I stopped to look at her.Luxury escort city tours in Athens and Thessaloniki
"Did you cum?" I asked. "I think so," she said, and we kissed and continued our loving. Very shortly my own orgasm approached, and it came like an express train. I grunted and slammed into her as I ejaculated in her pussy, her arms and legs holding me tight. We lay there for a long time after, talking softly but mostly dozing and kissing and touching and dozing some more. I was on Cloud Nine. Finally, I had done the sex act to completion, had ejaculated with a woman, inside a woman. I felt complete and enormously satisfied. Sue and I continued together for several months. We were in bed every chance we could get. She discovered that she loved having my mouth on her pussy, and would lean close and whisper, "I want you to eat me. " I showed her how to sit on my face. I remember looking up at her leaning against the wall, her breasts bobbing as she rocked her hips over my lips, her thighs pressing the sides of my face, sometimes looking down at me but mostly with her eyes closed as she came thrusting on my face, her honey tasting sweet and clean on my tongue. I remember standing on my knees as she lay on the mattress next to me, her hand wrapped around my cock as she slowly watched herself stroke it, smiling at me standing there all proud as I displayed myself. I put a chocolate kiss in her pussy and licked it out as it melted, getting on my knees with my hands under her ass, lifting her hips clear off the bed as I feasted on her pussy, her breasts rolling back on her chest as she looked up at me as she came.Escorts - Escort from Athens
I would wake up in the middle of the night and roll next to her, my erection pressing into her ass. She would roll over and open for me, and we would fuck for several minutes before I came hard inside her. Once she said the night was wrong for the rhythm method, and I pulled out and sprayed my cum across her belly. She touched it, watching the sticky strands on her fingers as she made little circles on her belly. I loved making her cum, loved the look of wonder and her soft mewling as the orgasm took her. One night I kept my beat to the song on the radio. The tempo doubled and so did my thrusts. We both orgasmed together, her body wrapped tightly around mine as her hips thrust back as I sprayed inside her pussy. At my fraternity formal she humped my leg on the dance floor as I held her tight, swirling to the music. One night we lay in bed. We usually were in her room on the weekends when her roommate went away and Sue could push the two beds together. We had smoked a joint and lay side-by-side looking silently at each other. My hand was slowly fingering her pussy, and her hand was slowly squeezing my cock. She stared at me, desire literally dripping from her. Suddenly she said, "Fuck me.Antalya İzmir Ankara Eskortları
" I rolled between her legs, positioned my erection and pushed. She stared at me as her eyes widened and her mouth dropped open. I probably looked the same. I had sunk completely inside her in one stroke, catching us both by surprise. She had never been so open and wet. As I pulled back for the next stroke her eyes closed and she began to cum, crying out and gasping with each thrust. I was stoned and a little dulled, and so lasted quite a while. But the pot had the opposite effect on her and she tore through a long continuous orgasm. Looking back, I know I should have handled things differently. I could have been a better lover, made a better relationship. But that's pretty much how hindsight works and I can say the same about every relationship I had. After we broke up, Sue started dating my best friend. I was okay with that; we all ended up still friends. They're still married now, with a couple of kids, and I haven't seen them since college. But I still have my memories, and at the right times they're as fresh as the moment they gay escort erito.girls ellen saint escort slovak beauties escort elite rome escorts escorts girls escort russia veronica carso independent escort girls
* * * * *Her head leaned against the side of the leather chair, her eyes soft and dewy. “That was romantic,” she said softly. “And I’m always a sucker for a happy ending. ”I raised my glass to her. “And I’m a sucker for you, m’dear. ” I sipped and we watched each other as the firelight played around the room. .Escort girls
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