Просмотров: 43947 (Этот месяц: 62)
Создана 26-06-2010 (Редакт.: 21-08-2019)
Читать Sveta-VE отзывы
Дата встречи | Длитель. | Город | Внешность | Сервис таг | Общение |
28-01-2011 |
1 hour |
Стамбул |
: 9.0 |
: 3.0 |
: 9.0 |
Поцелуй Минет CIM Секс Анал Грудь Extra Ball Фото
Без языка Covered Нет Пассивный Нет Натуральная Один раз Реальные
Sveta is a very lovely girl. She is very attractive and with an excellent body. Her English is perfect and you can have a nice chat with her, but when you move to the bed she disappears!!
She immediately becomes a frozen piece of meat you have just taken out of the fridge. You really have to try very hard to defrost her, and by that then your time is up anyway.
If you really want to be near to a very beautiful girl and have nice chat go see her, but what comes after is mediocore, very average.
Дата встречи | Длитель. | Город | Внешность | Сервис таг | Общение |
28-12-2010 |
1 hour |
Стамбул |
: 7.0 |
: 2.0 |
: 4.0 |
Поцелуй Минет CIM Секс Анал Грудь Extra Ball Фото
No Bareback Нет Пассивный Нет Натуральная Один раз 30% фотошопа
What a disappointment. I m a frequent cclient of VE and was lookign fwd to meet Sveta due to good reviews and recommendation of the Mgr Yuriy. However from the moment I enter the room it was a total disaster for me. First 10min of the meeting she was looking for her cellphone and no attention to me. I got the fee out of the way whch she took and left on the table. No kiss no attentive approach she just sit there waiting.
Believe me a €50 punt in Red Distrcit in Amsterdam behind closed curtains is more real )better faked) thn ths experiencce I had. A louzy blowjob followed by a louzy very irritating f.ck. She even left me in bed to wash her hands before putting the condom. whch was unnecessary cooling period. She was looking around whn I was pounding her.
I hv wrote the mgr as well tht she was a disappointment for me. 
While I was thinking ths as a treat for my new yearö it turned out to be a terrible gift
Somethg definitely went wrong here but wht -
Дата встречи | Длитель. | Город | Внешность | Сервис таг | Общение |
26-12-2010 |
2 ч. |
Стамбул |
: 10.0 |
: 10.0 |
: 10.0 |
Поцелуй Минет CIM Секс Анал Грудь Extra Ball Фото
Без языка Bareback Нет Активный Нет Натуральная Несколько раз Реальные
Sveta is a very sweet girl, talkative and attentive. She does her best to make sure you're comfortable. She is young, has a very firm body and eager to please.
In short, she is recommendated for people who seek GFE, you won't be disapointed!