Просмотров: 36148 (Этот месяц: 56)
Создана 11-03-2009 (Редакт.: 21-08-2019)
Пол | Женщина | Возраст | 22 | Рост | 172 cm (5'8" ft) | Вес | 52 kg (114.64 lb) | Цвет волос | Чёрный | Цвет глаз | Голубой |
Тату | Нет |
Пирсинг | Нет |
Язык: |
Английский |
Секс. ориентация: |
Гетеро |
Встреча с: |
Мужчиной |
Обо мне
1h 280e
2h 450e
ANAL SEX(extra),DEEP THROTH,69 oral withount condom 69,COB OWC,sex in diferent position,domination mistress.
Читать Karina_blu отзывы
Дата встречи | Длитель. | Город | Внешность | Сервис таг | Общение |
22-03-2009 |
1 hour |
Афины |
: 1.0 |
: 1.0 |
: 1.0 |
Поцелуй Минет CIM Секс Анал Грудь Extra Ball Фото
No Covered Нет Пассивный Нет Натуральная Один раз Не её фото
Not the same girl.
Paidia h gnwsth apath opws kai me tis BellaVIP kai AnnaVIP. Klassikh perigrafh twn services : " Full service" kai genika kai fake review. Mallon H idia kopela vrisketai pisw apo tis sxetikes kataxwrhseis kai einai pleon efkolo na katalavei kaneis... epishs pote den kanoun outcall !
Дата встречи | Длитель. | Город | Внешность | Сервис таг | Общение |
15-03-2009 |
1 hour |
Афины |
: 10.0 |
: 10.0 |
: 10.0 |
Поцелуй Минет CIM Секс Анал Грудь Extra Ball Фото
С языком Bareback Нет Активный Нет Натуральная Несколько раз Реальные
HY again GUYS.After my randevou afternoon with ELLA,We have met again in the evening, but this time in TRIO guys,with her friend KARINA. ARE A TEAM OF KARINA million kisses .. KARINA it looks like a movie star PLAYBOY. her tits are gorgeos, her body sleem and brown make me FOLLING IN LOVE.REALY escort 5 STARS.When she make sex it seems like she dancing..FOR A DOUBLE SENSATION HIGHTLY RECOMMANDED thanks girls.YOU ARE FANTASTIC
Дата встречи | Длитель. | Город | Внешность | Сервис таг | Общение |
14-03-2009 |
1 hour |
Афины |
: 10.0 |
: 10.0 |
: 10.0 |
Поцелуй Минет CIM Секс Анал Грудь Extra Ball Фото
С языком Bareback Нет Активный Да Натуральная Несколько раз 10% фотошопа
Karina gave herself fully to me, and from the first to the last minute of the meeting we made love,
She look like a topp moddel,1,75 slim photo model,hight-cllass,finest escort,
beautiful:dark eyes, angelic face and .gorgeos tits,gorgeous body.
kissing passionatelI can tell you that this meeting will remain in my memory forever.
Thank you for this moment.
I’ve never rated a girl before but this koukla is just the best ever. Totally fun, giving, and down for anything. I can talk about the tight body, great ass, smooth skin, and sweet, sweet pussy, but you will never get over the amazing eyes and never-ending smile. The girl is a total sweetheart and unbeatable fuck.
classy, intelligent, has great style (very sexy lingerie), and leaves you wanting more and more of her . Can’t wait to see this playful karina again…THANKS SWEETY

Дата встречи | Длитель. | Город | Внешность | Сервис таг | Общение |
14-03-2009 |
2 ч. |
Афины |
: 10.0 |
: 10.0 |
: 10.0 |
Поцелуй Минет CIM Секс Анал Грудь Extra Ball Фото
С языком Bareback Нет Активный Да Натуральная Несколько раз 10% фотошопа
I met Karina this afternoon for 2 perfect hours.!
She is fabulous!
Very very very beautiful!
Top model look!
Beauty = 10
Services = 10
Liking = 10
Thats a girl that you have to meet for sure !!Very nice body, with nice curves, nice smile, GRATE TITS.
Karina is a great lover and she is very artistic in everything !!
I dont know what to remember first , the way that kiss you , the way that make love with you , the nice discussion you can have with .this GIRL with a body like a playboy star.Thank you pretty flower next time I will bring you a dozen of margaritas !!!
i started licking her fully shaved pussy and she started shouting(thanks god i was in a hotel),she enjoyed a lot.When we started having sex she was just perfect,lots of horny shouting and lots of positions.I felt like i was with a pornstar.
After i cummed for the first time she offered to make me a massage SEE YOU AGAIN AND AGAIN,NEVER IN OFF WITH YOU BABY