Просмотров: 112411 (Этот месяц: 100)
Создана 24-08-2008 (Редакт.: 19-04-2021)
Читать Crystal отзывы
Дата встречи | Длитель. | Город | Внешность | Сервис таг | Общение |
07-12-2009 |
2 ч. |
Афины |
: 9.0 |
: 9.0 |
: 9.0 |
Поцелуй Минет CIM Секс Анал Грудь Extra Ball Фото
С языком Bareback Нет Активный Нет
Несколько раз Реальные
A unforgetable meeting with this lovely and sexy lady.Very beautifull and attractive lady with an amazing body,great long black hair and beautiful lips.She gave me some wonderful kisses like she knew me long time before and i in return licked her wonderful legs snd toes,something that i think she likes very much.She can be anything that you want,from a misstres to a very good girlfriend experience.In sex she was very active and in general it was one of my best times with an escort ever
Дата встречи | Длитель. | Город | Внешность | Сервис таг | Общение |
14-09-2009 |
1 hour |
Афины |
: 9.0 |
: 9.0 |
: 9.0 |
Поцелуй Минет CIM Секс Анал Грудь Extra Ball Фото
С языком Bareback Нет Активный Нет
Несколько раз Реальные
My first meeting with that sweet and beautiful lady but for sure not the last. She is very beatiful and charming and she has an amazing smooth body with a perfect tight ass.She has a very warm attitude and she knows how to turn you on anytime.Her sex is fantastic and she really knoked me out! I finished 3 times in an hour and with ease. Her body smelt so nice and i still have her perfume on me.I never want to get rid of it so maybe I will never wash myself again! She is a woman that can drive you crazy. If you want an experienced lady to rock I think she is one of the best in the area