_nevermind reviews


Član od: 21-02-2019Zemlja: KiparGrad: Nikozija Pošaljite PP


  • VINERA♥️SF reviews 21-02-2019
    Datum sastankaTrajanjeGradIzgledUslugeKomunikacija
    2019-02-18 1 hours Nicosia
    : 10.0
    : 10.0
    : 10.0
    Svršavanje u usta
    Više puta
    Sa jezikom
    Bez kondoma
    Da, ispljune
    Prirodne sise
    Dozvoljeno je više puta
    Realna slika
    VINERA♥️SF - escort review from Cyprus Idi na profil
    I never met a woman like Vinera before, and I deeply believe she is really something unique and unusual, a beautiful gift to this world.
    In less than 5 minute I was with her, she made me forget I was with an escort. Honestly, that night I met a beautiful goddess. Her incredible body, the amazing way she moves it, the sweet and so sensual way she was able to keep all my body and all my mind... And, above all, she is also a very pleasant, smiling and positive person; and all this made our meeting so. unbelievable and amazing. The last 3 nights I've dreamed about her, that's why I'm writing these lines now.
    Really thank you Vinera, expecially for your "talking eyes" in my eyes, I will never forget it. When I left your room I was thinking that life is really beautiful and my smile was something like wink
    See you soon, honey