
My Three Bastard Sons


My Three Bastard Sons

All characters in this story that participate in adult sexual
activity, or view adult sexual activity are at least 18 years old.

Eighteen years ago my son Michael started making sexual advances
towards me and one thing led to another.

We started fucking whenever we got the chance. As soon as my husband
left for work each morning, my son would run down the hallway to my
bedroom and give me a good fucking.

I even started giving him blowjobs in the kitchen while his father is
watching television in the next room.

Anyway, a few months later I became pregnant with his baby boy and lied
to him when I said "Don't worry Michael, you are not the Daddy. Your
father and I have been planning this. "

Michael went off to college, got married and now has two children of
his own.

Don't think that we stopped having sex though! He has been coming over
to my house once or twice a month for the past eighteen years to play
with his brother Robert, then we run upstairs and fuck.

Before I go any further, I bet you think my age of fifty four is too
old for a woman to be attractive.

Well, you are wrong! I still weigh the same, and look almost as
beautiful as I did when I was a professional swimsuit model in my
twenties and thirties. In fact, I still model for several national
clothing catalogs targeted towards professional business women.

If you opened their catalog right now and saw me in a women's business
suit with my beautiful silky gray hair and long toned legs, you would
want to pick up the phone dial their toll free number!

I hate to rant about me being beautiful for my age, but let me tell
you one more thing. My eighteen year old son Robert took me to the
ocean last weekend, and they were having a "bikini" competition on the
beach. I entered and won the forty year old and above category!

Anyway, my husband died a few years back and Robert has been a great
companion for me. He was just been accepted to a University and will
be leaving me alone in the fall of this year.

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I can't bear the thought of being alone, so today I am going to ask
him to fuck me so I will get pregnant. I want another baby to take care
of before I get too old!

Suddenly, Robert walks into the kitchen and asks me to go swimming with
him in our pool. We have a lot of fun playing around in the pool
splashing each other while he constantly tries to untie my bikini top.
I have been slapping his hands away from me for years, but today he is
in for a surprise!

He takes my hand, opens the sliding door to the pool area and we walk
over to the patio table so I can set my cigarettes down on it.

With the sun shining down on me, I untie my bikini top and let it drop
to the tile floor.

Robert is in a state of shock for a few moments while he stares at me,
then smiles and says "Oh Mom! I have been wanting to see your tits for
years! The are beautiful! Thank you! Thank you!"

He continues to stare at me while I slide my bikini bottoms down to my
ankles and kick them away from me.

Suddenly, he runs towards the patio door while he is pushing his right
hand down on his swimming trunks to cover his erection.

I yell at him "Where are you going?"

He replies "I have to go up to my room for a couple of minutes! I will
be back later!"

I yell at him "Don't be ashamed about getting an erection! It is a
natural thing that happens to young men when they see naked women!
Besides, I want to see what your little pecker looks like now that you
are all grown up! Go inside the kitchen, take off your swimming trunks
and bring us a couple glasses of lemonade with lots of ice! That is an
order young man!"

I take a couple of steps over to the patio table, light a cigarette
and sit down in one of the chairs.

I wait for a few moments that seem like forever, then Robert finally
opens the patio door. He has stripped naked like I instructed, and
starts walking towards me with the two glasses of lemonade.

My God his cock is big and hard! I don't know if I can get that huge
fucking thing inside me! It must be eight or ten inches long and as big
around as my wrist!

He hands me one of the drinks, then sits down in the other chair at the
patio table.

As he sips on his lemonade I tell him "Robert, I want you to fuck me so
I can have a baby. "

He suddenly chokes on the swallow of lemonade he just took, then coughs
a couple of times and says "What did you say Mom?"

I take a drag off my cigarette and continue "I will let you fuck me
whenever you want for the entire summer. You can fuck me in the morning
if you want, fuck me in the evening, or just fuck me anytime! I only
have a few more years left before I wont be able to have children
anymore, so I want to try and get pregnant before you go off to
college. "

I snuff out my cigarette, then stand up and walk over in front of him.

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He does not take his eyes off my smooth shaved pussy, as I say "Well,
what are you waiting for? Let's get started!"

Robert immediately jumps out of his chair and puts his muscular arms
around me. We start tongue kissing while he squeezes my firm white ass

I gently push him away from me after a minute or so, then toss the
padded cushion from the reclining lounge chair on the patio floor and
kneel down on it.

I ask Robert "Do you want me to suck your cock for a while before we

He just stands there with his mouth open for a few seconds, then
blurts out "Jesus Christ yes! Fuck yes!"

I grab his cock and stroke it back and forth a few times, then open my
mouth and move my head forward. I feel the purple head of his cock
slide past my front teeth and start filling the inside of my mouth. My
God his cock is big!

I put my hands down to my sides and look up at him while I start
rocking back and forth.

Suddenly, Robert grabs the back of my head with both of his hands and
starts frantically fucking my face. I run out of air after about a
seconds and have to push him away from me. We do this over and over
again for the next few minutes, then I lay down on the cushion with my
legs spread apart. Robert immediately gets down on his knees, grabs his
hard cock and positions it at my pussy entrance.

The head of his cock slowly pushes my pussy lips apart, then pops
inside me. He leans forward over the top of me and supports himself on
his elbows while we tongue kiss each other.

I plead with him to be gentle with me, so he slowly lets his cock slide
inside me until it won't go in any further. I raise up from the cushion
a little bit, and see that he still has a couple of more inches left!
Jesus Christ is cock is big!

He starts slowly fucking me and tries to get his cock further and
further inside me with each thrust.

I scream at him "Stop trying to get your whole cock inside me Robert!
My pussy is too small and you are stretching it out!"

I start struggling to get out from underneath him, so he grabs my
wrists and continues ramming his cock inside me over and over again!

He is using every muscle in his body in an effort to get his cock
buried inside me as deep as he can! After a couple of minutes, I am
tired of fighting with him and let him have his way with me.



He fucks me for another five or six minutes, then leans back and
reaches over to get his glass of lemonade from the patio table.

I raise up on my elbows and look between my legs. Well, my son got what
he wanted! His cock is all the way in me!

I tell him that I am also thirsty and want a cigarette, so I suggest we
take a break. Robert reluctantly pulls his cock out of me and rolls
over on his back with his hard cock sticking straight up.

I get to my feet, then light a cigarette and take a big drink of cold
lemonade. Robert starts stroking his cock up and down while he watches
me standing around naked smoking my cigarette for a couple of minutes.

I decide to tease him a little bit, so I snuff out my cigarette and say
to him "Well, I have had enough for one day. I think I will get dressed
and go down to the store. "

Robert immediately gets up on his knees, grabs my wrist and pulls me
down on top of him. We laugh and tongue kiss for a while, then I say
to him "Do you want to put your big monster cock back in your Mommy's
little pussy again?"

Robert immediately replies "Please Mom! Please let me fuck you again! I
want my cock back inside you!"

I straddle his hips, grab his cock and guide it into my pussy as I
lower myself. It slides in more easily this time, and after just a few
attempts, I am seated all the way down.

I reach over to the patio table, get my glass of lemonade and take
another swallow of it, then place it back on the table.

I just sit on him for a couple of minutes while he plays with my tits,
then after a while, I start to slowly bounce up and down.

After about five or six minutes, Robert grabs my ass cheeks and starts
violently thrusting his cock up inside me. My God, he is fucking the
hell out of me!

My tits are flopping around on my chest and I am screaming "Oh Jesus
Christ! Fucking Christ! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck me Robert! Fuck me!"

Suddenly, he stops and I can feel his cock jerk inside me and begin
pumping warm sperm! Five seconds go by, then ten seconds! Oh my God,
his cock just keeps pumping over and over again!

When he is done, I reach over to the patio table and get a cigarette
and light it.

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   I tell Robert that I just want to sit here for a couple
of minutes until his cock deflates to make sure his sperm has time to
swim around inside me.

After four or five minutes, I snuff out my cigarette, then ask Robert
"How long does it take for your cock to go down?"

He just looks up at me and smiles, then grabs my ass cheeks and begins
fucking me again!

This is exactly what Michael did to me eighteen years ago!

Robert is just like his father!


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