loveneverdies reviews


Membru din: 16-02-2015Tara: TurciaOras: Istanbul Trimiteți PM


  • Taya reviews 25-01-2017
    Data întâlniriiDurataOrasAparenteServiciiComunicare
    2017-01-22 60 min Istanbul
    : 10.0
    : 10.0
    : 10.0
    Sex Oral
    Finalizare Extra
    Nu stiu
    Nu este disponibila
    Sâni naturali
    Nu stiu
    Poza reala
    Taya - escort review from Turkey Mergi la profil
    Tall girl, 180cm, long shapely legs, big beautiful size 40 feet, big soles, basketball player, if you like tall girls with shapely muscled long legs and zero fat, this girl is definitely for you, not only lower body is long, but also upper body is very high too and not a thin girl, perfectly shaped, fitted tall girl.
    i went to her two times in one week interval, one for 30 min 2 weeks before Friday and one for 60 min last Sunday. Both times i have satisfied and concentrate my workat the following days thanks to her big beautiful soles and perfect scent and taste of her legs and feet. Her long legs and asses view were amazing when she was lying on the bed and i was under her soles. she is beginning of her 20's. very clean, without caprice, dominative, positive and communicative. i am still thinking about to see her again, can not get out from my mind her beauty.
  • Asti reviews 30-07-2016
    Data întâlniriiDurataOrasAparenteServiciiComunicare
    2016-07-27 60 min Ankara
    : 10.0
    : 10.0
    : 10.0
    Sex Oral
    Finalizare Extra
    Nu stiu
    Don't know
    Nu stiu
    Poza reala
    Asti - escort review from Turkey Mergi la profil
    She is very good at foot fetish, foot worship, foot domination, foot humiliation, dirty talking, dirty cuckold talking, she awares of all of the contents of the foot dom, humiliation and fetishism, foot gagging, foot slapping, spit your face, rub her soles to your face and make you lick her soles.
    if you have these kind of specific desires, you can rarely find a girl who already knew these themes, but this girl already knew these and you feel yourself to find what you want.

    and as good as she is in foot worship, she is good at ass worship and ass humiliation too. we will try brown shower in our next meeting. i already have seen her 2 times. and i very very rarely go to the same girl again. i can not find anybody who can satisfy me as much as she can satisfy me.

    For our meetings, One in Istanbul, one in Ankara, in my all meetings the atmosphere and the ambiance in her hotels and her rooms were very exciting, very nice music played at the background which selected with her great taste.

    she is really one hop upper then the others. i went too many girls in this site, they just lied down on the bed when i was licking their soles in all the durations of the sessions, they dont know anything about foot fetish, but Asti establishes participation with you and really work hard to satisfy your desires. it is definitely her right to gain the reflection of her effort, if you are looking for a foot worship humiliation session from a nice, tall lady who has the same tastes with you.

  • SONJA_FE reviews 17-02-2015
    Data întâlniriiDurataOrasAparenteServiciiComunicare
    2015-02-15 1 hours Istanbul
    : 10.0
    : 10.0
    : 10.0
    Sex Oral
    Finalizare Extra
    Fara prezervativ
    Da, inghite
    Sâni naturali
    Permis de mai multe ori
    Poza reala
    SONJA_FE - escort review from Turkey Mergi la profil
    She is a very sweet young girl, smiling everytime, do what you want, not problematic, very tall, very beautiful legs with big feet. she is 64kg with a 183 cm height. size proportioned, not like the girls who make you in a hurry to come, she is like a friend, i really like tall girls with big feet, so the session was good for me, she knows about female domination, foot fetish, trampling, foot slapping, she knows and aware about everything, at first i started with kissing and licking her feet and than she trampled me, and we continued with foot fetish again, i came my first time when i was kissing, licking her feet and than i wanted some licking and kissing from her, she started to give me a blowjob, she made it without condom, it was nice, she took it deep, and than i changed the position and started to fuck her mount at standing position when she was in her knees, and than made her lay down and continued to fuck her in her mount, she was kissing and licking my balls and dick with saliva, i saw that she liked this, it was nice and exciting, continue to fuck her mount and than i came to her mount, she swallowed it, without any problems, she was always smiling, i kissed her in her shoulder and she kissed me at my stomach. some foot fetish again and she massaged me. She told me the time is over after 12 minutes or so after our session time was over and gave me another a few minutes too for talking and some kissing again.
    i paid extra 50 euro to the hotel because of their room reservation is for single person.

    Cok tatlı genç bir kız, her zaman gulumsuyor, hiçbir problem cıkarmıyor, cok uzun boylu, çok guzel bacakları ve buyuk guzel ayakları var, 64 kg ye 183 boyu var, vucudu orantılı, aceleye getiren, hadi bosal deyip duran kızlar gibi degil, arkadas gibi yaklasıyor, uzun boylu ve buyuk ayaklı kızları sevdiğim için, seans benim için guzel gecti, ayaklarını operek basladım, ayak fetisizminden anlıyor, ezerek devam etti, sonra yine ayak fetisizmine devam ettik, ayaklarını operken bosaldım, daha sonra oral sexe gectik, prezervatifsiz yapıyordu ve derine alıyordu, ben ayakta o dizlerinin uzerinde devam ettik, daha sonra onu yataga yatırıp oral sexe devam ettim, oda zevk alarak opup, yalıyordu, onun zevk aldıgını gormek, heyecanlandıran guzel bir durumdu, o yatakta yatarken bende ustunde agzından girip cıkarken bosaldım, hiçbir sorun cıkarmadı, lafını bile etmedi, yuttu, daha sonra yine ayaklarıyla devam ettik bana masaj yaptı, seans bittikten 12 dakika sonra bittiğini soyledi, ekstradan konusmak ve yeniden opusmeler içinde hiç acele ettirmeden zaman tanıdı. Odayı tek kişilik ayırttıkları için, 50 euro eksradan oda parası verdim.