gr82cu reviews


Membru din: 28-08-2011Tara: GermaniaOras: Berlin Trimiteți PM


  • Cathy Heaven reviews 01-07-2015
    Data întâlniriiDurataOrasAparenteServiciiComunicare
    2015-06-16 18 hours Vienna
    : 10.0
    : 10.0
    : 10.0
    Sex Oral
    Finalizare Extra
    Fara prezervativ
    Da, inghite
    Sâni de silicon
    Permis de mai multe ori
    Poza reala
    Cathy Heaven - escort review from Austria Mergi la profil
    This is my kingdom cum ...

    Since years I have planned to book a pornstar and after exchanging some emails with Cathy my "dream" came true. We met in Vienna for an extended overnight.

    So what should I expect? To be honest I had not really any clue what will happen.
    She arrived some minutes earlier and due to some "technical problems" I picked her up in the lobby. Nice dress ... high heels ... she was looking gorgous. I recognized that every man turned his head when she walked with me to the elevator ...

    We decided to go out for a drink and talked about whatever for hours.
    I was very positively surprised that she is a lady very down to earth. Time was flying away and after a short moment I had the feeling we would know each other already since years. Definitively she got brains, beauty and for sure ... big boobs

    During private time I will not go to much into detail, but everything was on the menue and I had never the feeling I was with an escort ... Her oral skills are incredible. Definitively one of my best meetings ever ... a true gfe garnished with a pse ...

    So if you treat her like a women you will receive whatever you want in return from here side ...

    Would I repeat? Yes ... absolutely and if possible for an even longer date. I am already working on it ...