Winner Summer Heat Story Contest---- Southern Comfort
Southern Comfort
By Badlybent
The construction site was hot and dusty so I stopped by the Brass Tapfor a draft to wash away the grit and have a monster grease-burger withthe accompanying truck load of fries to refuel.
The Tap is a Honky-Tonk or a Roadhouse depending on what part of thesouth you’re from. It’s just far enough out of town to be, out of site,out of mind, of the local Baptist Christian Ladies Association UnitedAgainst Fun chapter which means it’s a beer joint. No wine, fancy orotherwise. Doesn’t even sell whisky.
The joint’s attractions are, cheap beer, cheap food, loud music, and Ohyes a cheap woman or two. It’s a boots and jeans kind of place. Hikingboots, construction boots, cowboy boots and their female counterparts. A suit would be as out of place as a pole cat at a church picnic.
There's a hardwood dance floor and a mighty fine local country rockband on weekends. A couple of pool tables fill the little back room andan ancient TV that sort of shows color hangs over the bar and takescare of the sports crowd. A little something for everybody.
There might even be what you call your "gentleman’s disagreement" inthe parking lot now and then but nobody ever get seriously hurt. Not aknife and gun club sort a place. It ain’t the Ritz or your familyestablishment but the Tap's a safe place to take a date and get loosenow and then, if she’s a good-old-girl, that is.
The Brass Tap is what we call a "ya'll come" kind of place.
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Long days make for more work so the crowd arrives later in the summerand not a lot was happening. I ate, then kicked back, ordered apitcher, and sat at the bar shooting the shit with George waiting forthe show to start. Friday night at the Tap is always a show of somekind.
George is the owner , bartender, bouncer and bottle washer. He cooksand waits tables too when the joint isn’t busy. It’s a homey place andthe regulars all know each other and whose doing what to who and whoain’t.
After a while the beer worked it’s usual magic and I headed off to leakmy lizard and came up short at the door. There was a chick standing atthe sink fussing with her hair. Not that it need fussing. She hadflowing red hair that draws attention to her like a porch-light drawsbugs on a hot southern night. Her name was Violet. She'd been hangingaround lately.
Violet is what you would call cute in a slutty sort of way. Notgorgeous but cute. You wouldn’t kick her out of bed or gnaw you’re armoff getting away the next morning by any means.
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She’s a little youngbut not jail bait. George runs a clean place. He doesn’t put up withthat shit.She wears short skirts and low cut tops. Not afraid to show some skinon a warn humid night. Boobs could be bigger but she’s got nice legsand a great ass.
She’s always with some dude though. Usually one of the frat-rats thatcome over from the local college. The band wasn’t set up yet but I’dseen her dancing to the jukebox with some geek I’d never seen before. Just another college looser to me.
“Uhh…I gotta go. ”I said.
“Sorry, the little girl's room was in use and I had to go really badtoo. Well…Come on in.
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” She waved at the"pisser" and went back to primping in the streaked, dirty, mirror.I hesitated a second but nature made the decision for me. I wasn’t about to piss my pants waiting on her to get out.
Not being exactly your high class establishment, the one urinal isbeside the sink and there isn’t one of those privacy things between thetwo. I got my streaming going good and glanced over. Violet wasstanding there with the tiniest tip of her pink tongue sticking outintently watching me piss. .
“I cheated. ” she said, giggled, not the least bit embarrassed.
She didn’t look away and I’m not the kind that can stop in mid-piss soI just shook my head and continued to let fly. If she wanted a freeshow, what the hell. “Damn beer,” I said. “This is the only troublewith the stuff. ”
I made conversation as if this was the most normal thing in my world. Well what the hell else are you going to do.
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“So what do you thinkViolet,” I said, shaking off I turned to face her, dick in hand."Um. . "she said and grinned. “I’ve seen worse. I’d say he’s gotpotential. So you know my name, and you’re Greg, right?” She continued. “Can I touch?”
I nodded yes to both I guess because she reached out and stroked mydick which by now was making like Pinocchio’s nose, getting longer andharder. And that’s the by-god’s truth if I ever told it.
“Umm,” she mewed. “I think I woke up the one-eyed snake. ”
“Uhh…Violet, we’re not going to be alone here long, somebody else’s gonna need to piss. ”
“Yes…I suppose…” she pouted…then brightened. “We could go out back if you want to. ”
“And do what you’re little man wants.
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What else silly?”She hadn’t let go and by now my ”little man”, being a very cleaver little guy, stood in proud salute to her ministrations.
“What about your boyfriend. ”I nodded toward the barroom.
“Not a boyfriend. Just a date. He’s decided he likes Rachael better though. ”
Now that brought a real grin to both of us. Rachael is gay. Everyoneknows that. Well almost everyone. I guess someone else is fixing tofind out.
“His loss. ” Violet said.
Screwing some bar pick-up out behind The Brass Tap on a hot southernsummer night isn’t exactly an original concept. The place is aninstitution going back to prohibition days when it was a speakeasy.
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Youcould write a couple of whose-who books on all the county gentry that’sgot laid back here but it was a first for this rebel lad.I soon found myself in the pale moonlight out behind the dumpster onhallowed ground that's been sanctified by hundreds if not thousands ofother horny couples. My hand found it's way up Violets miniskirt andrubbed her sweet young pussy through polyester bikini panties while shestroked my rock hard cock with equal ardor.
The place smelled like…well…like a dump but it’s amazing what the finecombination of alcohol plus sex will do for you. Violet smelled, young,hot, as sweet as honeysuckle and nothing else mattered. Nothing at all.
Her velvet tongue tasted of honey, of Budweiser, and of desire, as wemoaned our lust into each other’s mouth. The girl was an excellentkisser and soon we were gasping, grouping and dry humping like the endof the world was just down the road and only our coupling stood inSatan’s very path.
We broke contact long enough for Violet to do a bend-over, flip herlittle skirt up, and my pants to hit the ground. I yanked her pantiesdown, spread her upturned cheeks and frantically sought her honey hole,the pearly gates of creation itself.
“God, oh god, hurry. Get it in I can’t wait. ” she begged.
I could see that she was already rubbing her love button from the front as my dick made contact and slid home.
“Ahh…” I pushed on up inside, her vagina a tight pink glove grasping myhardness.
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“Jesus Violet. ” I said as her pussy milked my cock.“Pound me Greg. God, just fuck the shit out of me. ”
With an invite like that, what’s a young horny construction roustaboutsupposed to do? I wound up and laid the wood to her. I slammed and shehumped. Nothing fancy or sophisticated, just a good old fashionedsouthern pipe laying.
“Hard Greg. Fuck me hard cowboy. ” Not to be out done she leaned intothe task and matched me stroke for stroke, hump for hump.
The girl’s passion was over the top. She was working it so hard I paused in amazement to watch her hungry cunt consume my cock.
“What?…Why did you stop?God don’t stopppp…”
“Just watching. ” I said and slapped her pretty ass. “ Go for it.
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Ride-em cowgirl. ” I grinned and slapped her upturned butt again pickingup the pace once more. “Gonna get you off gal. Make you cum like anearthquake. Go get’em girl. We're gonna make it a fucking big one. ”Another slap added a red hand print to her straining ass punctuating mydesire. With a groan she just kicked it into a higher gear. Lettingeverything go she bawled like a wildcat in heat. The girl was a fuck’entreasure.
My cock could feel her cunt spasm time after time as small orgasms hither. She was getting close to the big one and I couldn’t hold out muchlonger either. Her pussy was driving me crazy.
“Ahh…” she shuddered and slammed back against me so hard she almostknocked me down. Her pussy clamped down like a vise, holding, gripping.
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“Ahh…Oh god yes…YES…!”Violet is a screamer. She sure enough lets the world know when she get‘s there. God love a duck, she’s a trip.
“Cumming…Ahh!”I shuddered in turn as my cock unleashed a torrent of baby juice.
None of this pull out and squirt in her face shit. No rubber either. One- hundred percent pure high-test rebel cum flooded her vaginal canalas spasm after spasm emptied my balls, filling her tank to overflowing. The excess ran down her legs re-christening this little patch ofsouthern ground once again.
"OH YES. . . ! Damned Good!" I slapped her ass hard again just because itfelt good and because I could. She didn't mind at all.
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!"I exclaimed with glee. "Good God woman what a fuck you are!"We collapsed laughing at ourselves, at the deed we had done and at the pure unadulterated joy of being young and alive.
“Well, wasn’t that just something. ” I said. I hadn’t even bothered topull my pants up yet. “Guess I owe you a drink or something. What’dayou think?”
“Or something…Hmm. ” she said. “Well. . You can take me home and playaround some more. That is if you want to?” Her smiling eye's sparkledeven in the light of that old North Georgia moon.
“What about what’s his name when he figures out he ain’t getting no-where with Rachael and comes looking for you?”
“I’d say fuck him but I wouldn’t mean it. He'll figure it out. ” Shetook my hand.
“Come on cowboy get your pants up. We‘re gonna go get ussome desert. ”
My old pickup tore a right fair patch in the gravel parking lotspinning rubber as we tore off into the Georgia night hunting moreSouthern Comfort.
“Yee. . Hawwww!-----Ya’ll cum now ya hear.
THE END…Or maybe not. Experience informs this good old boy that you can’t get too much Southern Comfort.
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