Fun in Vegas
Topic: Fun in VegasThe big poker game was on saturday and the three desided to take the RV to Vegas. William and Beth loved to go on trips in there RV and having Steve with them was going to be a blast. William meet Steve about eight years earlier at work and thay became friends. Beth told William that thay look like brothers with the only diffrinc that one was white and the other was black. She wonder if thay where alike in other place.
Thay arived on Thursday in Vegas and found the RV park Beth ask the boys if thay was going out tonight. William look at Steve and the thay sead why not Steve told William it would be nice to check out some of the honys in the city of sine.
The three found a table and order there drinks William and Beth watch as Steve head was moving back and forth checking out the women in the bar. It didn't tack long before one cought his eye and he was off leving William and Beth alone. Beth moved her hand down to William leg she slowly moved it up he look down in her eyes and sow that look in her eyes the look that she get when she is up to being noty. He watch as she moved her free hand up to the button on her top and undid theme slowly tile she had her top open. William seen that she wasn't wearing nothing under her top William watch as she moved one side of her top back to revile her plump brest William look around before he lowerd his head to tack the niple in his mouth his toung moved around the hard niple macking it stiffen moor Beth layed her head back as she slide a hand in her pants to play with her clit. Beth was filling her pussy geting wet as she heard Steve set back down at the table Steve never sead a weard Beth open her eyes and look at Steve as she felt her orgasm biuld deep in her. Steve moved around in his chare as he watched his friends triying to ajust his stiffing shaft. William knew that she was coming as she let out soft moan and he could file her body shacking. William sat back up to find his friend seating there looking at theme Beth fixed her top and got her self back to gather as she look at the to and ask if thay was ready to go.
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As the three walked back to the RV park it started to rain. Beth was wearing a white outfit and as the rain fail her outfit became trans parent. Beth got ahead of the men so they could get a good look at her ass. Steves eyes was watching as her ass moved back and forth as she walked evean as he looked at her ass he stile had that seen at the bar in his head.
In the RV Beth puled William to her as there lips tuched there toungs moved in and out each otheres mouth as William hand found one of her breast and teast the niple she broke there kiss and look at Steve she as if he would like to file her breast. He walked up to her she puled his lips to hers Williams hand was in her wet pants rubbing her clit she broke there kiss and told him to play with her ass. Steve finger found her little rose bud as he started to push his finger in she let out a moan and cryed out yes. she open her leg to geav her two men the access to her before pushing theme away. Beth walked to the bed room and turned around to look at the two men as she liked her lips. She unbutten her top as she told the two it was time to get out of there wet close and down to some fucking. William, Steve was in front of her as she toke there dicks in her hands and started stroking theme she looked up at theme and tolde theme that she had finly got her to favorite two flavers togather. Beth rapped her lips around the head of Steves dick her toung slowly moved around it Steve let out a moan. William watch as his wife toke his beast friends dick in her mouth he loved to see her pleas a dick with that mouth of hers he watch as she toke moor and moor of it in her mouth. Steve was moaning as her head moved back and forth on his dick Steve gaved the back of her head and pushed moor of his dick in her mouth as he shot his load in her throat. she tried to swallow as it filed her mouth Steve pulled out of her mouth and shot a thick load on her face.
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Beth was so turned on that she turned to William and whent to work on his her head was moving back and forth as she suck on his shaft it didn't tack to loung for William to file her mouth with his on load.Beth was on her back as Steve got between her legs the head of his dick pushed Beth lips back as it enter her she let out a loud moan.
Beth was laying between theme whin she ask if theye would untie her. William look over at his wife and told her she wasn't going get lose tile theye was done with her and the night wasn't over yet she turnd to Steve and ask him to help her but he looked at her and told her not on her life that he had plans on fucking her ass agene tonight. Beth layed there as the two men got up and walked away she layed there with a smille on her face as she wonder what she was in for next.