Total vizionari: 30251 (Luna aceasta: 31) Creat 18-02-2017 (Modificat: 21-03-2023)


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Young New Model
Escort girl from travel -  Pamela, her sexy photos, read reviews and comments, information
Live Webcams Live Chat
Inaltime175 cm (5'9" ft)
Greutate52 kg (114.64 lb)
Limbă: Engleză  English English English English English
  Rusa Russian Russian Russian Russian Russian
Incall    Incall: Cameră de Hotel
Deplasare    Deplasare: Vizite la hotel si la domiciliu
Orientare Sexuală: Heterosexual 
Intalnire cu: Disponibila pentru bărbați  Disponibila pentru bărbați   
Despre mine
Tour Rates

Duration          Incall      Outcall
30 Minutes:     €160      N/A
1 Hour:            €200      €250
2 Hours:          €350      €400
3 Hours:          €500      €550
Outcall service, NOT include taxi.

Calatoresc catre
SUA Europa de Est
Canada Australia
Caraibe Asia
America Latină Africa
Scandinavia Orientul Mijlociu
Europa de vest   
Informatii contact
Orasul de bază:Fac doar tururi de oras 

Scrie recenzie View Pamela reviews
  • Korlos 25-02-2017
    Data întâlniriiDurataOrasAparenteServiciiComunicare
    19-02-2017 1 ore Atena
    : 4.0
    : 1.0
    : 1.0
    Sex Oral
    Finalizare Extra
    Fara prezervativ
    Sâni naturali
    Nu stiu
    50% modificat in Photoshop
    This is the first review of this girl and i am truly sorry to say that it is not going to be a good one.

    The door opens and she looks bored and grumpy. Cold as ice. Not very good at communicating either.
    I slowly begin to mourn for the cash I am about to spend, although I am hoping this will all change when the action begins.
    I get out of the shower and we start the race. Lets see..

    The good stuff:
    -She is quite tall almost 1,80
    -Her tits are nice although photoshoped in the pics
    -Blowjob was ok. Just ok
    -Nice skin. Mostly

    The bad stuff:
    -She is sloppy and in a hurry, always looking at the time and not paying attention to the guy that is fucking her!
    -Kissing with tongue? This is a joke right? She doesn't even touches your lips, and always looking away. When she was on top she was looking at the ceiling ALL THE TIME!
    -She wanted to change positions after 3-4 minutes because she got tired.
    -Sarcastic and rude, motionless and dull.
    -Her face expressions in the entire session were like: lets get this over with quick.
    -Had to think of my ex in order to finish, and she did absolutely nothing to help. She just lay there, looking at the ceiling.

    She doesn't like what she is doing and it shows. No passion, no warmth, passive and disappointing.
    Lesson learned. Never go for a girl with no (positive) reviews.
    I would never meet her again. There are a lot of girls out there who are a lot better and cost less.