Kristine the homeless girl after her shopping trip
We went to the mall and ended up at Victoria Secret and Kristine
picked out a few outfits and short robe and panties and then
got a few pair of jeans and tops. She told me no one ever took
her on a shopping trip and she was over joyed. I asked her
if she was having a good time with all the guys and she told
me its the best time i have had. I said would you like to try
more then one guy at a time or two. . . maybe something like
4 guys and you would be the center of attention. She waited
a minute or two and said do you think i could do it, I said I
think you can try and if you like it then it will be fun. She
said well i guess i try it and see if I like it.
I made a few calls and got 4 guys all under 30 and these guys
I have partied with before they all said they could make
it and would take there time with her. I told them she is new
at this and forcing her will turn her off. They all agreed
and I told them be at my place at 7P. I told Kristine there
names and what they looked like. . . John was 25 and about
6'0 and 185 and had about 9 inches and Keith was 27 and
about 6'1 and 200 and had about 9 or better.
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I said jamesis 30 and about 6'3 and 200+ and a big dick over 11 and
he is blk. I told her sam was also blk and was about James size
and also a big dick. She said do you think i can handle those
guys I said nothing like finding out. We had lunch and headed
She tried on all the outfits and picked the one she would
wear tonight and had a drink along with me. well we sat around
and about 6P she headed for the shower and got ready. I went
and changed into jeans and clean t shirt and went back to
he living room. Kristen came out in a see through top showing
off those big tits and small panties and garder belt with
stocking. She looked outstanding. About 7P the guys started
to get there and by 7:30 they were all there, she asked them
if they wanted a drink and served them as she moved around
in that hot outfit, some of the guys padded her on her little
ass and complimented her on her outfit and told her how sexy
she looked.
to stay dressed all night or are you going to get changed
and relax so we can party. The guys looked at me and I took
off my tee shirt and they followed then there pants most
were wearing boxers and 1 was commando like myself. Kristine
when to each of them and sat on there laps and let them feel
her big tits and squeeze her tight little ass. by the time
she was done most had semi hard dicks and she said time to
take off the boxers and show your stuff. At that point she
took off the cover and those big tits were free and exposed.
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As they took off the boxers she went to each of them and put
her hand on there semi hard cocks and got down and kissed
them and started to suck on them going one to other. within
20 minutes they were fully hard and ready to party.
She stood in front of them and took her panties off and let
her garder belt and stocking on and the guys started to move
her to the bed room. We got to the bed room and one of the guys
put her on the bed and another started to kiss her inner thighs
and work up to that little pussy. She moaned and john and
james started with her james put his big blk cock on her mouth
and John started to rub his hard cock on her pussy and before
long she was sucking james big cock blk cock and working
hard on it telling him how big it was and then John put his
9inches into her little pussy and she moaned and spread
wide for him and then he started fucking her, as james was
still getting his big blk cock sucked before long John traded
postions with James and he started by rubbing his big huge
cock on her pussy and started to push it into her and she moaned
lound and said your so big and thick and before long he was
balls deep in that pussy and fucking her good. . then Keith
and Sam come over and they put there cocks near her mouth
and she was sucking on three cocks as james was fucking her
and James also started to finger her tight little ass and
now she squirts all over James started to move her by picking
up her legs and pushing in and then up in that pussy. . She
was fucking and meeting his thrusts taking all of that big
cock when james moaned and shot his first load into that
pussy. . . He fucked her for a while after he came and then
Keith took his place and fucked her good for about 20 minutes,
after keith fucked her Sam took his place an put that monster
cock of his in that pussy she squirted again and he fucked
her hard and deep and she was more then just fucking she was
loving it. He fucked her for a while and James came over and
put his big cock on her tight little ass hole and pushed his
big blk cock into her ass and now she was lossing it she was
fucking big huge cocks in both holes the other two were being
sucked and she was not even started but had come about 5 times
already. The fucking lasted for hours switching positions
and they all got everything they wanted. When they were
done they sat had a drink Kristen laid there her pussy and
ass dripping cum and her face had cum on it also.
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She sat up and said oh my god i can't believe how great
this is and you guys are just really hot to fuck. That was
the hint for them to start again and they fucked her again
for another two hours shooting load after load in that pussy
and ass and mouth. About 10P she said she needed a rest and
went to the bathroom and the guys told me this was a great
party and she was so hot. I told them she is a nice girl that
loves to fuck and takes what you give her. So each of them
gave her 100 dollars for herself and she started to cry,
I said why are you crying she said I don't want the money
for fucking , I said its not for the fucking its for you to
spend on yourself its there way of saying thanks. She sat
there and had a drink and the guys said they had to leave she
kissed each of them and told them we have to do this again
soon. All the guys said anytime your beautiful and sexy.
Well to find out more of what happened you will have to read
the nextt part. .
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