Chuck and Tracy's friends Part 2
3 weeks after Chuck moved in Tracy got an abortion, she didn't want everyone to know that she was unmarried and having a kid. Things were easy knowing that Tracy couldn't get pergnant since she was on the pill so they fucked without a condom. Another week went by. One day Chuck had the day off while Tracy had to work. Tracy was going out to eat with a few of her friends later that day but her friend Chelsea came over an hour early. "Hey Chelsea, umm Tracy isn't going to be home for another hour" Chuck explained. "Oh really" said the blonde haired woman, "is it alright if I just wait here. " "Yeah go ahead I'm just going to use the bathroom quick. Go ahead and turn on the tv" he told her. "Ok" Chuck watched Chelsea turn around. Chelsea had on a yellow blouse, yellow buisness miniskirt, yellow stockings, and high heels, that were of course, yellow. Chelsea had very blonde hair and a nice looking face, but she didn't really have any breasts to even look at. When Chuck came out of the bathroom he heard loud moaning sounds coming from the family room. He walked into the room to see Chelsea watching a porno on the TV. Chelsea looked at him "I didn't think Tracy would need to watch porn when she has a 13 inch dick right in front of her face" she smiled. "How do you know that-" Chuck got cutoff "Tracy has told me all about it" Chelsea got up and walked toward Chuck "Can I see it, ppppplease" she said in her sexiest voice.
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Chuck couldn't take it, he pulled down his pants and showed Chelsea his big meaty cock. Chelsea stuck out her hand and grabbed it. She then started to stroke his cock. She started going quicker and she started to kiss up and down Chuck's neck. This turned Chuck on, he unbottened Chelsea's blouse to see her yellow bra. Chelsea stroked even faster, he couldn't take it "I'm cummmmmmmming" he shouted as cum shot out and landed on Chelsea's stomach and city tours escorts istanbul
Chuck got his pants on. Tracy walked to the door to see Chelsea buttoning her half opened blouse. Chuck jumped infront of her and gave her a deep long kiss. When Tracy looked back Chelsea had her blouse buttoned "Ready to go" Chelsea asked, "yeah let me change" Tracy said and walked up the stairs. "That was fucking amazing" Chelsea exclaimed as she gave Chuck a big wet kiss. They shared kisses until Tracy got downstairs. "Bye, honey" Tracy said in her very short black shiny dress, as she gave him a kiss. Chelsea and Tracy walked out the door, as Chelsea closed the door she gave Chuck a wink. Chuck woke up at 2 in the morning, he heard laughing coming from downstairs. Downstairs Chuck saw Tracy, Chelsea, their friend Betty, and a large dog. Betty was getting pounded by the large dog in the ass! Tracy and Chelsea were laughing and playing with their clits as Betty was moaning in extasy. All the women were drunk. Chuck watched as Betty came, he then watched as the dog still pounded her ass and then came in her ass. All the women laughed when Betty couldn't get the dogs cock out of her ass. "The knot is stuck" Tracy sputtered.Athens ladies Hellas Escort Female Escorts Greece Directory Escorts in Athens find an escort
Betty fell alseep with the cock inside of her, Tracy and Chelsea made out for about 10 minutes after Betty fell and then went alseep themselves. Chuck walked down the stairs and put the dog in the yard and went back inside. Chelsea and Tracy's pussys were showing and Betty was laying on the floor naked. Chuck stared at Betty's ass and got a sick idea. He decided that he was going to do it, he was going to fuck Betty while she was asleep and drunk. Chuck walked over and pushed his cock into her pussy, she moved alittle and Chuck pulled out. Chuck relized she was out cold. He then put his cock back in. Chuck then decided to do the extreme, he slipped out alittle and then jumped and pushed all his weight in. Chuck looked pleased, he had gotten all his cock into a pussy, not even Tracy could do that. Chuck started to fuck her hard while he squeezed the brunettes large double d sized tits. He fucked harder and harder with all his cock. He then unloaded all cum inside of Betty's pussy. After he licked and sucked on her tits, then went upstairs and went to sleep. The next morning Chuck snuck out of the house while all the women laid on the floor.russian girls in athens
When Chuck got home around 4 Tracy he found Tracy waiting for him inside. She greeted him with a kiss "how was it" she asked. "How was what" Chuck asked. "You know, Chelsea" "What about Chelsea" he pretended. "I saw Chelsea buttoning up her shirt and there was cum on her skirt, so how was it" "Amazing I loved it so much, I'm sorry for doing it but it was great" Chuck said. "Thats good but my family is coming down for Thanksgiving tomorrow so we have to get ready" Tracy said knowing that Chuck would be to tired to fuck. The whole night they worked and then they both fell asleep on the couch together. .Escort girls
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In the Czech Republic, the prices for independent escorts vary depending on the company and the services they offer. Many providers charge by the hour, while others have packages for several hours or overnight stays. Some escorts have their own websites with information about their rates, services, and availability.
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The Czech Republic is home to some of Europe's most beautiful and skilled independent escorts. From the busy streets of Prague to the scenic villages of esk Krumlov and Kutná Hora, the Czech Republic invites people from all over the globe in search of friendship and intimate meetings with professional escorts.
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To summarize, independent escorts in the Czech Republic provide guests seeking connection and intimacy with a one-of-a-kind and amazing encounter. With a variety of alternatives and lots of things to see and do in the nation, there has never been a better time to discover what the Czech Republic has to offer. Therefore, why not reward yourself to an outstanding escort experience in this gorgeous and exciting country right now? Independent escorts in the Czech Republic provide a unique chance to enjoy the beauty and charm of Eastern Europe. These ladies are known for their remarkable beauty and inviting demeanor, and they are sure to give an outstanding encounter.