
Alli's Stubbornness (repost)


I started dating this girl about 5 months ago. Her name was Alli, she’s really something special! Well, it wasn’t that way at first. We’d been dating for awhile but she never wanted to have sex. Being myself, I love sex, I mean who doesn’t, and trust me I get horny! If I can’t be satisfied I can’t be in that relationship. The whole reason why she didn’t want to have sex was, to try to keep a relationship amazing without sex. I didn’t want to dump her, because I really truly cared about her but if she didn’t get between my legs fast I was going to just walk out. This one time for example, she was taking a shower and I thought it would be romantic to get in there with her and wash her hair. So I got in, she kicked me out! Bitch! She has the most luscious body too. Everywhere we go girls ask me how I managed to snag her. She has these beautiful curves…and her ass…I just want to bite into it. Damn, I’m getting horny just thinking about it! Well, like I said let me just tell my story and let’s see how horny you get after reading it! I was going to take her out one night to this club, kind of my way of her meeting someone else. Club Pussycats! We walked in and got greeted by our usual friends. Kisses and hugs from everyone. Then we sat down, we started to talk about work and school and you know the usual stuff. Then this band came out and there was a hot sexy woman. Alli caught me staring.

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   She kicked my leg. I jumped about five feet and fell on the floor. I do the stupidest things when I’m horny like unbutton and unzip myself. She stared at my crotch, actually everyone did. Alli just stared at me as I got up and ran to the ladies room. I sat in the bathroom and "zipped" myself up. Then Alli walked in. She hugged me! WHY!! I don’t know! Then she says "as long as you look and don’t touch, you can be a water fountain for all I care!" I gawked at her with anger! After all this time she wants me to get wet! No! That’s not good enough! "What! What to you mean by water fountain" I screamed! "You know what I mean, you know, horny!" She whispered back. "I don’t want to be a water fountain unless you’re the one making me the water fountain! Don’t you get it I love you! I want you. You’re the one I want to have crazy hot sex with!" I screamed again! She stared with her mouth gaped open. I got up and walked out! FINALLY! I just walked out. When I got outside I tried to get a cab. "TAXI!!" "TAXI!!!" God Dammit! I just wanted to hit somebody. I was going to go home, pack my bags and leave that night! I finally got a cab and guess got in too "What do you want Alli" I asked her! "21st and Broadway" I told the cab driver. Then she did something I would have never expected! She put her whole body on top of me and started to kiss me in the back of the cab!!! Her tongue went inside of my mouth like it never did before! I put my hands on her head and forcefully pulled it closer.

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   She swung her hair around and it hit me in the face. She started to rotate, rub her body against mine. I was so turned on that I grabbed her ass and squeezed it as hard as I could. This made her kiss me even harder. She moved away from my mouth and bit my ear. Next, I threw her body down against the seat and got on top of her and started to unbutton her blouse, until the cab driver told us to get out at our stop. I threw a twenty at him and enjoyed some hot kisses from Alli. We started upstairs, up 3 floors, I didn’t think I could make it, I mean the way she was kissing and taking off an item of clothing each floor. This could make anybody crazy. When we finally reached the third floor, she only had her bra, panties and shoes on. My pants were down to my ankles and my bra was half way unbuttoned. I pulled out my keys and tried to put them into the lock, barely made it but the door opened finally. We stumbled our way into the bedroom and missed the bed and fell on the floor. She got on top of me and ripped the remaining clips off my bra and tossed the attire across the room. At the moment of her mouth on my nipple I screamed in delight.

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   She then pulled my body up on the side of the bed so my body was bent over and my face was smothered in covers. She pulled my underwear off and smacked my bottom. It fucking hurt but the more she whacked my ass the more pleasure I felt. She waited until my butt was red as a cherry and turned my body over. With a few kicks got my legs open wide. The feeling of her hot breath on my open organ made me drench. On that instance, she used her tongue to grab the cum before it went in my ass. My hips shot up into the air as she found my g-spot. With my hands I forced her face farther into my clit. Her nose hit my clit and once again drenched. I started to reach an orgasm until she put two fingers into my cunt, that’s when I was way passed an orgasm. She finished soaking up the cum and then came up to my sweaty, wet body and kissed me fully on the lips. She looks me in the eyes and said "I love you too babe" She lay in my arms for the rest of the night.

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