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My brother,my mother, my lover, Susie Slut, my Dad, Kelly, and debuting Little Linda Lapper, part four!
In answer to all the sweet e mails and comments:
Jan and Angie, the two five foot tall lesbians, started their careers in the series ‘Nerve Endings’ which can be found on ‘Kirsten’s Archives’, and on ‘Lesbian Lolita’.
Big Brother Bobby was introduced in the first part of the ‘My brother’ series.
Susie Slut, who I might say seems to have achieved some fame, also debuted with Bobby.
Little Kelly, the nymphet came along in part two as breakfast dessert.
And last but not least, Bobby finally got it on with Jan in part three.
In answer to all the requests from my fantastically nice fans, here is:
My brother, my mother, my lover, Susie Slut, my dad, Kelly, and debuting Little Linda Lapper, part four!
“Oh alright, I’m coming!” I yelled, as I ran to the front door. Some one was banging so hard on the knocker that plates were rattling in the china cabinet!
I threw open the door, with all intention of knocking whoever it was clean off the porch! I may be little, but I pack a mean punch, as Bobby will testify! But the sight in front of my shocked eyeballs was not at all what I was expecting!
Susie Slut stood, no, leaned, on the side of the door, swacked out of her gourd! In one hand hung an open quart bottle of Dago Red, and in the other were her shoes and socks! She had on a little sundress, which at one time, buttoned up the front, from top to bottom!
However, at the moment, it was completely open, and her sexy tits, and blonde, neatly shaved cunt lips, were naked as a jaybird! Her hair, usually done to perfection, was hanging in her face, so I couldn’t even see her eyes!
She swayed back on her heals, then teetered forward, as she staggered into the entryway, and caromed off the hall walls, as she sashayed her cute little butt back and forth, while trying to stay upright! I watched, unbelievingly, as she wove back and forth, bouncing off one wall, then colliding with the other!
I’d seen a few drunks in my day, but she definitely was the worst I had ever seen, that could still walk upright!
Kelly and her little friend Linda, who had come over to visit, were just staring at her, as she weaved, and tripped, then caught herself, and giggled!
“Hi there, girls! How’sh it goin’” she slurred!
She passed them, and made it to the living room, before her legs gave out! She crashed to the floor, in a heap, with her naked body lying on top of her, now wine soaked, dress, and the bottle balanced on her stomach, emptying itself rapidly!
Bobby and Dad came into the living room from the kitchen. Bobby took one look, and burst out laughing! Dad just grinned, and ogled Susie’s naked body, lying there all stretched out, and vulnerable looking, with the Dago Red running down her belly, and into the slit between her puffy cunt lips!
Kelly and her little friend Linda moved closer, and were staring at Susie, with their mouths hanging open, and their eyes as big as saucers!
“Hey, you guys! Do you want to help me clean her up? I’ll give you each a dollar if you’ll lick that wine off her stomach, and from between her legs!” I said.
Kelly looked at Linda, and then they both looked at me, questioningly.
“We’ve never licked a girl before. We don’t know how!” Linda whined.
Angie popped into the room from the kitchen, where she had been listening.
“Come on, you two! I’ll show you how!”
Angie took their hands, and led them close, and told them to kneel down by Susie, one between her legs, and the other above her head, so they could see when she demonstrated her girl licking technique!
(As you all know, if you’ve read my ‘Nerve Endings’ series, Angie has the tongue of a fat lizard, big and long! I’ve had her tongue so far up my cunt that I could swear it wiggled against my tonsils! And boy could she move it! )
She lowered her head to Susie’s breasts, and began to suck up the red wine. The little girls stared in awe, as Angie sucked her tits clear up into her mouth, until they almost disappeared! At the same time she licked back and forth, to clean every inch of Susie’s white mounds, and pink nipples!
As she finished each one, it would pop out of her puffy lips, and quiver, as the stiff nipple shook, and swelled! Susie moaned in her stupor, and pushed her chest up toward Angie’s eager mouth, unconsciously!
“Think you girls can imitate me on her face and cunt lips?” Angie asked.
They both bobbed their heads up and down in unison, as they bent down, and placed their soft little mouths on Susie’s trembling skin! Kelly licked her eyes, and nose, and around her mouth, as Linda began to slide her pink tongue up and down Susie’s outer cunt lips!
Susie came out of it temporarily, just enough to mutter, NO! Then she wafted off to la la land again. Her subconscious, however, was getting increasingly more turned on, the more the little tongues worked on her nerve endings!
I couldn’t resist the sexy display before me, so I knelt down next to Kelly, to help with her face job.
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As I leaned down, my little spaghetti strapped dress fell open, and Kelly locked her eyes on my nipples! They started to expand under her gaze! I gasped, at the thought of her getting excited looking at me, and moisture seeped out of my clean shaven little cunt lips!Then Kelly placed one hand over my breast, and agonizingly slowly slid down, until she had my nipple between her fingers! Her touch made little goose bumps all over both of my tits, and my nerve endings begged for more attention!
She was watching my eyes steadily, as she rolled my nipple in her fingers, and started to pull it out away from my chest! I moaned, and grabbed her small hand, and crushed it hard against my breast! She panted softly, as she squeezed me hard, and tugged some more, until I was gasping for air!
Mom had slipped into the room quietly, and kneeled down, naked, behind Linda, who was really getting into her job of licking and sucking the wine from Susie’s cunt, and glistening blonde pubic curls!
By this time the skin on Susie’s body was telling her brain to move her body back and forth under the little fingers! Her breath was getting more ragged, and she was jerking around on the wine soaked carpet.
I spread my legs, as I lay down on Susie’s outstretched arm, and worked my cunt lips back and forth over her hand. Something in Susie’s mind told her to make a fist, and I felt her knuckles rub my cunt lips open, and my clit slid in and out of her loosely clenched fingers, as I humped her arm!
As Kelly worked on Susie with her mouth, she reached up and inched my dress further and further up my body, until it was bunched around my neck! I pulled back, and yanked it off over my head, and then sank back down on Susie’s arm to fuck her fist, as I licked her face and sucked on her ear!
Dad had come back in the room, and he moved behind Kelly, and started unbuttoning the row of fasteners up the back of her little dress. Then he slid the little arm holes off her arms, and threw the dress into the corner. I ogled Kelly’s little bumps, and the tiny erect nipples, while dad dragged her cotton panties down over her little white bottom!
Kelly moaned, as dad ran his hand up her crack! She gasped softly, as he probed her little pink butt hole. Then he slid one finger up into her little cunt, and she jerked, as she had a little orgasm! She was holding herself up, with one hand on the carpet, and one clutching Susie’s throbbing tit! She spread her legs wide, and stuck her adorable little rear up in the air, so dad could finger her clit as he pumped her tight little cunt hole!
While dad fucked Kelly with one hand, he pushed his shorts down and off with the other, and moved up closer to her rear. Then he slid his stiff penis between the little girl’s legs and started rubbing it back and forth over her swollen little labia!
At that moment Susie’s eyes snapped open, and she whipped her head back and forth, looking at everybody mauling her feverish body! I lowered my head, and Kelly and I both slid our tongues along the side of Susie’s panting lips. Then we simultaneously shot our tongues in and around her gasping mouth, and planted both of ours down hard on her face as we frenched her furiously!
Susie squirmed under us all, and she opened her hand to pull it out from under me, and only succeeded in shoving her fingers into my hole further! Her other hand was under Dad, and as she tried to free it, Dad sat down so her fingers went up his butt!
Meanwhile, back at the Susie’s crotch, Angie and Linda were doubled teaming Susie’s clit, as they both licked, and sucked, and slurped, up and down, and in and out of Susie’s throbbing swollen cunt!
I looked down over Susie’s twitching frame, and saw mom sliding her hands up under Linda’s little smock! When they came back out she had the pretty pink underwear in her fingers, and the little girl was now naked under her dress!
Mom’s hands disappeared once more, and I saw Linda start to move her little butt up and down, as mom fingered her little slit! Linda’s little mouth was literally flying up and down Susie’s crack now, and I could feel the fingers in my cunt clench onto my clit, as Susie arched her back, and screamed, when an orgasm wracked her body!
I felt something wet splash on my hand, and raised my head, as another shot of Dad’s cum hit me in the face, and ran down over my panting mouth! Kelly’s stomach was bathed in the stuff, as Dad kept groaning and spurting over, and over, up the little girl’s stomach from underneath!
Then Kelly shuddered, as her orgasm shook her! At the same time Linda came, as she screamed into Susie’s cunt, with her lips locked on the wet opening! Angie had been humping Susie’s knee, as she licked her clit, and she, too, shook, as little shocks ran up and down her body!
The only cool head in the bunch was mom, who still had her hand up Linda’s dress, constantly building another orgasm for the panting little girl! From where I was I could see clear down the little smock to where mom’s knees were sitting on the carpet. The little red strawberry nipples were sticking straight down from her flat little chest! I watched her stomach rippling as mom brought her off again!
After her little rest Susie was now awake, and glistening, under her coat of Dad’s cum! We let her sit up, and she trembled, as the after shocks surged up and down her smooth skin!
We all gasped, as Bobby came back into the room, stark naked, with his big penis jutting straight out in the air! He looked at me, and tilted his head toward Angie, who was sitting back on her thighs, staring in awe at Bobby’s fat cock! I nodded, to let him know I was okay with what he was about to do! Angie trembled, watching Bobby move closer to her panting puffy lips!
Bobby stopped with his swollen dick right in front of Angie’s mouth! Angie never took her wide eyes off it, as Bobby leaned even closer, and brushed his penis against her sweet lips! I saw Angie jerk, and I knew she had just had an orgasm, as she shuddered, and quivered, and slowly spread her lips open to take his penis into her hot little mouth!
Everyone was holding their breath, as we stared at Angie pulling Bobby’s penis ever deeper into her mouth! When I thought she would gag, Bobby eased slowly out. Then he plunged hard back in until his balls hit Angie’s chin!
Angie closed her eyes in bliss, as Bobby kept repeating the same action, over, and over, until he arched his back, and shoved his hips hard against Angie’s face! She reached around behind him, and grabbed his hard buns, and pulled him tighter against her, until Bobby groaned, and his cock spewed cum into Angie’s sucking mouth!
He bucked, again and again, against Angie’s puffy lips, until cum poured out the sides of her mouth, and dripped down over her stiff nipples, and fell on the carpet! She kept swallowing, and sucking, until Bobby’s knees were shaking!
Bobby finally pulled out, and Angie licked her cum covered lips, and grinned up at him!
“It’s about time, big boy! What the hell took you so long?”
“I thought you and Jan were so locked up that I shouldn’t abuse your relationship!”
Angie looked at me, and grinned again!
“We already talked about it, Bobby! We were just waiting for you to make your move!”
Bobby stared at me, and I couldn’t help giggling. He looked sooo pissed!
“Jan, I’m going to get you for this!”
“Yeah, right! And just how do you intend to do that?”
He turned and walked over to me. He reached under my arms and lifted me up in the air and slammed me against the wall, as he shoved his big dick up between my legs!
My brother is the strongest guy I know, and when he goes after someone it’s usually curtains for them! Unfortunately I was that someone right now, and he meant to make me hurt!
He forced my legs apart as he held me against the wall with my feet up off the floor! I put my arms around his neck and bit his lip hard! “That’ll show him!” I thought, as I tasted blood on my lips!
Unfortunately it was the wrong thing to do, because it only turned him on more! I felt that fat cock slide up into my cunt, and I gasped, and bit him again! That made him mad, and he slammed his hips hard into mine, which forced his dick way up in me! I shuddered, as I clung to him, and jerked, and bucked back against his driving hips!
He fucked me faster and faster!
Linda and Kelly came over to each side of me, and reached up to grab my breasts! I shrieked, as they pulled hard! I wrapped my legs around Bobby, and squeezed with all my might!
“Oh, God! Oh, Bobby! Oh, God! Fuck meee! Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck Meeee! Oh, God! I’m gonna’ cum! Oh, God I’m cumming, I’m cumming oh, shiiiiit!”
Bobby kept hammering me against the wall, until I felt the hot cum surge up into my raw cunt!
He gasped, and jerked, until his orgasm passed, and then he slowly let me sink down the wall, until I lay crumpled at his feet gasping for air!
“That’s how I’m going to get you!” he laughed, as he patted the top of my head, and grinned sweetly down at me! God, I love my big brother! He is all man, and he had just proved it, to all the astonished faces staring at us from around the room!
Dad came over, and patted him on the back, and gave him a hug!
“I’ve wanted to do that myself, for all these years that she has teased me so unmercifully!” he laughed!
“Dad! I’m your sweet little daughter! That’s not nice to say!” I said as I looked up at two flaccid dicks hanging in my face! I couldn’t resist reaching up and grabbing both of them, and tugging hard!
“We’ll see just who gets who, here!” I giggled, as I began to jerk back and forth with both hands, and felt the softness speedily disappearing!
Within seconds they were both hard as rocks, as I sped up my stroking! They both leaned over me, and placed their hands against the wall, and spread ‘em, like the cops make the bad guys do in the movies!
Angie couldn’t resist getting even for Bobby abusing me! She moved behind Bobby and Dad, and grabbed their buns hard! They both jerked, and looked back over their shoulders at my grinning little buddy!
Angie slid her hands between both of their ass cheeks, and shoved her index fingers right into their holes, hard! They both yelped, and stiffened, as Angie began to finger fuck their rear ends, while I jerked their straining cocks from in front!
We fucked them faster and faster! They were both panting and moaning as their balls swelled! Then they erupted in twin geysers, all over my face and the wall behind me! I yanked continually, until they were totally drained, and my hair, face, nipples, and chest, were saturated with their cum!
I stood up under their outstretched arms, and shoved my fingers into their mouths, as I commanded them to suck all the cum off! They sucked, as they panted around my probing fingers, until my hands were clean!
Angie pulled her fingers out and slapped them both, hard, on their bottoms!
“That’ll teach you to mess with my lover!’ she giggled.
Dad and Bobby turned to her, and kissed the top of her head, as they laughed, and laughed, hugging grinning Angie between them! I stood up, and joined them in a group hug, as I fondled their bottoms!
Then we all hugged and kissed the other people surrounding us, and then we cleaned up the living room. Bobby took Susie Slut up to his room to clean her up, while Angie and I talked to the little girls.
“Well, kids, how did you like your first girl lick?”
“It was awesome!” giggled Kelly, as she hugged me, and kissed my stomach with her sticky little lips.
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“I really like to lick pussy!” Linda piped in.
“Well, we’ll have to call you Linda Lapper from now on!” giggled Angie, which broke us all up!
They cleaned up, and left, and Angie, and my mom and I, went in to get dinner ready.
A little while later dad came into the kitchen, and asked, “What’s to eat?” with a lascivious ‘Groucho Marx’ grin on his face, complete with the fluttering eyebrows, and the shaking of the imaginary cigar!!
We lost it big time, as we laughed so hard that tears ran down our
Another author’s note:
Where would you all like me to go from here? Suggestions, please? deedee18@literotica. org. Or, deedeeo18@ hotmail. com.
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