Stalker 1
Anne joined me in the coffee shop at Collonades with a big smile on her face, I asked what caused the smile.
"Oh. I've had a young guy following me for the last hour, every chance he's had he's been looking at my tits"
Not surprising really they were pretty good to look at, she was wearing an off the shoulder peasant blouse with no bra, her nipples pushed against the fabric unmissable. That and the long legs under the mini skirt made her stand out anywere.
"Don't look but he's just standing at the entrance".
I glanced over seeing the guy she meant, he looked very young eighteen at the oldest. Typical teenager sex over ruling common sense, but at least he didn't look like one of the young deadbeats that often hung around the new shopping centre. I asked Anne if she wanted me to warn him off, I imagined just walking towards him would cause him to run.
"No, don't be rotten he's kind of cute, flattering really".
She had more shopping to do so I gave her a kiss and watched her as she walked away, the young guy following her like a faithfull puppy. I in the meantime headed out to my taxi intending to put in another four hours before handing the cab over to my night driver.
In the meantime (as told to me later) Anne proceeded with her shopping. Her admirer never far behind her, she went in to Myers to look at dresses trying on a couple she left open the curtain a little after noticing her admirer was in a position to see. This allowed him to catch glimpses of her tits in the mirror after trying on four she decided to look for a new bra, lacy underwires that lifted her tits making them appear larger than the 36" she already was. Again she went into the changing room where a slightly opened curtain made her visible in the mirror from outside, she tried on the bra's posing and admiring them, handling her breasts to make the fit better, she had felt herself getting a little damp knowing she was being watched imagining what the young guys cock was doing. Coming out of the canging room she took back three of the bra's passing her admirer, she noticed there was a definite bulge in his jeans.
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Holding up the bra she had chosen she asked him if he liked it, he flushed bright red and nodded.Anne expected him to run then but no as she left he followed, outside she stopped suddenly and turned to him.
"Look if you are going to keep following me and looking at my tits the least you can do is tell me your name" she asked him.
Apparently he managed to remember his name was John.
"Okay John you can either walk alongside me and we can talk, or you can stop bloody following me as it's annoying, whats it to be?"
John decided on the former and they went for a coffee. John was seventeen he lived in Onkaparinga Hills apparently not far from us he didn't have a girlfriend and had seen Anne a couple of times before also following her for a while.
"John, my love that's called stalking, if you keep doing that you are going to end up getting arrested. Because not all women are like me, some really get freaked out at guys staring at their tits"
"I'm sorry but I think you are beautifull" realising what he had said he blushed again.
More talk found out he was a virgin, his parents were seperated he was a student with little money. Anne couldn't help herself it was the lost dog syndrome, she offerd him a lift if he would carry the shopping.
I arrived home to find Anne and John in the spa relaxing, she got out when she saw me and came inside.
"Is that the young guy from the shopping centre?" I asked.
"Yes, one and the same nice young lad seventeen, he was a virgin"
"You mean is a virgin?" I corrected.
"No, I mean was a virgin, he isn't now" she said "and I dont want you giving him a hard time"
She filled me in on everything leading up to now, how when they had got to our home he had helped her in with the shopping, helped her put it away. To give him a bit of a treat she had put on her new bra and modeled it for him, this appears to have given him an enormous erection.
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Anne once again had been very flattered had given him a kiss for being so sweet, he had put his arms round her and kissed back his cock was pushing against her. Anne had got all horny and reached down to feel his cock, impressed by the size she began stroking it. On asking if John would like to have sex with her, she had almost been raped his hands seemed to have a life of their own moving all over her body trying to take off her clothes and his at the same time and at the same time feel her up.She finally got him to settle down and took him into the bedroom, she slowly undressed him and herself. At least his hygene had been good, pushing down onto the bed she had taken his cock into her mouth just in time to get a mouthfull of cum. Swallowing as much as she could she allowed the rest to dribble out of her mouth onto his belly, looking at his face he looked distraught.
"Dont worry, that happens the first time with younger guys, you will be ready again soon" Anne had told him.
She had then slowly started bringing him back to readiness again, at the same time allowing him free access to her body, showing him what she liked and how she liked it done. For the first time he tasted a womans vagina, apparently wanting to keep on tongueing it even when his cock was again ready. Anne had once again used her mouth and tongue though was a little wary of getting another mouthfull. But this time John was able to control himself, she kept him on his back for this first time straddling him she slowly lowered herself onto his lovely young cock. She guided his hands to her breasts encouraging him to play with them and her nipples, while she concentrated on bringing them both to a satisfying orgasm. Anne admitted to me it was a bit of a power trip for her and she had slightly dominated him, by telling him he was not going to cum until she wanted him to. Apparently she had ridden him quite hard driving his young cock deep inside herself at times though at other times she moved so slowly that it was driving her mad as she wanted his hardness to slam into her. After fifteen minutes of this John was no longer able to control himself Anne felt his cock thicken and start to throb and knew his cum was flooding her womb, thank God she was on the pill.
When they had finished they had showered together soaping each others bodies and nearly fucking again, but Anne controlled herself. After the shower they had a drink and went out to the spa, where Anne had told him not to panic if her husband came home as he wouldn't do anything to him and thats where I found them when I got home.
More to come pace_purr@hotmail. com
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