The Business Trip (Part 1)


This is a true story that took place earlier this year. A little about me, I'm in my late 20's and work as a Government Security Contractor. I oversee operations for several Government facilities. I've been married for almost 10 years. Reasonably happy.

Back in December of this year, my boss  (whom is the companies CEO) asked me if I would like to attend the SHOT show in Las Vegas. We rarely see each other since I oversee operations in another region. She indicated that she would like for me to attend the convention with her, all expenses paid. I had a general interest in attending; but I was confused as to why our company was attending.

When I asked her what our purpose for attending was, she indicated that it was mostly for fun and networking. She went on to say that she would like some time with me to discuss some of the Government Contracts that I oversee that are coming up for re-bid. I indicated that I would get back to her on if I could attend. Every few days, she would ask about my plans in closing of her daily e-mails. Finally I figured my complex schedule out and informed her that I would be attending.

The next day she send me a lengthy itinerary. She booked our rooms next to each other at the Encore.

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   She said she would fly in on Tuesday. I indicated I would arrive Monday. I was close enough to simply drive to Vegas.


On the Tuesday, I went and attended the convention. It rained most of the week, so Vegas was dark, grey and wet. I walked from the hotel to the convention center rather than fight for parking.


Around 1600 hours, I received a phone call from my boss. She indicated that she had just gotten in and was checking into the hotel. I told her that the show was just about closed for the day, so not to bother trying to fight her way over. We were staying till Thursday, so there was no loss. She agreed, and said we should meet for dinner on the companies dime. I agreed, and she set the time for 2100 hours.
A little about her. She is a hard nosed business woman in her mid to upper 30's. She is a fairly attractive blonde white woman.

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   Maybe 130 pounds at 5'6. She has a serious desire to control all situations and doesn't accept failure well. She has a steady boyfriend for as long as I've known her.

She picked a rather trendy resturant at the Encore. Due to all of the people in town for the convention, reservations were mandatory.


I arrived at the resturant a little early since I wasn't very familiar with the casino. Our table was still occupied, so I sat at the bar with a coke (I don't drink. ) I was a little worried that I was a bit under dressed. I hadn't expected to be in such a place for a convention. I had a black leather jacket on with a clean exterior. It fit thr part to be there, but just barely. I sat there and reviewed some of the paperwork I had picked up from some vendors at the show while I waited for her.


Out of nowhere, I hear, "Always working I see. "

When I looked over, there she was in a low cut button up shirt and a Levi miniskirt. She had her hair up for a change.

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   I barely recognized her. Before I could say anything, she said, "They said our table is ready. "
I caught up and said, "Hey, glad you could make it. "

She went on to say what a nightmare her flight was due to the storm. She then said that she had went to the Galleria Mall to pick out what she was wearing now and also bought some other things for the next few nights. She asked me directly, "What do you think of this one?"
I paused for a second, and took the opportunity to look at her body. I then carefully picked my words, "It. . . Is very fitting for you. "

"Fiting?" She questioned.

"It compliments your own natural beauty. " I said matter-of-factly.
She glowed and said with a laugh, " What a kiss ass. "

I smiled and responded, "You know it! But seriously, you look great.

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At this time we ordered drinks. I still had my coke from before. She ordered some alcoholic fruit drink.  
She aked how the convention was. I responded that it was OK, but there was a lot of walking. Her response was, "Yuck. "

I added, "If you wore those heels there, you'd be begging for me to carry you. "
"You say that like it's a bad thing. " She added with a slight smile.
"Now the reason you wanted me to attend comes out. " I said with a smile.
"Nah, I'm more interested in my meal ticket. What issues do you forsee regarding (contract removed). She asked in a serious tone.
I looked around and noticed how many people were surrounding us.

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   Also how loud we had to speak to hear each other. I told her I didn't feel comfortable speaking about such a sensitive topic in public. She thought about it, and said, "Of course. You're right. We can discuss it later. Maybe in one of our rooms. "
"Of course. " I said. I thought nothing more about it.
At the point, her drink was there and we had ordered and were continuing with small talk about the convention.


She indicated that she was cold and was holding her arms tightly around her chest. I offered her my jacket, which she gladly accepted. She was surprised at how heavy it was. I leaned across the table towards her and said, "Don't be alarmed, but my pistol is inside the inner pocket. "

"Dangerous guy, I'll have to be careful around you.

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  " She said with a smile. I simply returned the devilish smile.  
She pulled open the jacket and started smelling the collar. She then said, "Either your jacket smells really good, or you do. "

I smiled, and said, "I'll take credit for that. "

She sat up and said, "So, show me what you were working on when I found you. "

She slid around the booth seat over to my right side. She pushed right up against me. She wasn't using the arms of the jacket, she simply had it over her shoulders. As I showed her some of the paperwork, she would lean in towards me. When I would look towards her, I was looking right down her shirt at her lucious tits.  

That's when it happened. She put her hand on my inner right thigh and began rubbing back and forth slowly.  
I instantly lost my train of thought and stopped mid sentence. She said, "Relax, if you can stare at my tits, I can touch your leg.

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At this point, I wanted to claim my innocence, but I knew it would be a lie. As would she. I decided to play it cool and responded with as much confidence in my voice I could muster, "Is that a problem?"

She smiled and said, "Of course not. Who else do you think I wore this outfit for?"

I pointed at some balding fat guy in a suit with his convention pass still pinned on and said, "That guy?"

"Not exactly. " She said quietly towards my ear. She took my hand off the table and put it on her left thigh below the bottom of her skirt. She pulled my hand towards her slowly under her skirt until I felt her hairy pussy. She had no underwear on. As soon as contact was made, she let out a sigh. Not to be shy, I continued pressing into her warmth. I ran my finger up her wet slit. At that moment, our food arrived at the table.  

As I pulled my hand out from under her skirt, I brought my fingers to my mouth and licked them while she stared at me with lust in her eyes.  

I calmly said out loud while looking at her, "Delicious. " the waiter said something but I wasn't paying attention.

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As we began to eat, it went quiet. That's when she asked, "Do you know what you want for dessert?"

With a devilish smile, I looked her in the eyes and said, "Sure, but it's not on the menu. "

It took her about a second to register what I was implying. She blushed red a bit and said, "Oh, and what would that be?"

I felt she was enjoying her game. Either the power or the chase. I figured it was time to take this to the next level and go nuclear.  

I leaned in close to her ear and said, "I plan to save room for dessert. When we go upstairs, I plan to lick you from your clit to your asshole. What do you think of my choice?"

Her breathing changed, and she smiled and said, "After we discuss our future business arrangements, we will see. "
"Fair enough. " I said while looking at her. I tried to rush through eating without looking like I was.

When we finished, we began walking back to the room. She kept my jacket for the trip up. We walked up to our rooms which were side by side.

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   I opened my door and asked if she would like to come in.

She said, "Yes. We have business to discuss. "

When she came in, we sat at the table overlooking the strip. It was still raining and all the city light produced a glow off of the low clouds. She said, "It's beautiful. "

I responded while looking at her, "Yes, you are. "

She blushed and smiled. Then said, "Why am I here?"

I said, "You tell me. "

She sat down across from me and put her foot up on my chair.
"I'm here because I need to retain the contracts you oversee. You, as the point of contact for the different agencies can steer a contract one way or another. "

"I'm aware of that I responded. " I stated.  

"I need you to sway them back to us again, I would be very greatful if you did.

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  " She said as she lifted her leg so I could see up her skirt. Unfortunately, there was too much shadow to see her pussy.

"Normally, we just pay for a prostitute to entertain, but with the terrible economy, that isn't really an option. " 
"[Her name deleted], I had already planned to do this for the company. You didn't need to put yourself into this situation. " I said calmly. I was kicking myself inside. I knew I could be talking my way out of some pussy right there.
"Really? I wanted to be absolutely sure. Another company could come in and sway a persons opinion quite easily. " She said surprised.  

"No contact has been made through me from any of our competition, but bidding is still several months away. " I said.  
"So I can count on you to refuse offerings from women better looking and younger than me?" She said.

"I'd rather have you.


  " I said while looking at her.  

"Bullshit. " She replied.  

"Seriously. I'd rather a sensual intelligent woman rather than a blackmailing whore. We share the same goals, so there is no need to blackmail, either of us. " I said with a smile.  

"True enough. " she said with a smile back.  

"I did make one mistake though. " I added.  

"What is that?" She replied.  

"I should have fucked you before telling you my position. " I said with a devilish smile. She smiled and leaned back in the chair.

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"Perhaps this was my real test?" She asked.  

"Then how did I do?" I responded.  

"Are you ready for your dessert yet?" She said while pulling her skirt up. I slid out of the chair onto my knees in front of her.  

To be continued. . .  

