Jhone1 reviews


Lid sinds: 13-06-2024Land: GriekenlandStad: Athene Verstuur PM


  • Last day in Thessaloniki reviews 18-06-2024
    Afspraak DatumLengteStadUiterlijkDienstenCommunicatie
    2024-06-18 1 hour Rethymno
    : 9.0
    : 10.0
    : 5.0
    Klaarkomen in mond
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    Last day in Thessaloniki - escort review from Greece Ga naar profiel
    Normally, I'm not one to "venture out" with gps I've never seen here in the area, but this one was getting me very excited and I hadn't seen her here all the time, so I decided to take a chance.

    When I got to the place, she opened the door and looked exactly like in the photos, wearing very sexy lingerie and smelling incredible.
    She's only been in Greece for a short time.
    The td itself she has an attitude that varies between super sexy and PSE I don't think it's ideal for those who are looking for GFE.
    The oral was great, I don't know if she does anal, but the rest of the time we alternated between various positions, it was like a real porn movie, and in the end I couldn't stand it any longer.