AliAlick reviews


Lid sinds: 23-11-2024Land: Verenigd KoninkrijkStad: Verstuur PM


  • Izabella reviews 23-11-2024
    Afspraak DatumLengteStadUiterlijkDienstenCommunicatie
    2024-11-23 2 hours Istanbul
    : 10.0
    : 10.0
    : 10.0
    Klaarkomen in mond
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    10% Photoshop
    Izabella - escort review from Turkey Ga naar profiel
    Izabella is very young, very beautiful, she really is beautiful - in stockings, with makeup, intimate clothes and heels. The house is very cozy, smells delicious, romance. I went in, took a shower together, then she gave me a massage from which I got everything up. The girl loves sex and does it with soul. 200 out of 100, the service is unreal. I have already left, but I already miss her, I will come again and more than once. Separately, I want to note that there were no feigned emotions, artificial passion, these strange sometimes inappropriate screams, complete analogy, like with your girlfriend, who really wants you, truly feels unfeigned passion for you. After the meeting, I thought that I would like to spend the night with her, that an hour is definitely not enough, chat and look at the starry sky, not rush anywhere and not think about anything or anyone else except her.