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it was a nice hot summers day and my friend was sleeping over. we were sitting next to eachother on my bed.  i noticed that he had a boner so i started rubbing his thigh. after a minute i asked him if he wanted a back massage, he said yes, so i started giving him one. i pulled his shirt off and started massaging his whole sweaty back. it had been a minute or 2 then i started getting a boner and he could fell it on his back so he told me to fell the breeze so i took my dick out and just let it rub on his back. i eventually sat next to him again and saw that he had a huge boner so i stuck my hand down his shorts and pulled it out then started jacking him off. then we both laid back and were jacking eachother off. i stopped and got on top of him and we started 69ing after a minute i felt his nice hot jizz in my mouth so i jizzed in his mouth and we swallowed it then i got off of him and turned him over and started giving him anal.

my semi soft dick wanted to go in his asshole but he was kind of tight so i jizzed in his ass and my cock slid right in his asshole. then i jizzed in his asshole tool my dick out and started rimming him while licking up all the cum. after i went under his legs and started blowing him again then he gave me anal and cumed in my asshole a couple times before we poured baby oil all over our cocks,balls, and everything else and we started rubbing all over eachother. we ended up rubbing our cocks together and we did that for awhile and cumed a couple times. then we decided to go to bed. we slept in the same bed naked and spoonig. i woke up in the middle of the night and felt his hard dick partially my ass, he was still asleep so i played with his dick alittle the went back to sleep.

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  we woke up in the morning against and facing eachother with hard ass cocks so we gave eachother blowjobs and had alittle anal then hung out naked for the rest of the day making eachother cum different ways all day.


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