things change
All the usual disclaimers apply. This story is complete fiction. The characters are not real and if they resemble any persons living or dead it's pure coincidence. If you are offended by graphic sexual situations involving incest, sex with minors, or sex in general, please do not read this story. If you do enjoy such things, I hope it gets you off.
Sometimes the roads we travel in our lives have unexpected turns. My life these past few months have been filled with them. It all started when my husband moved out. He had been having an affair and needed to "find himself". I think it's some kind of middle age crisis but he's gone. I would have been willing to try and forgive him and move on but he wasn't interested.
Our divorce got pretty ugly. I guess part of finding himself was protecting his income. He hired one hell of an attorney and was kicking my ass financially. I had only ever worked part time and had been mainly a homemaker, but now I had to work full time and money was pretty tight. There was no way that I was going to be able to afford our house so I had to move into an apartment.
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I wanted to stay in the same school district for my son's sake so I had to settle for a small two-bedroom place on the second floor of an apartment complex. Quite a change from the five bedrooms, three baths, and four acres place we'd lived in for the last ten years.My son is John; he had no choice but to live with me. Part of his father's "finding himself" included cutting him out of his life as much as he cut me out. This really hurt John but there wasn't anything I could do to convince his father not to do that. He not only didn't want John to move out with me; he even stopped coming to John's football games. Just completely cut both of us out of his life.
I thought I should describe both John and myself to you before I go on; just so you have a mental picture of whom we are. John is a sixteen and a sophomore in high school. He's quite athletic and is already the starting quarterback on his team. I'm probably a bit biased but I think he's very good looking; in fact he's the spitting image of his father at the same age. He's pretty out going and doesn't seem to go unnoticed by the girls at school.
My name is Grace; I'm 34 years old, (yes I had John at a fairly young age) I', told I'm pretty by most guys I meet, and I'm not in bad shape at all for my age. 116lbs; 36B's; and blonde with blue eyes. I think most guys would refer to me as a MILF.
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As I look back I now know where this story begins. It was the day after we moved into this apartment. I was in the one and only bathroom doing my makeup. I was wearing a pair of panties and a small dressing robe. John started knocking on the door begging me to hurry up. "Please Mom! I really have to pee, I can't wait much longer!" I was running very late for work though and I really needed to finish what I was doing. I opened the door and told him to come on in. "Aren't you going to step out Mom?" he said.
"I really need to finish and get to work Honey" I said, "Just go ahead and piss, I'm too busy too look If I don't get my butt to work I'm going to be in trouble. " And I didn't look although I did notice he turned his back to me as much as possible; and looking back I realize that relaxing our standards to accommodate this apartment and using the bathroom together is where this got its start.
After that it became commonplace for us to share the bathroom. After a few times of tinkling with me in the room I couldn't help but notice through the corner of my eye that he'd stopped turning his back to me. He was now just standing in a normal position when he took a leak. This isn't a big deal really; I'm just pointing out how we'd become more relaxed around one another if for no other reason than we had to.
It wasn't long before this more relaxed attitude concerning our bodies carried over into the rest of the apartment.
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I would now walk about in my dressing robe and a pair of panties or bra and panties. He's go about in just his boxers. It wasn't like we were gawking at each other though. It was just easier a lot of the time to go about these ways than bother to try and hide.One Saturday morning John had slept in till nearly noon. I didn't begrudge him doing that at all. He'd had a game the night before and it was a real dogfight. His team won by a point and he really had gotten knocked around in the process. Even though cooking was my favorite activity in the world I was busy preparing a big dinner for him when he got up.
The kitchen is an eat-in kitchen and he plopped down at the table wearing just a pair of boxers. I asked him if he'd like a something to eat. He said he'd like a bowl of cereal and a cup of tea if I didn't mind and of course I was glad to get it for him. As I set the bowl of cereal in front of him by pure chance I just happened to look in the direction of his lap and I had the sudden surprise of seeing his penis.
The opening on the front of his boxers was hanging wide open and I got an eyeful. I'm sure he hadn't meant for me to see it and I certainly wasn't trying to see it, but see it I did.
It wasn't hard or anything like that but just seeing it sent a jolt down my spine. It was just something I wasn't ever supposed to see and it really took me by surprise. I looked away quickly and returned to the dinner I was working on.As I worked I couldn't get the image out of my mind. I don't know if it's because John looks so much like his father did at that same age, or if it's because I hadn't been with a man for several months, or what is was but I couldn't stop thinking about it. I kept telling myself to just forget it but try as I might, I just couldn't.
I finished getting the dinner prepared as best as I could and set things aside so we could eat later. I thought I'd get the dishes washed and went to the table to collect John's bowl and cup. When I was picking them up I couldn't help myself and looked to see if I'd get another peek. I did; his penis was still exposed and this time I took a good look. I couldn't believe myself but here I was checking out my own son's dick.
I returned to my dishes and John said, "I think I'm going to go soak my aching bones in the tub for awhile. " Which I thought was a good idea.
He was in the tub for somewhere around twenty minutes and I worked on finishing the dishes. The whole time I kept thinking about what I'd seen.
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I just kept envisioning it in my mind and, well to be down right honest, I was getting wet between my legs. I was trying to make myself think of something else but I just couldn't.I wondered to myself if I'd get another peek at it if I went into the bathroom and found myself going knocking on the door. John told me to come on in and I told him I had to pee. "Come on in Mom, you know you don't have to knock. " And I walked on in.
I found myself a little disappointed that he had the shower curtain drawn back but what could I do. I sat down to pee and asked him, "Hot bath helping you feel a little better?"
"Yeah, it really feels good. " he said, "I think every bone in my body is bruised. "
One thing about watching your son play football since he was 9 is that you end up learning a few things about the game. I engaged him in some conversation about the game and he pushed the curtain back a bit so we could talk. Much to my disappointment though I still never got another peek at his dick.
The image of what I'd seen stayed with me throughout the day and into the evening but I never got another glimpse. When I went to bed that night I had a good time playing with my pussy thinking about it. As I rubbed my clit the only thing in my mind was his dick.
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I kept wondering what it would look like hard and if I'd ever get to see it that way.On Sunday it was my turn to sleep in. when I got up John was lying on the couch and watching television. I had on just my short robe and a pair of panties and sat at the table to read the paper and drink some coffee. Once or twice I felt his eyes on me but when I looked up, he quickly turned away. I kind of just shrugged it off, thinking to myself that it was probably just my imagination. I can't deny I had checked him out the previous day, but there was no way he was checking out me. Why would he? He has his choice of all the hotties at school and I'm just dear old Mom.
"Hey Mom!" John called to me, "what do you have planned for today?"
"I haven't really thought about it John" I said. Then asked, "why? Is there something you wanted to do? I figured you were probably going to hang out with your friends or something. " That's the typical way he spends a Sunday afternoon.
"No if you don't mind, I'm going to hang out here and watch the football game. " He said.
Of course I didn't mind. It was going to be nice to have some company and besides, I wouldn't miss my favorite team's game come hell or high water.
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Nothing in particular happened for the rest of the day but it seems worth mentioning just because it's another change that had occurred between us.Nothing of any significance happened for the next couple of weeks. We went about our lives like normal and I even managed to stop thinking about the time I got a glimpse of his dick. I did sense his eyes on me on a few occasions but I was never really sure about it. Just a sense like one has when you feel like someone's starring at you.
Two weeks after the first weekend I told you about John had his homecoming game.
He came out of the shower with a towel wrapped around him and asked me to wake him up in a few hours. "I don't want to sleep for too long or I'll never fall asleep tonight. "
I assured him I'd wake him at the requested time and then I went shopping for a while so that apartment would be nice and quiet for him. I made it home by 3:00 so I could wake him. When I opened the door to his room I immediately felt a shiver go up and down my spine.
His blankets had come off and he was lying there completely nude.
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If I had thought I got a nice view two weeks ago, let me assure you the view this time was breath taking. He's got one hell of a nice body from head to toe and I felt guilty but I stared at him and enjoyed the view for a few moments. After a few moments I started worrying that he wake up and catch me looking. I pulled his blankets back over him and turned on the light. He never knew what I had seen but the sight stayed with me for a long time.My mind was racing at that point. Part of me just absolutely loved getting to see him like that and part of me was overcome with guilt for allowing myself to look. After he was up I decided I could use some privacy so I could think and told him I was going to take a nice long bath and relax.
As I sat there soaking I realized how horny I was. My pussy was just begging to be played with and I wasn't about to deny myself the pleasure. I fingered myself for probably 15 minutes and then suddenly there was a quick knock on the door and John just walked on in saying he needed to take a leak.
I immediately stopped touching myself but felt secure that he had seen nothing since I had the shower curtain drawn shut. I waited for him to finish and leave and then resumed my masturbation. The entire time I was in terrible conflict; I was picturing his naked body and telling myself to stop think of it at the same time. I guess the naughty side won out because I had a great climax, having to bite my lip just to keep quiet.
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Once I had allowed myself that pleasure I became convinced that there was no real harm in looking at him; after all, he's a very sexy young man. I even told myself it would probably be abnormal if I didn't look. I decided then and there that if the chance came to look, I was going to look. I wasn't exactly getting many thrills in my life anywhere else, in fact the orgasm I'd just had was the best I could remember for a long time.
I wasn't exactly planning on raping him but really; but what harm is there in looking? I felt pretty naughty as I began to dress I began to wonder if he looked at me as well. I know that more than once I've felt like he was looking but I never have really caught him at it; Nothing definitive anyways.
I had a sweat suit with me to put on over my bra and panties but decided that all I wanted was just the bra and panties. I even tossed the sweat suit into the hamper even though it was perfectly clean. I didn't want him wondering why I'd left it in the bathroom. Now he'd seen me in my underwear on many occasions but I'd never paraded around the apartment dressed that way intentionally before so I was very nervous. I took a deep breath to steady my nerves and opened the bathroom door.
John was watching a college football game so I plopped down on the easy chair and joined him. He was dressed only in a tee shirt and boxers so I'd have to say if nothing else; we were both comfy. As is always the case, he looked damned nice in those boxers too.
John did have to leave for a couple of hours to watch game films and while he was gone I busied myself working on some crafts.
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When he returned he found me sitting on the floor surrounded by bits of yarn and such but still dressed only in my bra and panties. He came in, threw himself down on the couch, and propped his head up in his hand. For the first time I felt like he was purposely looking at me.When I felt his eyes on me it really turned me on. My nipples got hard instantly and I felt a dampness grow in my panties. Wanting to make conversation with him but unsure of what to say, I asked, "Got a big date planed for tonight?"
His reply was, "I did but we canceled it, have you looked outside at all? It's really getting bad out there. " I had no idea that the weather had changed and we were getting an early snow. Not just an early snow, we were getting pounded. "We're supposed to get close to a foot before this is over. " He added.
"I guess you're stuck here at home with good ole Mom. " I said to him. As I spoke I realized he was staring right at my boobs. I knew my nipples were still erect and I really found myself liking how he looked at them. I almost wanted to take my bra off and really let him look, but I knew that was going too far.
After quite a bit a small talk, the whole time I felt his eyes glued to my body, John said he was going to take a shower since he'd gotten all sweaty from practicing new play in the gym after watching the game films. He excused himself and head to the bathroom.
Unlike any time ever before, he didn't close the bathroom door behind him when he entered. As I told you before the apartment is pretty small and from where I was sitting I was looking straight into the bathroom at him. He took off his shirt and then undid his jeans. He pulled them off, then actually turned and faced me (though there was no eye contact, he was looking into the mirror to his side) he then peeled off his boxers and stood facing me for a moment. One of his hands then briefly cupped his balls, and then he turned and entered the shower.
Watching him disrobe in front of me then touch himself had really gotten to me. My pussy was soaking wet and I needed to touch myself. I knew I couldn't though; he usually didn't take long showers. I had to be happy with just a couple of quick rubs. While he was showering some thoughts occurred to me; was he trying to tease me just like I was trying to tease him? Did he know I'd seen him naked? Could he have made sure I saw him on purpose earlier? One more question came to mind after that; if the answer to these questions is yes, how far can this go? Perhaps I had better just put the brakes on all of this right now. I even thought that perhaps I should go and put on some clothes.
I got up to go get dressed and just as I did he stepped out of the shower and was drying off making no effort to hide himself. Our bedrooms are on either side of the bathroom so I had to walk towards him to get to my room.
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As I walked that way he asked me, "You need in here Mom? There's room if you do. ""No honey. " I said, "I'm just getting a little chilled and thought I'd toss my robe on. "
As I entered my room I wanted to slap myself for saying robe, I should have said dressed. Maybe I really didn't want to get dressed after all. I then reached for my full robe and it occurred to me I really didn't want it, so I put on my short dressing robe. No harm in him still seeing a lot of leg I thought.
As I passed the bathroom door he was standing there in all his glory combing his hair and again made no effort to cover himself. I tried to pass by quickly but he stopped me by asking a question, "I'm not so sure any places will still be open with this weather Mom, what are we going to do for dinner?"
I turned and looked at him as I answered, "oh I guess I'll fry us some hamburgers or something, we won't starve. " As I replied he was facing me still combing his hair and it looked like he was becoming aroused. He wasn't hard mind you but there was definitely some swelling there. He just smiled at me and said that'd be fine by him.
I walked away realizing that either he's gotten completely comfortable about us seeing one another or was definitely teasing me. I just wasn't sure which it was or which I'd prefer it to be. I then went into the kitchen to begin preparing some dinner.
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The whole time I did, I made an effort to keep my back turned to John. I was sure my face was flushed and I didn't want him asking why.When I dinner about ready I hollered to John to fix us some drinks. When he came into the kitchen wearing just his boxers. He was very nonchalant and there was no mention of his standing before me nude just a few minutes earlier. He was being so casual about everything that I just couldn't quite figure out if it all meant anything or not. As he fixed our drinks the back of his hand brushed lightly across my ass. I wasn't sure if it was on purpose or an accident but it sent shivers up and down my spine. I completely froze in my tracks for a moment.
As we ate our dinner I kept wondering to myself who was teasing who in this home. Was he doing this deliberately or not? Was my imagination running wild or was he trying to entice me. I really was so unsure about it all and still didn't really know how far I was willing to push the preverbal envelope.
There was one more incident of interest that occurred that evening. I was propped up on my knees on the couch. I wanted to look out the window to see how bad the snow was, and it wasn't looking good.
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We had at least a foot out there and it wasn't slowing down. I told John that he should take a look figuring that he'd look through the other end of the window. Instead though, he came up behind me, put one hand on either of my hips, pressed himself close to me, and looked out over my shoulder.His lips were close to my ear and I could feel his warm breath on my neck. He said nothing off color, in fact only talked about the weather but at the same time he pushed his pelvis into my backside and I could feel his hardness pushing against me. I'm not sure how long he stayed there behind me, it was probably just a minute but it felt like a lifetime. I don't think I took a single breath the whole time and my heart was beating a mile a minute.
He eventually released me and nothing about it was said between us. It was perhaps an hour after that incident that I went to bed for the night. It took me a very long time to fall asleep that night. I had so much running through my mind and yes to be honest, I was downright horny. I allowed myself the pleasure of touching myself and I think I finally drifted off to sleep doing that.
John was still sleeping when I woke up the next morning and I went to the window to look out. I was sort of hopeful that the roads were clear so I could go get some groceries. I felt like I just needed out of there for a little while just to think and clear my head.
One quick look outside though told me that wasn't going to happen. The snow had stopped but it was a real mess out there.I was on my second cup of coffee when John finally got up. He stepped out to say good morning before going into the bathroom to take a leak and there was a very obvious tent at the front of his boxers. He seemed to purposely scratch himself in front of me; like he was trying to draw attention to it and then he went to take his piss.
When he stepped back out into the living room he was completely naked and he still had an erection. Before I could react or say anything he just casually said, "I think I'll grab a shower before I have some breakfast. " And then disappeared back into the bathroom. Once again not closing the door behind him.
As he showered I couldn't get the image of his hard prick out of my mind. I wasn't expecting to see it and it left quite an impression on me. It was about seven inches long and I don't know of any other way to describe it but to say it looked delicious. I found myself moving so I could see him when he stepped out of the shower.
When he was finished showering he stepped out and I really wasn't surprised that he made no effort to cover himself. What did surprise me though was he only briefly toweled himself in there.
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He walked out to the edge of the living room to finish drying himself. I probably should have told him to go cover up but just couldn't bring myself to do anything but stare at him. The way his dick bobbled up and down as he toweled himself had me mesmerized.I must have stared for at least a couple of minutes and then finally I realized I had better do something. I stood up and announced that I was going to take a good long bath. I walked past him and he simply said to me, "Have fun Mom. "
I stepped into the bathroom and took off my robe. I then bent over to start the water and waited till I got it just right and rose up to disrobe and waited for the tub to fill. I was reaching behind me to unclasp my bra when there was a quick knock on the door and then it opened. John stood there, still naked, and told me the news was calling for some more snow that night. Then he just leaned against the doorframe and stood there.
"Did you need something John?" I asked him.
"No" was all he said.
I turned my back to him and took off my bra. Then I shimmied out of my panties and stepped into the tub.
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I settled down into the water and pulled the curtain shut saying, "Bye Hon, see you in a little while. "My nipples were as hard and my pussy was wet. I knew for sure that he wanted me; this was not just a little teasing. He was getting braver and braver and I was doing nothing to stop him; in fact I realized that by never saying or doing anything, I was encouraging him. As I massaged my breasts and teased my nipples I wondered to myself just how far I'd let this go till I'd put on the brakes. It had to stop, didn't it?
I wanted so badly to touch my pussy and bring myself relief; but I just couldn't allow myself. Part of me wouldn't simply because the door was still open and part of me wouldn't because of guilt. I was in such conflict over all of this. I had to admit to myself I wanted to make mad passionate love to John; but at the same time I knew how wrong it was to have these feelings. I wanted to scream, I wanted to cry, and more than anything I wanted to fuck.
When I felt it was time to get out of my bath I stood up and opened the shower curtain and John was watching from the living room. He had a towel wrapped around his waist and wasn't hiding the fact he was watching me. I got such a thrill out of him looking at my naked body. My legs felt wobbly beneath me and I felt like I couldn't breath. My heart was beating harder than it ever had before and it felt like it was in my throat.
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When I was dry I put on a pair of panties and was going to put on a bra but thought to hell with it and just put my dressing robe on. I then walked into the living room and sat across from John. I wasn't sure what should or would happen next but I was filled with anticipation.
When nothing was happening or even being said between us I decided to prepare us some lunch. "Does chicken-noodle-soup sound good to you honey?" I asked him. I knew he wasn't going to say no. He'd rather chew broken glass than actually fix his own meal.
"Sure Mom sounds real good to me. " He then replied.
So off I went to the kitchen and busied myself getting things ready. As I stood in front of the stove and stirred the soup John came into the kitchen. "I think I'll fix some drinks for us while you get that ready. " He said to me and I replied that I thought that would be wonderful.
He had to reach over my shoulder to get the glasses out and seemed to purposely press himself right up against me to do it. I could feel his erect penis pushing against me as he did this and it sent a shiver up and down my spine.
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He was driving me crazy and I think he knew it.I tried to speak but couldn't get any words to come out, all I could say was, "John I, I. " And he just told me to hush.
I then felt something on my shoulders and realized right away it was his towel. He had taken it off and draped it on me. I guess it was his way of quietly letting me know. He then pressed against me again and this time put his hands on my sides.
"I've wanted you for so long Mom, I can't take it any more. " I heard him whisper into my ear. "You make my cock so hard, I've seen how you look at it, I know you want it too. " He added.
As he said this hands slid up and cupped my breasts. He rubbed them all over for a moment then untied the sash on my robe. As he did this I turned my head to him and he brought his mouth to mine and kissed me. As we kissed I turned to face him completely and he began pulling my robe off of me as we did.
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He ran his hand down the length of my arm till he was holing my hand. He then guided my hand to his erect cock and I wrapped my hand around it. I loved how the skin was so soft and I could feel veins bulging out of it. "John we can't do. . . " He stopped me mid sentence with another kiss.
As we kissed passionately John's hands were all over me. On my ass, then on my breasts, and then he slid a hand down my tummy and into the front of my panties. When he felt how wet my pussy was he broke our kiss and said, "Oh God Mom, you're so hot, I knew you wanted this as bad as I do. " I could no longer deny it.
He pushed my panties down and off of me and I stepped out of them. He then crushed himself against me again and held me so tight as we kissed like the lovers we'd become. His tongue was intertwined with mine and nothing else in the world mattered at that moment. It was no longer a question of right and wrong.
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It was simply a matter of love.We broke our kiss and I said to him, "Why don't we go lay down on my bed lover?" and then led him by the cock to my room. We never once stopped touching as we lay down and snuggled together as lovers do. There was no rushing anything, John is a wonderful lover and rushed into nothing.
John was finger fucking me as we kissed and I was so horny that he quickly brought me to an orgasm. "Oh yeah Mom! Cum for me baby, cum all over my hand Mom!" he was saying. I was more than happy to oblige him.
As my first climax subsided he the said, "Mom I really want you to suck my cock, I want to feel it in your mouth. " His voice was almost pleading.
"Yes John, give me that cock, I want to suck it for you. All I could think about since I've seen it is how it'll taste!" I said not believing the words that rolled off of my tongue.
He the knelt before me and offered his cock to my mouth. I let my tongue extend to it and savored my first taste and it was wonderful. I then opened my mouth and slowly took as much of it as I could. I think the way I purred told him how much I liked it and he began to fuck my face.
It was his turn to cum quickly from all the excitement. He cock swelled and he tried to pull it out of my mouth. "Oh no you don't I said, you give it to me in the mouth baby!" I told him, and as I placed my mouth back on his cock I was rewarded with a tremendous load of his man cream. I swallowed every last drop and wondered at the deliciousness of it.
I kept sucking his cock after that; I wanted it hard again so he could fuck me and he knew it. "Yeah Mom, keep sucking it. You love my cock don't you. " Then he added, "Get it hard again Mom, I want to fuck you so bad. " He was fingering my pussy to get it ready the whole time he was saying these things. He knew by both my wetness and groans I wanted exactly the same thing.
Once he was back to his full hardness I was ready to be fucked. Told him, "Fuck me now John, fuck me like you mean it. "
I spread my legs wide and john crawled on top of me. I grabbed his swollen cock and guided it into me. The moment it entered me I felt more satisfied than I ever had in my life.
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He kept telling me how good my pussy felt and I in turn said the same about his cock. He fucked me in the missionary position for about five minutes and then turned me over and entered me doggy style.As he resumed fucking me I felt my orgasm growing. I looked over my shoulder at him and told him, "Yes baby keep fucking me! Keep fucking Momma! I'm going to cum!" and I erupted into a mind shattering orgasm. All I can say is that I my ex used to make me cum some of the time but even when he did it was nothing like this. My entire body was enveloped in it and it felt like it lasted forever. I actually passed out for a moment.
When I regained my senses John was about to shoot his load. I encouraged him by saying, "Go ahead baby, cum in Momma's pussy! Give me your load! I want to feel you cum deep inside of me!"
He unloaded inside of me with grunts and groans that were so loud they could have awakened the dead. Saying over and over again, "Oh fuck! Oh fuck!" he kept pumping me until every last drop of his semen was spent. He then collapsed on top of me and for the longest time in a sweaty heap. We were very quiet for a long time. John was the first to speak saying, "Mom?"
"Yes John?" I replied.
"I love you"
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