Poker and Rape
It was a Saturday night, my dad and his friends were playing poker as they used to for the last year however today there was something different they were 2 new men on the table. As usual i served beer for all men at the beginning before they started playing and I saw the two new men looking to each other then looking with lust at all of my body.
Like any girl i was flattered to see the lust in the eyes of the men and that made me go out to serve them second round of beer however this time i was wearing more revealing shirt showing my boobs and I was with bare feet and my nails polished in dark red color.
After teasing the men I reentered my room with a smile on my face and that time my dad was having a bad night as he lost a huge amount of money and couldn't bet any more. The two men made him a deal they will lend him only in one case if he lose he will pay by. . offering me to them at the beginning dad was mad but they told him they are sorry and he cant forget the money. Dad stayed on the line for couple of games but he surrendered after this and accepted.
I was at my room viewing my face-book account when the door suddenly opened and the two men entered with dad I asked them what they want they replied they only wanna know what I was doing I was afraid now. The lust in their eyes said what they were here to do I looked at mydad bu he didn't look at me. They came to the bed and sit next to me they then told me about the deal they did with dad as i screamed and tried to run they grabbed me from my hands, the first man sat on top of me putting my hands under his knees so i cant move while the other grabbed my feet and started taking my jeans down. At that time dad was just watching when the man commanded him to start licking my feet he moved down and started doing it, i must admit I tried to resist but once my bigger toe was in his mouth I was hot and left my feet for him and concentrated to hit the man on top of me.
Now I was just wearing the shirt and that wasn't going to be for long they started taking my shirt off as the second man slapped my face telling me what a worthless bitch I am.
John(first man): u worthless bitch. .
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u wanted to tease us Sarah didn't you?? huh?!Nader(second man): that bitch must pay. .
and he slapped my face several times
however dad was know going to new position he took his cock out and forcing me for a feetjob. I was crying and begging them to stop. I was nude now
John tried kiss me now but i resisted so Nader had a new idea. They tied me to the bed and Nader went below me but he didnt fuck me yet I just felt his cock touching my ass while John started licking my nipples and had his cock touching my pussy.
John: Hey Adam(my dad) leave that bitch feet and come here gag her
Now my feet had drops of cum over my feet. As soon as they were ready John gave the sign all three started entering me in same time. I moaned and screamed like i never did before i know had three men fucking all my holes and the only thing i can see was my dad balls.
Dad was real monster as i started to gag he didnt give me time to relax. I was fucked for a whole hour and I passed out. . when i woke up none of them was there but my face was covered in cum and my body had no inch of it without hot pee. Although I was crying i must admit i enjoyed it enough that i swallowed the cum knowing one of these drops was of my own dad.
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