My life with uncle-part 8
Topic: Memories - part 8: Sis on the snoopI am 23 now but this story began almost 15 years ago. It is a love story and one that continues today. My uncle (though I barely think of him as uncle now) reads all that I write, helps with editting when his memory is better than mine.
Writing has slowed a little, I'm about half finished with chapter 10. Still many more chapters to go though. This is quite a long part so Doug Clarke might wish to skip it but you should be able to see where the next 5 or 6 parts are heading. Thanks again for the positive feedback, I enjoy the memories that writing this brings and will continue while it is fun and wanted. Uncle and I have learned a few things about each other too by doing last day had been wonderful but I was really excited about next week. I fantasized all the intervening time about uncle and I being completely naked in bed. The day finally came and uncle was waiting for us to return from school once again. I felt so happy that he was so keen to see me. In his room uncle got me to undress him and he didn’t help at all. I fumbled with his buttons and his shoe laces and he made me leave his pants to last. I could see uncle was very hard before I got that far and stroked his cock for a few moments when it was finally out in the open. Uncle stopped me though and began slowly to remove my clothes. I became a bit shy but didn’t want him to stop.
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This was the first time he had seen my naked chest and he said that he loved my little growing buds. Uncle left my panties until last and I wondered if he would touch me when he took them down. But he just commented that my pussy looked even prettier than he remembered before pulling back the bed blankets and telling me to hop in.We cuddled on our sides facing each other and I felt so warm and safe. Uncles’ cock was poking me and could feel wetness wherever it seemed to touch. We kissed and cuddled and touched for some time, uncle asking me many questions about what we had done together over the last few months and seemed delighted that I said I loved everything. Uncle asked if there was anything else I wanted to do that we had not done yet. I asked him about kissing his penis and he said that he would love me to do that one day if I wanted to. I also said that I wanted to have full sex but of course he reminded me again of rule number one. His cock was resting between my thighs again. Because of our height difference it was much lower than my pussy. He reminded me of last time and how his moving between my thighs that way was almost like having sex but I know that he knew that wasn’t overly convincing to me, much as I liked him doing it though. We kissed and told each other how much we loved the other for a long time and I felt very happy.
Eventually we could not ignore uncles’ hardness any more and he asked if I wanted to touch it. He also asked if he could touch me.
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So we held each as close as we could while leaving enough space for me to stroke him and for him to touch my pussy. In time uncle became more and more excited and said that I would make him cum soon and did I want him to. When I said that I did, he rolled me on my back and moved over me, his knees either side of my hips. He had to hunch up a bit for us to carry on kissing and yet allow me to reach his penis while we did so. It felt nice to have uncles’ weight over me and him holding me tighter and tighter as he got closer to cumming. His moaning became louder in my ear and his insistence that I not stop until he exploded and I felt his hot cum splash all the way from my throat, down my chest and belly.Uncle continued to lay over me for the rest of that visit while we kissed and chatted some more. Uncle said that he was going to take sis out somewhere soon and not to worry, that he was doing it because he had been so much time with me and sis was feeling left out.
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I said ok but inside that hint of jealousy surfaced.Uncle took sis out to the wildlife park later that week and he told me what he and sis had discussed on that outing. Sis had asked him if he liked me more than her and uncle had said that he loved us both. Sis then asked him if he had kissed me. It seems that sis had overheard me daydreaming in my room one day about kissing uncle. Uncle said that he had kissed both sis and I often through our lives but sis was insistent asking about what she called wedding kisses. Uncle was a bit upset with me about this and told me that I had to be more careful and not do silly things like that in future. I promised, I did not like that I had made him upset. The worst part of it though was when uncle told me that our meetings would have to slow down to less than once a week.
This discussion all took part the next Tuesday when we were again naked together in his bed. This day was also notable as the first in which I held uncles’ cock in my mouth and got to taste his juices direct from the source. I was quite used to uncles’ smell and taste now so that part was easy but it took a lot of coaxing from uncle and the coordinated use of my hand and mouth together before he grew excited to the point of cumming. When he was about to cum I was in a dilemma, not knowing whether to take his cum in my mouth or not and so in the end got caught half way, his first couple of shots hit my nose and chin before I clamped my mouth over his cock and let the rest squirt into my mouth. Uncle smiled as I swallowed his cum and said that was one of the most beautiful sights he had ever seen, me with his cock in my mouth wanting him to cum. He pulled me up on top of him, hugged me and kissed all the rest of the cum clean from my face.
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Uncle later licked my pussy which I was really beginning to enjoy very much.I enquired again of uncle if we would ever be able to have full sex but uncle always mentioned rule number one. He did say that there was one other way to have sex like that where I could not get pregnant. When I asked him how, he slipped his hand down to my bottom and put the tip of his finger right on my bumhole and just said “there. ” He explained that it would probably be painful too for a start but to think about it. He saw the look on my face and guessed what I was thinking saying that there were ways to make sure it was clean and there was no mess. I must admit the idea did nothing for me at first, was almost abhorrent but over the next few weeks as I thought about uncle laying on me with his penis inside me cumming then the idea grew on me and I wanted to try.
Because of sis’s little chat with uncle he decided that he would take us both out together more often so that sis didn’t feel so left out. I was upset that we were not being alone as often but uncle always reminded me that it had been my lack of care that had led to this. He was right and so I had to put up with it.
One time the three of us were at the park sitting by the stream feeding bread to the ducks. Uncle said he was tired and needed a rest and so sis and I sat either side of him. I should say that sis had been talking about boys, kissing and penises a lot over the period leading up to this and I had been careful to pretend I knew nothing and mostly not even answer her. This day as we sat, sis asked uncle which of us he loved the most and uncle responded that he loved us both the same. Sis then asked if he was to marry one of us, which it would be.
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Uncle explained that uncles and nieces could not marry but sis was insistent so uncle declared he would marry both of us. Sis wasn’t satisfied though and told him he could not marry two girls so had to pick one. Uncle said in that case he could not marry either as he would not want to upset the other one.I just kept quiet through all this conversation listening and wondering where sis was going with it all. Sis asked uncle which one he would want to kiss the most and uncle said both, quickly kissing first sis then me on the cheek. I think uncle had enough of this conversation and got up saying it was time we got going but sis stopped him with a bombshell saying “I want you to kiss me like you kiss Sarah. ” Sis was just guessing or imagining I think but uncle stopped and looked at her. She looked like she was about to burst into tears so uncle picked her up, hugging and soothing her and talked to her as we walked back toward the car. He finally managed to convince her that uncles and nieces did not do things like that and that maybe Sarah was just having silly dreams of what could not happen in real life. I remained silent throughout this entire episode but inside I was very angry at sis.
This experience dampened uncles mood too and our meetings became less and less over the next couple of months. I know he still loved me and wanted me but he was afraid that our secret was close to coming out and what would happen if it did. When we did meet, his mood might have been a bit more suppressed but his penis never was and he would always cum for me in the end, sometimes with my hand, sometimes between my legs and once completely in my mouth. He said that time was the best cum he had ever had and how much he loved me for doing such a special thing for him. Uncle always licked or touched my pussy and my bum too and I was learning to enjoy this more and more.
Because we didn’t see each other much we were always quick to jump into bed and didn’t talk as much until after uncle and I had made love as uncle called it. I liked to hear him say we were making love, it sounded nice to my ears.Months passed where we seemed to only be in uncles’ room about once a month with one or two nights that he babysat a month as well. For once we were to have some good luck and I remember the excitement I felt that day as if was just yesterday. Mum told us that dad had a business trip away and that she was going to go with him as a holiday, that they would have liked to take us but couldn’t. Mum asked which of our friends we would like her to ask to stay with. It was sis who said why could we not just stay at home and uncle look after us. For once I was happy with sis and jumped in as well to say that I would like that best too. I was so happy that even if sis was here I was to have uncle living with me for a week. Mum agreed in the end to ask uncle and I just knew he would say yes.
If I felt happy at that time, I was even happier after mum and uncle had discussed how the holiday would work. Sis was taking dance lessons at the time and the trip was from one weekend to the next. The first weekend, sis had dancing exams and a friends’ birthday party the next day. Mum spoke with the friends’ mother and sis agreed that two nights she would stay with them, the Saturday after dance and the Sunday after the party. So for those two nights it would just be me and uncle at home.
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After sorting out the trip and before going home, uncle asked if I wanted to help him in the lab next Tuesday. We still had some weeks before mum and dad left but I was just overjoyed with the arrangement and couldn’t wait.To be continued . . . . . .
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